Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1044 Going to Marry the Princess (19)

"Want to know?" Xia Lun said meanly.

Ling Wuwen hummed: "I want to know."



"Okay, okay, I'll tell you~~"

Because Ling Wuyi only asked Xia Lun to tell her Su Qi's identity, don't tell her other things.

In fact, in Ling Wuyi's heart, she wanted Su Qi to tell her in person.

Xia Lun told Ling Wuwen that Su Qi was actually a young master of the hermit clan.

This hermit is good at array formation and poison art.

It's just this hermit, currently there are only Su Qi, Aunt Jiang, the coachman called Uncle Kui who brought Ling Wupin over, and the four bearers named Feng, Yu, Thunder, and Dian respectively.

One family, seven people...

Ling Wu was stunned, okay?

"Why are there only seven people!?" Ling Wuwen asked in surprise.

"Little 55, don't you want to know?"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

If you don't want to know, you don't want to know, Ling Wuyi snorted, don't ask!

From that day on, Ling Wuwen lived in this house called Lichenju.

That day when Ling Wu got off the sedan chair, she saw the courtyard first, and Aunt Jiang said it was the main courtyard, and it was also the courtyard where Su Qi lived.

But Aunt Jiang told Ling Wuwen that Su Qi was too busy, and only came back once or twice.

Ling Wuwen would ask about Su Qi's news every day, about everything big and small.

I don't know if it's because of being too far away from him, so I feel extremely worried.

During the first few days of living here, Ling Wuwen stayed in the yard and didn't go anywhere.

Later, Pinellia, who got used to the environment here, said that she wanted to take Ling Wuwen out for a walk, the outside was beautiful!

Hearing what Pinellia said, Ling Wuwen was also curious and agreed to go out and have a look.

The outside is really beautiful, so beautiful... as if in a fairyland.

When he came, he was sent directly to the main courtyard, and Ling Wuyi didn't even know what the house looked like.

After following Pinellia out of the courtyard, I realized that this house was built on the top of the mountain!

The outside is surrounded by mountains, with emerald peaks.

As soon as you go out, you are on the edge of the cliff. There was a lot of fog, and the cliffs looked bottomless.

The mountain where Ling Wuwen and the others are located is the highest among the mountains, called Lichen Mountain.

Ling Wuxi was a little surprised, the cliff was so steep, how did they spend an hour to climb it that day, when she thought it was very stable? !

"Hahaha~ little 55, you don't know about that~ I have a shortcut!" Xia Lun said proudly seeing the doubts on Ling Wu's face.

Ling Wuyi suddenly realized, it turned out to be the case~ No wonder...

Banxia pulled Ling Wuyi to the other side, pointed to the waterfall there and told Ling Wuwen: "Madam, we came out of the waterfall that day!"

But it's strange, she came up on foot, and she didn't even get wet.

If it wasn't for seeing Uncle Kui coming out of there, Ban Xia wouldn't have believed that people could go straight through the waterfall like that!

Ling Wuxi nodded, indicating that she understood.

Pinellia took Ling Wuwen to see the flower field again, saying that those flowers are used to make poison, and the more beautiful the flower, the more poisonous it is.

Ling Wuwen basically knew those flowers, and knew what kind of poison they could be used to make.

Since coming here, Ban Xia's personality has become much more lively and cheerful, and her whole person is different from when she was in the palace!

She got used to being called by Aunt Jiang and others, and she also started calling Mrs. Ling Wuyi.

Ban Xia kept calling Mrs. Madam, telling her all the interesting and wonderful things here.

Following Ban Xia out for a turn, Ling Wu's mind was not just pretending to be Su Qi, thinking wildly by herself.

In fact, Ling Wuyi wanted to leave here to find Su Qi.

The world outside is in chaos now...

The Southern Kingdom had been destroyed before, leaving three kingdoms.

At present, the Eastern Kingdom and the Western Kingdom are already fighting.

The first to strike was the Eastern Kingdom, which was second only to the Northern Kingdom in terms of financial resources and military strength.

The Northern Kingdom has just changed its ruler, and it is still unstable.

Therefore, the North Kingdom did not participate in the wars between the other two countries.

But Huazheng is also an ambitious person, and quickly reorganizes his troops.

After the two countries are at war, no matter which side wins or loses, it will be greatly damaged.

At that time, he can catch him off guard and send troops directly!

At that time, the world will be unified, and he, Hua Zheng, will be the master of the world!

Su Qi is still the most authoritative father-in-law in the northern palace.

What exactly he wants to do, Ling Wuyi already knows through Xia Lun.

That's why Ling Wuyi wanted to leave here to find Su Qi.

Lichenju and Lichen Mountain, Aunt Jiang said that the names were chosen by Su Qi, which means to stay away from the mundane world.

Su Qi hoped that Aunt Jiang and the others could stay away from the mundane world.

A person who wishes to stay away from the mundane world, but wants to disturb the world......

"Ma'am, it's noon, it's time to go back for lunch." Ban Xia reminded Ling Wu who was staring at the flower field in a daze.

Ling Wuyi came back to her senses, nodded, turned around and went back to the house——

Outside, there was a huge disparity between the Eastern Kingdom and the Western Kingdom, but when the Western Kingdom was on the verge of extinction, the Jedi counterattacked and directly wiped out the Eastern Kingdom!

Afterwards, without warning, the Northern Kingdom set out to attack.

Logically speaking, the Western Kingdom was originally a country that was slightly stronger than the Southern Kingdom, and it took two years to confront the Eastern Kingdom.

The Northern Kingdom only needs to mobilize half of its troops to take over the Western Kingdom, including the entire Eastern Kingdom that the Western Kingdom has just conquered.

This battle was personally led by Huazheng and fought by Yujia himself.

Hua Zheng is a victorious general on the battlefield, known as the god of death.

Everyone thought that Huazheng would return in triumph this time, bringing back the good news of the unification of the world.

But in fact, it's the opposite.

When the Northern Kingdom attacked the Western Kingdom, the Western Kingdom was indeed in a state of dying.

But when the Northern Kingdom attacked the fortress of the Western Kingdom, where it was easy to advance but not retreat, the Western Kingdom jumped up and fought back as if drugged.

It was Su Qi who led the elite troops of the Western Kingdom to attack the Northern Kingdom!

Su Qi's other identity is General Xiguo.

When Hua Zheng saw Su Qi wearing the armor of General Xiguo, his eyeballs almost fell off.

After the surprise, there was anger.

Huazheng knew that he had been tricked, but he was tricked by someone who had been with him for ten years!

For ten years, Hua Zheng really trusted Su Qi.

But I didn't expect that Su Qi...was from the West Country!

Hua Zheng's eyes were red with anger, and he led his troops to fight Su Qi.

Su Qi was good at setting up battle formations and poisoning, and when he used the two he was good at, he beat Hua Zheng to the point where he was powerless.

In the end, there was no other way, Hua Zheng sacrificed more than half of his soldiers, and retreated repeatedly.

Originally, Huazheng wanted to return to the Northland first, after all, if the green hills are left, there is no fear of running out of firewood.

It's just that Su Qi who has been waiting for more than ten years for this day, how could he let Hua Zheng go so easily!

Hua Zheng keeps retreating, while Su Qi keeps approaching with his troops...


The eight hundred and fiftieth monthly ticket plus change.

I forgot to mention that there is a problem with the pinning of the book review area. Lovers need to manually flip through the book reviews developed by Mei, and there are many things that Mei Kai said in the hot review area...

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