Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1977: Hard to beat his fiancée VS big family (12)

Zhang Fei felt that there was some dizziness in his mind, and he was not sober.

But look at the time, the horizon is already bright, he should get up.

The family started very early in the morning.

Zhang Gensheng looked worried about his face. Zhang Feiqiang said with a smile that he was fine.

In such a state, he went to the township test, and the result is naturally conceivable.

Zhang Fei is stinky to go home.

Even Gu Sheng went to greet him and he just returned a cold sentence.

After two days, Gu Shengcai knew that Zhang Fei had been thinking about it in the examination room, and he did not even answer the answer.

Time passed slowly in the leisure of Gu Sheng and the anxiety of Zhang Fei.

When the results of the township test came out, Gu Sheng finally opened the first flower because of the few pots of roses.


Gu Sheng couldn't help but look at his work in detail.

This rose is about one foot high, and its branches are green and green. The leaves are green and light, and the whole person feels refreshed.

On the other side of the blade, a few pink flower buds were quietly set up. One of them was completely bloomed. The pink petals spread out in layers, stretching slowly from the central deep pink to the outermost side. The rest is white, just like a layer of glittering phosphor.

The silky fragrance is scattered indoors, fresh and not greasy, very refreshing.

Gu Sheng is sure that if the potted flower is taken out, it is the most common variety of roses, and no one will believe it at all.

When I was eating at night, Zhang Fei did not come out.

Yuan Shu said that the young man was sulking in the room.

Zhang Gensheng gave him a meal, and the father and the daughter used the meal together.

The town was busy early in the morning, and when it was finished, the days were still dark.

Gu Sheng said to God Zhang Gensheng because of mysterious secrets.

Zhang Gensheng looked at her daughter's baby-like appearance and was very funny. She followed her very well.

Then, I saw a few pots of flowers placed neatly on the window sill.

Zhang Gensheng stunned: "This..."

He dared to look at Gu Sheng because: "This is the kind of rose flower I bought for you?"

Gu Sheng nodded with a smile.

Zhang Gensheng wondered: "Why, the boss fainted, what cherished varieties were sold to me as ordinary seeds?"

But he said that he did not believe it.

The aunts who sell flowers in the town have known each other for many years. She is doing this kind of ordinary flower business.

Because of the precious flowers, there is no one to buy at all in this town.

Zhang Gensheng looked at his daughter and didn't expect it. He thought that his daughter was just raising a play, and he could raise such a good thing!

After all, it is a business person, just a moment, Zhang Gensheng's mind, I came up with an excellent way out.

If the daughter really has this skill...

With such a skill associated with him, he does not have to worry about his daughter having no dependence after leaving.

After thinking about it, he asked: "Hey, if you let the flowers be raised, can you cultivate this?"

As soon as Gu Sheng heard this, she knew that she had thought of going to a long distance.

She quickly said: "I can, I can raise anything."

Zhang Gensheng nodded. "You will continue to raise these pots. You will buy some other seeds tomorrow, and you will have to raise them for a while. I will go to the county to see them. It is said that those big families are I love these things very much."

Gu Sheng has a sigh of relief and has a good deed. It really saves a lot of things.


Cough, first three more, there is a chapter, late.

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