Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1071 The girl who committed suicide (17)

Ling Nianchu didn't speak, but looked at Ling Wuyi with more and more fierce eyes.

She held her breath, closed her eyes and yelled with the loudest voice in her life: "Dong—mi—!!"

Fortunately, Ling Wuwen ran fast, and when Ling Nianchu was "lucky", she ran back to her room with lightning speed.

Then, Ling Nianchu washed the dishes that night.

And Ling Wuyi was very sad the next day, and was dragged to go shopping...

There's a reason why Ling Wuyi doesn't want to go shopping with Ling Nianchu!

The reason is that Ling Nianchu has difficulty choosing.

With the same color and the same style, she can hesitate to buy which one is better.

Each time, up to... more than half an hour!

It's fine if it's difficult for me to choose, but I still have to ask Ling Wuyi every time.

Ling Wuwen was very straightforward, directly pointing out what to ask her to buy.

However, Ling Nianchu still hesitated even if he asked.

Will say something similar to Ling Wuyue: "Is this really better?"

Ling Wuwen [Calm]: "Well, this is really better."

Ling Nianchu [Confused]: "But I think that is better..."

Ling Wuwen [Calm]: "Then you can buy that one!"

Ling Nianchu [Confused]: "But I think this one is also good!"

Ling Wuwen [Wo Ren]: "Then you can buy both!!!" It's not short of money!

Ling Nianchu [seriously]: "But it's a waste to buy both, and I think the other ones are pretty good too..."

Ling Wuwen [I can't bear it anymore]: "Ling Nianchu! Are you going to buy it or not?!!!"

Ling Nianchu [Innocent]: "Buy it, but you have to choose it before you buy it~"

... At this point, she has already lost.

Ling Wuyi has encountered such a situation many times, so she is really, really afraid of going shopping with Ling Nianchu!

Ling Wuyi just wanted to pray to God for Ling Nianchu to have a boyfriend, so that next time she could torture others instead of her!

Since being pulled up by Ling Nianchu early in the morning, and then accompanied her to stroll to Brother Sun to finish work... Ling Nianchu still refuses to give up.

It wasn't until Ling Wutian begged for mercy that Ling Nianchu proudly raised his chin, and went back home with grace——

Time passed by at a leisurely pace every day, and Ling Wuyi never contacted Han Yuye once.

And Han Yuye never contacted her.

Ling Wuwen was actually waiting for Han Yuye to contact her first.

It's just that half of the holiday is over, and Han Yuye didn't contact her.

Xia Lun wasn't there either, and Ling Wuyue didn't know what was going on with Han Yuye either.

Ling Nianchu is still very busy and rarely finds time to accompany her.

When two people get along, they quarrel more often, and it's healthier to quarrel...

On this day, Ling Wuwen went to the supermarket to buy vegetables as usual, and then drove home.

Park the car in the parking lot and take the elevator upstairs.

The elevator door opened, and when Ling Wuyi came out, she was stunned when she saw the person standing at the door of her house.

"You...you...you..." You repeated it a few times, but Ling Wuyi didn't understand why.

The person standing at the door chuckled, and the laughter was very hearty: "What? I haven't seen you for more than half a month, so I don't know each other?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head foolishly: "No, I, I'm just a little surprised. Why did you come to J City, Ah Ye?"

That's right, the person who came was Han Yuye who had been waiting for the other party to contact her first!

After not seeing each other for half a month, Han Yuye's complexion improved a lot.

Although still thin and white, but that white is no longer sickly pale, but a little rosy.

Even the pink of the lips is deeper.

He stood there, wearing a camel-colored overcoat, so good-looking that Ling Wuyi couldn't help being a nympho.

"Come and see you! Don't you invite me in?" Han Yuye shrugged and looked at the closed door.

Only then did Ling Wuyi react, went to the door and pressed the password, then opened the door to let Han Yuye in.

Han Yuye walked in and looked at the residences of Ling Wuyue and Ling Nianchu.

"What do you want to drink? Just plain water. How is your body? Are you feeling better?"

Han Yuye walked to the sofa and sat down, looked at Ling Wuwen: "Well, the white water will be fine, and my health is much better."

"The doctor said that it is better than before, and it may be cured!"

Ling Wuxi nodded: "That's good." Then, she turned and went into the kitchen to pour a glass of water for Han Yuye.

Han Yuye took the water glass and looked at Ling Wuwen: "You care about me so much, why don't you contact me? Not even a text message."

Ling Wuxi was stunned for a moment, and said a little shyly, "I thought you were still in the hospital, and I didn't want to disturb you."

"Then let me believe your reason. Haven't eaten lunch yet, do you make lunch yourself?"

But when he saw that Ling Wuyi bought vegetables just now, he should cook them by himself, right?

"Well, do you want to stay and eat?" Ling Wuyi asked casually.

Han Yuye nodded without even thinking about it, obviously he had already planned to eat at Ling Wuyi's place.

Ling Wu can't wait! Use her cooking skills to tie Han Yuye's stomach.

"Then I'm going to cook now, you can do it yourself." Ling Wuyi stood up from the sofa and said to Han Yuye.

Han Yuye asked, "Can I visit here casually?"

"Of course!"

"Is the room okay?"

"Except for the closed door of my aunt's room, you can't enter." Anyway, she has no secrets.

As for Ling Nianchu, of course he should not enter her room, what if he gets mad?

Ling Wuwen went to the kitchen to prepare lunch, Han Yuye got up from the sofa and looked around.

After visiting and visiting, he entered Ling Wu's room.

There are many photos in Ling Wuxi's room, some of her alone, some of her family of three, and some of her and a woman.

Han Yuye, who checked Dongmi's information, was able to tell who was who in the photo.

Pick up a thick photo album on the cabinet, and gently open it to look at it.

The photos are from Dong Mi's childhood.

Every picture is different, but by sixteen, none.

There are still many places in the back of the album, but there is not a single photo.

Han Yuye knew that when she was sixteen, Dongmi's parents died unexpectedly.

From then on, Dong Mi became rebellious.

The seventeen-year-old Dong Mi suddenly seemed to have figured it out again.

She stopped being rebellious and became a good student, and her grades were always among the best in school.

In fact, what Han Yuye wanted to know was, what did Ling Wuyue give him to drink that day to make his health better?

Han Yuye asked the attending doctor to check if there was anything strange in his body.

But the attending doctor did a general examination on him and also checked his blood.

As a result, there was no problem at all.

What is bad in the body cannot be detected, and neither is what is good.

But he clearly felt that Ling Wuyue was giving him something with his mouth, it couldn't be saliva, could it? !

So regardless of Han Yuye's visit this time, besides seeing Ling Wuyue, he also wants to ask her...

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