Ling Wuwen knew that Ling Nianchu was sincerely treating her well.

Although it is indeed a bit of a poisonous tongue... well, it is quite a poisonous tongue.

But in terms of material, she will always be infinitely satisfied with Ling Wu.

Even if Ling Nianchu scolded her for how much she spent and said how many times she would freeze her card, which time was it really frozen?

Maybe it's because of his personality, Ling Nianchu cares about Dongmi, but he is not good at expressing it.

Ling Nianchu actually sees the current situation very clearly.

Unless Ling Wuyi is willing to leave Han Yuye herself.

Or, Han Yuye is willing to leave Ling Wuyue himself.

Otherwise, with Ling Nianchu, the little president, there is no way to stop the two of them!

After all, the power of the Han family is too great!

Ling Nianchu doesn't have the slightest weight in the Han family that can make the president courteous.

Ling Wuwen walked up to Ling Nianchu and hugged her, patted her on the shoulder: "I know, I'm an adult, I understand many things."

"Don't worry! With Ah Ye, I can guarantee that I will never put myself in danger!"

It's dangerous, someone needs to move her!

Under normal circumstances, Lingwu Nie can still guarantee her own safety.

After doing ideological work with Ling Nianchu for a long time, Ling Nianchu slept directly in Ling Wuyi's dormitory that night.

When Ling Nianchu left the next day, he still disagreed with Li Lingwu and Han Yuye being together.

Although her attitude is not as firm as before...

But when she wanted to persuade Ling Wuyi again, Bai Hua came!

"What are you doing here?" Ling Nianchu looked at Bai Hua's expression not very pretty.

Although she and Bai Hua became 'friends', it was because Bai Hua said that she could take care of Ling Wu at school.

Perhaps Ling Wuyi didn't even think that this is how Bai Hua and Ling Nianchu became friends.

"I'm here to accompany have breakfast with classmate Dongmi! I know there is a good breakfast restaurant outside the school, shall we go together?"

Bai Hua looked at Ling Nianchu with a smile, that positive energy... Anyway, Ling Wuyi couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Yo~ Don't you always eat the food in the cafeteria?" Ling Nianchu replied.

She remembered that Bai Hua said that she always ate canteen meals during her four years in college and when she was teaching at University A.

Bai Hua was stunned for a moment, then said with a smirk, "I didn't expect you to remember what I told you...I don't eat in the cafeteria every day, I also change my taste occasionally."

Ling Nianchu curled her lips, thinking that since he told her that Ling Wuyi and Han Yuye were dating, let's have breakfast together.

Just said: "Then it's hard to do it..."

Ling Wuxi on the side quickly interjected and said: "I have class later, so I won't go, you go, you go!" While speaking, she kept giving Bai Hua winks.

Bai Hua actually understood this time, and quickly gave Ling Wuyue a wink: "Oh, that's fine, don't worry about Dongmi, I will take your aunt home safely after I have breakfast with you!"

Ling Wuxi patted Bai Hua's shoulder: "Then please trouble Professor Bai!" After speaking quickly, she ran away, completely ignoring Ling Nianchu's call behind her.

She could tell that Bai Hua was really a persevering person.

Maybe he and Ling Nianchu can really make it!

If they were really together, she and Xi Ziqiu would feel relieved when they left this world.

Don't worry, after she leaves, there will be someone willing to listen to Ling Nianchu's poisonous tongue, listen to her duplicity, and treat her well...

Ling Wuwen really planned to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, but before she got to the cafeteria, she saw Han Yuye's car.

And Han Yuye was holding a white rose and standing beside the car.

Ling Wuyi paused, then grinned, and trotted to Han Yuye.

"Good morning!" Han Yuye gave the white rose in his hand to Ling Wuyi: "I hope you like it!"

Ling Wuwen took the flowers with a smile, and smelled the fragrance gently: "I like it very much, thank you!"

"As long as you like it, get in the car and take you somewhere!"

Saying that, Han Yuye personally opened the back seat door for Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuwen didn't refuse, she bent down and stepped into the car.

Han Yuye also got into the car, and then handed her sandwiches and milk: "The destination is a bit far away, so eat something to fill your belly."

"Far? How far?" Ling Wuwen asked curiously.

"Well, it's about a three-hour drive." Han Yuye said.

"So long? Where are you going?"

Three hours? ! Wouldn't it take six hours to go back and forth!

She still has class in the morning...

Han Yuye hooked his lips and smiled mysteriously: "Secret!"

Ling Wuyi shrugged nonchalantly, keep it a secret.

Anyway, today's class is not too important. In comparison, Han Yuye is more important!

Along the way, Han Yuye was chatting with Ling Wuying.

They talked about everything, but they didn't talk about Ling Nianchu's visit to the Han residence yesterday.

Han Yuye didn't mention it, and Ling Wuwen didn't take the initiative to mention it either.

What are you talking about? Are you saying that Ling Nianchu is against them being together?

Ling Wuyi believed that Han Yuye didn't mention it because he had already seen it.

It can be seen that Ling Nianchu does not want Ling Wuyi and Han Yuye to be together.

So it's better not to mention this kind of thing.

Unless, Han Yuye proposed——

After a three-hour drive, Ling Wuwen and Han Yuye finally arrived at their destination.

Ling Wuwen thought that Han Yuye was going to take her somewhere, but it turned out to be a small villa.

But this villa is very beautiful, a bit like a dream!

Following Han Yuye into the villa, they only saw a few servants working separately, and there seemed to be no bodyguards or anything.

But Ling Wuxi was keenly aware that there were monitoring and security systems installed everywhere in the villa, and there were many bodyguards guarding in the dark.

So it seems that there are few people here, but there are many people.

"I haven't been here for a long time." Han Yuye said softly as he led Ling Wuwen down the path of the manor.

There was a different feeling in that tone.

Ling Wuyi didn't speak, because she heard what Han Yuye meant, and wanted to say something to her.

Sure enough, Han Yuye said slowly: "Before I was seven years old, I often lived here because the air here is better. ... It is relatively safe."

"At that time, my mother was still alive."

"Later...after the age of seven...I never came here again."

Ling Wuyi lowered her head and looked at the hands she and Han Yuye held.

Although it wasn't obvious, Ling Wu could still feel him trembling.

Maybe it's because of sadness? Or maybe it was out of anger?

But soon, Han Yuye recovered.

He turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen, and asked her: "After we get married, will we live here, okay?"

Ling Wuyi opened her mouth in surprise, her favorability was still at 90 points, she didn't expect that Han Yuye had already thought about their future.

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