Quick Transmigration Live Broadcast: The Villain Boss is the Female Emperor!

Chapter 940 The Throne of Thorns: Knight, love hard! 60

"You are a smart woman." Merlin praised without hesitation.

He came here tonight not only to see the current queen, but also to do other things. If Her Majesty is smart enough, just obediently do as he says.

Otherwise, he will do it directly.

The only heir to the Kingdom of Camelot is Arthur, who is the king of this country.

The smart woman in front of her, using Arthur's love, easily won the support of the Knights and took control of the entire kingdom.

Merlin stepped aside and sat down, taking off his hood to reveal a young face.

"Am I the first person to see your face? Or is this face also fake?" Chong Ai asked with a smile.

Mei Lin said indifferently: "It's not fake."

"Should I be honored?" Chong Ai said jokingly: "Merlin, the great magician of the Kingdom of Camelot, King Uther, who had a very good friendship with you, couldn't see your face, but now I see it. "

Merlin didn't intend to continue chatting casually, and bluntly opened his mouth to expose: "Morgan Le Fay, you are not King Uther's child."

What he meant was that Chong Ai didn't have the orthodox bloodline to inherit the throne, so she couldn't be queen.

"I know." Chong Ai said calmly.

Merlin frowned and said, "You lied to Arthur."

Everything in the room trembled slightly due to Merlin's magical energy, making tiny noises.

"Master Merlin, you'd better put away your magical energy. The knight at the door heard it coming in. We may not be able to continue talking."

Merlin still frowned, and condemned: "Arthur gave up the throne because he thought you were his sister. Because he has the same blood, he suffered and suffered a lot, but you took advantage of his feelings..."

"Then why didn't you tell him?" Chong Ai said with a sarcastic smile on his lips, "Just tell him that I'm not King Uther's child, wouldn't that be all right?"

Merlin looked at Chong Ai with deep eyes, and said, "I just heard from someone recently that the former queen betrayed the king and had an affair with a knight."

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be when King Uther and Iglein (*Arthur's mother) had an affair."

When the former queen was in poor health, King Uther was indulging in the stimulation of Iglein's affair, so the knight who had admired the queen for a long time shamelessly occupied the queen.

After a period of time, the queen became pregnant. She didn't know that she was pregnant with a knight's child, so she happily told King Uther.

King Uther didn't know about the matter between the queen and the knight. After giving birth to the child, the queen's health became bad. When the knight came again, he was discovered by King Uther, and he executed the knight.

With the death of the queen, the secret has been sealed in the past forever.

A pair of lovers who cheated on each other are both dead.

"No matter what, you are not of the orthodox blood of the royal family." Merlin said in a cold voice, "Arthur is the king, he shouldn't be wandering outside with infamy."

Chong Ai heard Arthur's name, sat up straight and asked, "Do you know where he is?"

Merlin wanted to taunt Chong Ai again, but when he saw the blanket slipping down his round belly, the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

"Are you pregnant?!" He said in amazement.

Merlin was no longer calm and indifferent. He stared incredulously, and said, "How could you be pregnant? Arthur's child? God, are you crazy?"

If someone finds that Her Majesty is pregnant out of wedlock, ministers and nobles will definitely force the Queen to tell whose child it is, and the Queen will be condemned by the people.

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