Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 2000: Hard to fight fiancee VS big family (Mhirty-five)

Qi Yixuan once thought that he was afraid that he would struggle in such pain for the rest of his life until the day he passed away.

However, he met Gu Shengyin.

In the eyes of Qi Yuxuan, this mysterious Zhang girl seems to have some special magical power.

She doesn't have to do anything. He just stays at her side quietly, and even can detect the instigation of the body.

And with such a careless attitude, she made a cup of flower tea for him every day, and she succeeded in letting his body heat up and squatting in these days.

Even the irritating and irritable emotions have alleviated a lot.

Qi Yuxuan could not help but be able to completely get rid of this heat, and embraced a deeper expectation.

Gu Sheng knew that his spirit spring water had already worked.

She was relieved even if she had a system guarantee beforehand.

Today is exactly the tenth cup of tea that she gave Qi Qixuan. From tomorrow, the spring water in the tea can be added one more drop.

The second day.

When Qi Yuxuan took the tea cup in her hand, her eyes turned: "Today's flower tea, it seems that something is different?

He looked at the color of the tea, seems to be more than the usual blue?

Gu Sheng whispered "Hmm": "From today, the composition of the tea is a little changed."

Qi Xuan did not say anything, and took the tea cup in his hand.

The palate is as good as ever, and even today's tea seems to have a hint of clear coldness.

From the throat all the way down, it seems like a clear spring water, where he passed by the heat and poison of the internal organs, a refreshing.

Gu Sheng suddenly remembered one thing: "When it is officially started to pull out the drug, it may be a bit painful."

Qi Yuxuan smiled at the disappointment: "Some pains, I am not a person who can't suffer."

He hasn't said this for a long time, and a sharp pain almost made him swallow the tongue directly!

Seeing his sudden pale face, Gu Sheng took him to the next room because of his calm face, let him lie on the soft couch.

"The whole process lasts about half an hour, and you can bear it."

Qi Xiaoxuan has not been able to hear what she said at this moment.

He felt that there was a sharp knife in his body, and he had to dig out the hidden toxins in his body.

The pain of the previous poisonous hairs is nothing compared to this moment.

Gu Sheng looked at his half-eyed eyes and probably guessed that his consciousness was not clear at the moment.

The man has been soaked in cold sweat, but he has to bite his teeth. He is silent and refuses to show his weakness.

Gu Sheng flashed his eyes and took a step forward, grabbing the finger that he held the sheets tightly and forced the knuckles to blue.

The temperature on her body is much more comfortable than the sheets. Qi Xuan’s hands seem to have regained her target, and she immediately gripped her hands.

Strongly to the painful power passed over, Gu Sheng was white for a while, but did not resist.

She bit her lip and gently leaned over and kissed him gently on his hot, but pale lips.

"It will be alright soon..."

I don't know if Qi Yuxuan heard this sentence, and the force that grabbed Gu Sheng was in his hands.

Although still very hard, it does not make her feel uncomfortable.

Eight together, there are two more at ten o'clock in the evening.

Let's take a look at the chapter name, yes, this article is written in Chapter 2000 today!

Excited, sprinkle flowers ^o^

Just ask for a double ticket

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