Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1115 Tampered Volunteer (1)

In fact, Xi Ziqiu was unwilling when Ling Wuwen wanted to leave that world with Xi Ziqiu.

He enjoyed the time with Ling Wuwen very much, so he was not very willing to leave as soon as he recovered his memory.

But Ling Wujin wanted to collect Xi Ziqiu's brainwaves as soon as possible, just rest for a while when tired, there's no need to stay in every world for so long——

After leaving, Ling Wuwen directly entered the next novel world.

As soon as I entered, the vulnerability alarm sounded.

Ling Wu raised her eyebrows. It's been a long time since I encountered a loophole. I don't know if it's a big loophole or a small loophole this time?

First, I opened my eyes and looked at the environment I was in. It was a very ordinary room.

The room is quite small, with a small wardrobe with two doors and a writing desk.

I was lying on the bed, the sky outside was bright, and golden sunlight came in through the window that was not equipped with anti-theft nets.

Judging by the color, it should be dusk.

A small fan beside the bed was working hard, but there was not much wind.

Just as Ling Wuxi was about to receive the memory, there was a sudden knock on the closed door.

"Ningling, mom has put rice on the table for you, get up and eat when you're hungry, and your dad and I went to set up a stall."

The voice outside sounded like a middle-aged woman's voice, very gentle and cautious.

Just as Ling Wuqian was about to respond, she heard footsteps leaving.

Now that they've all left, there's no need to respond.

Ling Wuyi raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead, and looked at her personal platform first before receiving the memory.

Restorer: Ling Wu

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Accumulated Perfection Points: 8

Interstellar currency: 10100

Backpack: Headache gone x 2

Psychedelic × 3 times

Gold Finger: Permanently designated character location searcher (limited to three times per world, each time no more than ten minutes)

Permanent vulnerability crisis alarm (every time a vulnerability occurs in the world, an alarm will be automatically issued)

Protagonist halo see-through eyes (you can see the hero or heroine who has the protagonist aura)

Mind reading (can read people's inner thoughts, each world can only be used three times, each time can only target one person, and each time can only last for one hour)

Seeing that there were still two headache medicines left, Ling Wuyi remembered that Xi Ziqiu's body had never been given medicine in the last world.

In this world, there should be Ma Ziqiu's brainwaves.

If he just entered the loophole world alone for maintenance, Xia Lun should have told Ling Wuxi in advance.

So this world is only maintained by the way.

After looking at the personal platform, Ling Wuyi accepted the memory of the body.

As Ling Wuyi thought, this time there is the memory of the body, but there is no plot.

Even the names of the hero and heroine were not mentioned——

Sun Ning, eighteen years old, is a girl who just finished the college entrance examination.

Although Sun Ning lives in Beijing, a first-tier city, she is a poor person in the city.

Sun Ning is the only child in the family. In order to give her daughter a better life, her grandparents took Sun Ning away from her hometown and set up a barbecue stall in Beijing.

The consumption in Beijing is high, and the grandparents can't earn much money from setting up a barbecue stall for a month, barely covering all the expenses of the family.

In order to reduce the burden on her family, Sun Ning has been studying very hard, and gets a scholarship from the school every year.

Before the college entrance examination, Sun Ning filled out her volunteers, and her first choice was an aristocratic school in U City: Shengning University.

The reason why it is called a noble school is because the students in it are very background.

Either rich or powerful.

It is almost impossible for children from ordinary families to enter.

Sun Ning studied in Beijing No. 1 Middle School because of her good grades.

And this year, Sheng Ning University will admit three places in the No. 1 Middle School in Beijing, which will be free of tuition, books and accommodation for four years.

However, the requirement is that you need to reach a certain score, and then you will be selected among the top three with the best scores in the school.

The head teacher told Sun Ning that she should be able to get this spot based on her grades.

With the encouragement of the class teacher, Sun Ning filled in Shengning University as her first choice.

A week after the college entrance examination, Sun Ning's anxiously awaited results finally came out.

Sun Ning was very happy to see that her score had exceeded the score line required by Shengning University.

Not only that, she is ranked second in the school!

Even if there are three places, she can still be admitted in the second place.

Full of joy, Sun Ning has been waiting for the admission letter from Shengning University.

I just didn't expect...

Just half a month before Ling Wuyi came to this world, the admission letter of Shengning University came down.

But Sun Ning, who was ranked second in the school, did not receive the admission notice!

Sun Ning was very surprised by this.

She clearly passed the required score, why wasn't she admitted?

Sun Ning really doesn't understand this point...

Only later, Sun Ning knew the reason.

Sun Ning has a good friend who has been in the same class from junior high school to high school: Ling Wuyi.

Regarding this name, Ling Wuwen said that she was unable to make complaints about it.

Ling Wuyi, Ling Wuyi...

This homonym was so harmonious that Ling Wuwen felt like calling her own name.

Just because the names are similar, it doesn't mean that Ling Wuyi and Ling Wuyi have similar personalities.

Sun Ning and Ling Wuyi had known each other for six years. At that time, Sun Ning and her grandparents had just arrived in Beijing and moved into this urban village which was regarded as a slum area.

The one who lives opposite Sun Ning is Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi's family background is not very good, but compared with Sun Ning, it is much better.

Because Ling Wuyi's family moved out after living here for three years, and moved to a better place.

And Ling Wuyi's father opened a small fast food restaurant, and the business was not bad.

At least, it's much better than the barbecue stand of grandparents.

However, Ling Wuyi's family moved away, which did not affect the friendship between Sun Ning and Ling Wuyi, after all, they could meet each other at school every day.

The number of six years is really not short.

Sun Ning and Ling Wuyi can be said to be best friends who talk about everything, and they will share any secrets.

This includes volunteering.

Sun Ning and Ling Wuyi's grades are similar, they are both the better ones.

In this college entrance examination, Ling Wuyi's score also passed the score requirement of Shengning University.

But in the school rankings, Ling Wuyi was ranked third.

Both Ling Wuyi and Sun Ning filled out their volunteers at Shengning University. Ling Wuyi received the admission notice, but Sun Ning did not receive it!

Sun Ning, who had been sad for a few days, decided to ask the head teacher, but the head teacher checked, and someone tampered with Sun Ning's volunteers twice.

But both the admission ticket and the password are with Sun Ning. Sun Ning will not change it herself, nor can anyone else change it!

Sun Ning suddenly remembered that Ling Wuyi was by her side when she filled out the application form!

She couldn't believe it and ran to question Ling Wuyi. After Ling Wuyi denied it again and again, she finally admitted that it was her intention to tamper with Sun Ning.


The 300th monthly ticket plus update!

(This story is inspired by the Qingdao college entrance examination candidate who was secretly changed by a close friend a few days ago, but the content is purely fictitious.)

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