'Is it really worth to go against the Imperial customs just to chase Yunyu?'

Huang Shu had no answer to that. He was raised for his entire life with the Imperial customs and strict rules. His feeling with Yunyu was intense. It was love at first sight that swept his roots and ideals with a raging storm in his heart.

But Huang Shu still retained his logic. Yunyu's words were so certain. It was a statement that he would never marry someone who would cage him as a good housewife.

Seeing that Huang Shu was dazed right now, Yunyu knew that his plan had worked.

"Alright, Shushu, I still have to help my dad to deliver some stuff. You can eat the rest of the food here, okay?" Yunyu got up from the jute carpet, but Huang Shu caught his hand.

"You're leaving now?"

"Mhm, I still have the stuff to do," Yunyu repeated. He looked down at Huang Shu, whose eyes begged Yunyu to stay a bit longer.

Yunyu sighed and flicked Huang Shu's forehead.


"Shushu, you're older than me. You should realize the importance of familial duty. I need to help my dad."

Bai Yunyu walked away, leaving Huang Shu alone. The Seventh Prince was staring at the lake in silence. He was still thinking about the better way to chase Yunyu.

'Should I follow my heart… or follow the tradition and Imperial customs?'


Yunyu returned to his house to meet his old dad, who was busy arranging the gems in a necklace carefully.

"Dad, you said that you want me to deliver something this evening."

"Ah yes, please deliver that set of jewelry to Duke Xu's house. It's Madam Xu's order."

"Okay," Yunyu took the box that had been prepared by his father, and then he went to Duke Xu's house.

Yunyu chatted with Pupa on his way to the duke.

[Hehe, Pupa, don't you think that my acting is superb when facing Huang Shu before?]

[Pupa: What acting?]

[Aish, I mean, my acting of becoming the strong white lotus ah! I need to make sure that Huang Shu would think about the risk carefully.]

[This is an Ancient China setting. So collectivism and traditional customs are really important. Marrying me, a Ger, to the Imperial family is already an offense that the majority of the harem members wouldn't accept.]

[Now that I added the requirement to be set free, I've eliminated the chance of me getting thrown to the Cold Palace again.]

[I want Huang Shu to understand that marrying me is no easy feat, and I won't heed to an Imperial mandate if Huang Shu dared using that tactic to take me.]

[Pupa: So, you're playing hard to get just to test Huang Shu?]

[It's not really a test. It's just a warning sign. I want to make sure that he understands the risk of marrying me. I'm not as kind as this world's Bai Yunyu. Though, I have no worry about him.]

Pupa wanted to test Yunyu as well. It wanted to know how much Yunyu believed that his plan would work this time.

[Pupa: Why are you so sure that Huang Shu would choose you? You know that his Fatemeter is only 60%.]

[I'm not sure either. But just like what an old saying said, you will meet your red string of fate once in your life. I just hope that Huang Shu will be guided by the red string. Don't worry, Pupa. I know Huang Shu very well, and he will return to me with assurance.]

[Pupa: So optimistic. Speaking of optimistic though, Xu Jiansheng still has that red chain connecting yours and Xu Jiansheng's heart and memories. It's utterly dangerous since we don't know how did he use it.]

[Ah, Jiansheng… I hope he doesn't remember me. Truly, whenever I remembered about him, I keep thinking about him as Aaron Xu.]

[It makes me wonder if he is from the other world as well. Doing quick transmigration with us…]

Bai Yunyu stopped in front of the gate for Duke Xu's big gate. Yunyu told his purpose here, and a servant opened the gate carefully.

The servant guided Yunyu to Madam Xu's courtyard and then allowed him to enter the room.

"Madam Xu, these are the set of jewelry you asked from my dad," Yunyu said while handing the box to Madam Xu.

Madam Xu checked the jewelry from Bai Yunyu, and she nodded full of satisfaction, "Please say thank you to your dad. He is such a talented jeweler. Wait here, okay, I will bring the money and give you some bonus as well."

Madam Xu walked to her room to get the money. Yunyu waited for a while, chatting with Pupa until he noticed a boy, probably around eight years old, who walked back and forth from one room to another inside this courtyard.

[Is that small Xu Jiansheng? What is he doing anyway?]

[Pupa: Yes, he is the small Xu Jiansheng. He is probably curious about you. So he was trying to peek.]

The boy stopped when Yunyu suddenly called him, "Young Master, please come here. You've been wasting your time walking back and forth. Why won't we spend our time chatting instead?"

Xu Jiansheng obediently came towards Yunyu's side. He actually had a question, too, since he had a strange reaction when he saw this man even though this was the first time they met.

He was still eight, but his instinct told him to stay close with this person because he had something missing from him.

Right when they were in close vicinity, a blood chain suddenly created out of thin air between Yunyu's heart and Jiansheng's heart, creating a blood chain between them.

[Pupa: You're going to let him touching that blood chain? What if he recovers his memory?]

[I mean, yeah, there is that probability. But I just want to make sure the Rewind Stone works, since I have a gut feeling that we will need it in the next world as well.]

[Besides, Xu Jiansheng is only eight in this timeline. What can he do even if he returned all his memory? Punch me with his small hands? Hehe~]

"Eh—What is this red chain?" Xu Jiansheng curiously touched the red chain, and the surge of memories invaded his brain.

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