Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1082 The girl who committed suicide (28)

That day, Ling Wuwen and Han Yuye first took a photo of a costume.

After that, I went to the temporary changing shed set up on the beach to change clothes. There were two changing sheds, Ling Wuwen went to one of them, and Han Yuye went to the other of course.

As soon as he entered, the assistant who helped Ling Wuxi change clothes said that the outfit he was going to wear later was missing in the car and forgot to take it.

Ling Wuwen sat on the chair and waited for the assistant to pick it up.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Ling Wuyi heard the curtain of the tent being opened, she stood up and looked back.

It turned out to be right on the black muzzle...

It was a strange young man who pointed a gun at Ling Wu's head.

Ling Wuyi didn't act rashly, the first thought in her heart was not whether she would be caught by the other party's gun, but Han Yuye who was next door to her!

It would be fine if these people wanted to kidnap her to threaten Han Yuye.

But what if he wanted to kill her and Han Yuye directly? !

"Who are you?" Ling Wuwen asked with a bit of panic.

Before the other party could speak, another man came in outside.

But this man didn't have a gun in his hand, so he walked towards Ling Wuwen directly.

He covered Ling Wu's mouth and nose with a white handkerchief, and when Ling Wu was about to subdue the two people in front of him, the man with the gun asked the other, "Where's Han Yuye?"

"It's already been brought into the car!" The man who covered Ling Wu's mouth and nose with a handkerchief replied.

Han Yuye was taken away? !

Ling Wuxi closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious, and then allowed herself to be carried away.

Xia Lun, who was just about to go to the Plane Association, suddenly received a call from Ling Wu, and quickly answered it.

"Little 55, did something happen?"

"Han Yuye and I were kidnapped, hurry back to the Plane Association!"

"Okay, I'll go back now!" While speaking, Xia Lun had already boarded his hover car and rushed back towards the Plane Association.

Ling Wuyi was also taken into the car, the light in the car was very dark, she opened her eyes and looked around.

Han Yuye was beside her, his hands and feet were tied, his mouth was also sealed, and his eyes were closed.

These people actually gave Han Yuye medicine!

Really, fortunately, Han Yuye's body is already as healthy as ordinary people!

Ling Wuwen didn't know why they were taken away without anyone finding out.

But even if it is not discovered for a short time, it cannot be too long.

It's not that Ling Wuyi can't get rid of the five villains in the car, but she wants to get rid of...even the messenger behind the scenes!

If the guess is correct, the person who instigated the kidnapping of her and Han Yuye should be He Zhiming, who was released from prison for half a year.

He Zhiming...

The person who caused Dong Mi to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

Ling Wuyi thought that Dong Mi's suicide could be considered her own doing, so if He Zhiming did not interfere with her, she didn't have to do anything to He Zhiming.

But he wanted to kidnap Han Yuye again and again, so he couldn't bear it!

Since you can't bear it, then...let's deal with him.

Ling Wuwen kept counting the time in her mind, and after about an hour, the car finally stopped.

Ling Wuyi and Han Yuye were carried out of the car and carried into a very familiar villa, which she saw from the corner of her eye.

This place turned out to be the villa where Han Yuye lived before he was seven years old!

Xia Lun had already arrived at the Plane Association at this time, and then checked Ling Wu's current situation.

"Little 55, it's He Zhiming." Xia Lun told Ling Wuyi.

"Thank you for letting me know, but I already know." Ling Wuyi had already been carried into the living room of the villa at this time, and saw He Zhiming sitting on the sofa.

Xia Lun smiled awkwardly and said, "I just returned to the equipment room~ By the way, why are you dressed like this?"

Xia Lun saw that Ling Wuwen was wearing a wedding dress, with makeup on her face, and she looked different from usual.

"Taking wedding photos with Han Yuye." Ling Wuyi said.

Fortunately, she was wearing a long wedding dress, otherwise she would have been taken away by someone just now.

"Wow~ I just fell asleep unexpectedly, little 55, you have already taken care of the sick man and grown up!"

"He is not a sick child now! He is very healthy!"

"Xiao Lunlun! I didn't ask you to come back for small talk!" In this situation, is it suitable for small talk?

"Oh~ Yes, Master Little 5, please order!"

"Now go and see Father Han and see what's going on."

While communicating with Xia Lun, Ling Wuyi opened her eyes and looked at He Zhiming.

He Zhiming didn't expect that Ling Wuyue would wake up so soon, and Han Yuye who was beside him didn't wake up!

"Dongmi, isn't it?" He Zhiming evoked a wicked smile, leaning over to look at the catkin lying on the ground.

Those people knew that Ling Wuxi was very skilled, so they tied her hands, but her feet were not tied.

Ling Wuxi sat up with her elbows propped up, and looked at He Zhiming.

As in Dong Mi's memory, although He Zhiming's appearance is also very handsome, there is an evil spirit in his bones.

It's different from Han's father, who is clearly a black man, but looks like he should be a white man.

He Zhiming's intentions are extremely dishonest.

Compared with Jing Kai, He Zhiming's temperament is completely opposite to him.

Jing Kai is light and hope, while He Zhiming is endless darkness and despair!

Perhaps this is also the reason why Dong Mi fell in love with Jing Kai after becoming He Zhiming's mistress.

"Who are you?" Ling Wuwen first turned to look at Han Yuye who was lying unconscious on the ground, and then asked He Zhiming.

"My name is He Zhiming, have you heard of it?"

"A second-rate gang leader? I heard that you have just been released from prison not long ago."

Ling Wuwen was very calm, and what he said could choke He Zhiming to death.

His facial nerves twitched, and he managed to maintain a smile on his face.

He glanced at Han Yuye next to him, reached out to pick up the red wine glass on the tea table, and poured it directly on Han Yuye's face.

"He Zhiming!!" Ling Wuwen scolded coldly.

sister! He actually poured red wine on Han Yuye!

He Zhiming shrugged, and smiled indifferently: "I'm helping you wake up Young Master Han!"

Sure enough, when a glass of red wine was splashed on Han Yuye's face, Han Yuye woke up.

He frowned, looking uncomfortable.

Ling Wuwen moved her knees to approach Han Yuye, and looked at him with concern: "Aye, are you okay?"

Only then did Han Yuye see Ling Wuwen and where they were.

Han Yuye is more familiar with this place than Ling Wuyue.

"Ami, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Ling Wuwen leaned close to Han Yuye's ear and said quickly, "No matter what happens later, don't worry about me!"

Her voice was so soft that only Han Yuye could hear it.

Even He Zhiming on the side just thought that leaning over Han Yuye's ear was just kissing his ear.

He stretched out his hand, forcibly lifted Ling Wu's chin, and said with a smile, "Tsk~ A woman who can fascinate Young Master Han so much that he must marry her is really good."

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