Quick Transmigration: Male Lead, You’re Overpowered?

Chapter 877: When the drama male actor appeared in the Marie Su World 36

The place where Missy hosted the dinner was also the place where she lived. The main building in the same manor, a villa that can be described by a palace.

Tang Zhou took his gift to meet Missy.

Today's Azhao is wearing a white veil, her hair is braided with exquisite hair and a wreath made of delicate petals.

Perhaps at home, she is not as cold as the school, or perhaps this dress has neutralized her temperament. In short, Tang Zhou feels that the extra gentleness of Miss Da today has reached a new height.

She personally took over the huge gift box that Tang Zhou handed over, and thanked him warmly.

The dinner has not yet begun, and Azhao, who is a master, is certainly busy.

She greeted each incoming guest, but did not have time to accompany them.

Someone greeted Tang Zhou, who was a classmate.

Now, Tang Zhou is already a popular classmate in the class.

He studied well and had the same black hair as the Missy.

I originally thought that this person's character was so lonely and ordinary that the rich N generations had contacted and found that he actually got along very well.

There is very little real hatred between young people.

A few days with each other, I feel okay, and I can bring people closer to my friends.

Tang Zhou and a few classmates walked slowly, and some people proposed to take a look at the racecourse.

Yes, there is a racecourse in the manor, and Missy is learning horse riding, which is in her own horse farm.

not only that.

The fruits and vegetables she eats are also grown in her own estate.

Tang Zhou looked down all the way and only thought that poverty really limited his imagination.

Turned a corner.

I met an acquaintance.

Dream Philippine.

She is still surrounded by a group of people, no matter where she is, she is dazzling like a princess.

Of course, she is actually a classmate in the class.

Everyone knows each other and the two people gather to become a group of people.

Meng Feiying and Tang Zhou looked at each other and nodded to each other.

There is always a subtle feeling between the two.

It’s not hostile, but it’s not going to go together.

Soon it was a dinner party.

For the feeling of this dinner, Tangzhou has no special feelings other than luxury and exquisiteness.

Until the end of the dinner is over.

He breathed through the terrace and saw Missy.

Tang Zhou was about to go over and say hello, step forward and broaden his horizons, only to realize that there is another person opposite Missy.

"Missy, I like you!"

Oh, say goodbye to Missy. Tang Zhou’s faceless expression. The hand clenched the curtains around him.

Except for the farewell speech that was obviously loud because of excitement, Tang Zhou was not very clear about what the two had said.

But I also want to know that it will definitely not be a happy words.

He tried to identify one and recognized that the person seemed to be a boy of more than 30 students in the exam. He couldn’t help but poison his tongue: "His grades are so bad, how can he say goodbye to Missy?"

A female voice in the ear took over the words: "Yes, and goodbye, no flowers, no sincerity."

Tang Zhou was shocked and the girl behind him was shocked.

The two looked at each other. After two seconds, they turned their faces without expression.

Tang Zhou is picky: "The boy is even shorter than Missy. How do you confess?"

Mengfei Sakura disdains: "Yes, it looks like that, how can you have courage and Missy confession?"

In the end, the two said in unison: "Missy Miss definitely can't see him!"

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