Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 882: Ancient wear this 鲛 VS strength to be a dead star (23)

Fengcheng pushed away the company's business and worried about Gu Shengyin lying in the pool.

He looked at the delicate smooth scales on her beautiful blue fishtail.

He knows how good the feeling is. He likes to stroking her fishtails, although every time he will be blushing.

Gu Sheng screamed because of some incompetence.

Fengcheng stood on the side with some distress, hating that he could only do it while he could only do it.

“Is it hurt?” He said it was very light, and it seemed that he could relieve the pain of the other person.

"Pain..." Gu Sheng complained because of jealousy.

She is actually not a person who is afraid of pain. She used to be a voice when she was penetrated by a sword.

However, since she came to this body, her whole person has been inexplicably squeamish.

It is said that such things are used to being spoiled, and it is true.

In this world, she has been guarded by Fengcheng since she woke up, and she has never suffered a little bit of grievances.

This time suddenly came to this, the temper that she had been raised in the past two years could not stand.

She just wants to let him know that he really hurts.

Listening to the screaming screaming in the pool, the city has been crying, and Fengcheng simply can't wait to replace her with this pain.

But he can't.

He can only comfort her with soft voice over and over again: "Hey, you can bear it, it will be very soon..."

The entire process of falling off the scales lasted about two hours.

Fengcheng repeated the words of comfort and said it for two hours.

At the end of the day, Gu Sheng was a little embarrassed, and she looked at Fengcheng with her side: "In fact, I am not so painful, you don't want to... don't worry so much."

Where does Fengcheng believe her?

He only smiled at her tenderly.

When the scales completely fell off, Gu Sheng couldn't help but cry out because she only felt a tearing pain coming from the tail.

Fengcheng was shocked. He was planning to look at the above. He only saw a blue fishtail slap the water, ignited a few meters of water, and blocked his sight.

When the water drops, the people in the pool have changed.

The upper body is still her heart, but her beautiful blue fish tail is gone, replaced by two white slender legs.

Gu Sheng only felt that her body was weak and weak. She now wants to rest especially, just want to take a good sleep.

The final consciousness is that the man on the side of the pool has changed his face and swims toward himself.

When Fengcheng looked at Gu Sheng because he closed his eyes and his body began to sink into the water, his heart was full of unknown panic.

He was afraid and afraid of any accidents.

He took the man out of the pool, but fortunately, the heat on her body has returned to normal.

After a careful inspection, Fengcheng determined that the other party was asleep just because he was too tired.

He took a sigh of relief.

Gu Sheng was very satisfied with this sleep.

When I woke up, the body was full of energy and energy, and the whole body was full of vitality.

"Wake up?" came a familiar voice.

Gu Sheng turned around and found himself in the bedroom of Fengcheng. He took a look at the clock in the room and it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Have you slept so long?

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