Quick Transmigration: Male Lead, You’re Overpowered?

Chapter 875: When the drama male actor appeared in the Mary Su world 34

No matter how rough the process.

All in all, the result is to satisfy A Zhao.

As a result, the students from the three provinces who recently tore up the fun have found that the students at the San Ying Middle School next door did not play with them.

Don't say that they are dynamic, they don't come to pick.

Even when they went to their Weibo to pick the thorns, people became Buddhist.

Just ignore you!

The students of the three provinces’ public schools were sensitively found to be wrong.

They think that the people at Shengying Middle School are very embarrassed.


The management of Shengying Middle School is very strict. It is not a student of the school.

Therefore, the interception of intelligence failed.

They naturally don't know that the students of Shengying Middle School are now studying hard every day.

An average of more than 200 IQs is simply open.

Even if the elementary school junior high school was mixed up before, these students asked the tutor to give themselves a mad foundation, and the school took it seriously.

In less than a month, I have already kept up with the teacher’s course.

A Zhao sat in the classroom, just look at it, it is a row of hard work.

She is quite satisfied inside.

Looking over the side, I just found out that the man is watching himself.

Something? She asked with her eyes.

Tang Zhou smiled and whispered in a voice that would not let the people in the front seat hear: "Last night, it’s a pleasure to take a look at Missy."

Azhao looked at him strangely.

The other side's look is open and clear, and there is no meaning of any drama.

He is very calm about the sight of Shang Azhao, showing that he is really simply enjoying the beauty of Missy.

Azhao did not care about him.

Tangzhou’s status quo, smiled and affirmed his inner guess.

- This Miss Wan's lady is far from being as proud and indifferent as she has shown.

She even has a lot more temper than most people.

Why is she pretending to be so proud?

Is it that the identity of Miss Wan’s family is destined to prevent her from being weak?

Tang Zhou felt that he had found the reason.

And there is a big lady like a dimper.

"Missy, do you have a time to laugh and laugh?" he asked suddenly.

A Zhao did not quite understand why he suddenly asked this.

However, she still answered his question very seriously: "Yes."

But I never saw you laughing.

Sure enough, can't you reveal your emotions at will?

Tang Zhou silently did not speak.


A few days later.

The first test of Shengying Middle School.

Azhao got the first place as everyone expected.

But the second is somewhat surprising.

It is not a dream Philippine, but Tang Zhou.

Tangzhou second, Mengfei Sakura third.

Looking at the test papers sent down and the transcripts, Meng Feiying bit his lip, not angry.

She turned her head and stared in the direction of Tangzhou.

Tang Zhou calmly looked back.

Dream Philippine heart: Missy has always had a good impression of this Tangzhou, plus the other party is the same table, near the water tower first month. Now he has taken the second grade of the whole year, and Missy is definitely more unusual for him.

Tang Zhou: The relationship between Meng Feiying and Missy is very good. Missy also personally guided her to study. I must absolutely overwhelm her, in order to take away Missy more attention.

Tang Zhou / Meng Fei Ying: This person is the biggest enemy I have won for Missy.

Azhao is not clear. So, looking at the two people looking back, they are still feeling against the marshmallow: "The man and the woman have a good relationship."

The two are in the mutual hope of each other, and they are even more disrespectful to see each other.

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