Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1134 Tampered Will (Twenty)

She also thought that Gu Huatian was a big shot, so he would not be so stingy to target her, a little girl who is not yet twenty years old.

However, it turned out that Gu Huatian really wanted Ling Wuyi to change his name.

When the three days were up, Gu Huatian asked his assistant to deliver Ling Wuyixin's ID card, household registration booklet and student ID card to her classroom in front of the whole class.

The name written on all the certificates is Ling Alu!

Gu Huatian also specifically told the assistant to convey a sentence: "If someone still calls Ling Alu student Ling Wuyi even though she knows that her name has changed, then you must be mentally prepared."

As for what kind of psychological preparation, even if Gu Huatian didn't ask his assistant to explain clearly, it was enough to scare those people to the point of peeing!

From then on, Ling Wuyi became Ling Alu, and no one dared to call her Ling Wuyi.

Because of this name, Ling Alu cried for a long time.

Isn't it okay if she regrets it! Can't she change it?

So, Ling Alu asked for leave and left Shengning University, and wanted to go back and change her name, at worst she would not be called Ling Wuyi.

But Gu Huatian has already made up his mind to let her be called Ling Alu, and there is no way to change it.

After seeing Gu Huatian's methods, Ling Alu got scared.

But for Ling Wuwen, she can no longer describe it as envy, jealousy or hatred.

Why? ! Obviously she looks so much prettier than Ling Wuwen, but Gu Huatian likes her!

Why? ! Why was Ling Wuwen so lucky to be favored by the two members of the Gu family? !

Ling, who had a bad mentality... Ah Lu, at this very moment, already wants to spend her whole life ruining Ling Wu's reputation!

She was waiting, waiting for a good opportunity, and then gave Ling Wuxi a fatal blow.

As everyone knows, Ling Wuwen is also waiting, waiting for an opportunity to make Ling Alu bind herself——

Ling Alu hadn't waited for the chance to give Ling Wuyue a fatal blow, Ling Wuyue had already waited for the chance for her to bind herself in a cocoon.

Every year, Shengning University organizes a spring outing.

Students will have a list of destinations to choose from, and where they want to go, they can sign up.

Ling Wuwen chose to go to a resort in city A that was said to be haunted.

Gu Jiaqi also thought that place seemed very interesting, so he took Lin Sirui to sign up together.

The reason why Ling Wuwen chose to go there was not to see ghosts, but because she knew through Xia Lun that Ling Alu would also go there.

Not only Ling Alu will go, but her three boyfriends will also go.

Just three, not all.

As far as Ling Wuyi knows, Ling Alu wanders among at least seven or eight 'boyfriends'.

Of these, five are on-campus and several are off-campus.

Ling Alu is also really good, let alone the ones outside the school, the five inside the school can do it without even knowing they were cheated on.

Hehe...but this time.

Ling Wuwen wants Ling Alu, it's over~!


The time for the trip was fixed, and she called Ling Wuxi almost every day. Gu Huatian, who met twice a week, knew that she was going to City A.

Gu Huatian originally didn't want Ling Wuyi to go, after all, City A is a little far from City U.

But fortunately, it's only a week, and I can still talk on the phone every day.

Originally, Gu Huatian was the one who put his own wishes first, but the more he got along with Ling Wuwen, the more he got used to putting Ling Wuwen's wishes first.

It was a strange feeling, but he didn't resist it at all.

Since he enjoys the process, so be it!

The night before departure, Gu Huatian had a phone call with Ling Wuyi as usual, talking a lot until Ling Wuyi hung up the call impatiently.

Hearing the 'beep beep' sound from the other end of the phone, Gu Huatian shook his head helplessly.

When she grows up so big, she will be impatient to listen to him, and even hang up on his phone directly. Ling Wuwen was the first and only one.

City A...Junyi Resort...

After thinking about it, Gu Huatian called his secretary and said that he was going to the Junyi Resort in City A, and he would take care of the company's affairs for the time being.

Of course, if you encounter urgent and important problems, you can contact him.

Other times, contacting him = you can fuck off!

The secretary wanted to cry, but didn't dare...

Then the next day, when Ling Wuyi boarded the plane, she realized that the person sitting next to her was Gu Huatian! ! !

"Why are you here?" Ling Wuwen asked him in a low voice.

Gu Huatian didn't wear a suit today, but a casual outfit, and his hair was not meticulous.

A pair of sunglasses to match his smiling face.

If you don't pay attention, no one really associates this handsome guy with Gu Huatian.

But Ling Wuwen recognized Gu Huatian at a glance.

Gu Huatian took off his sunglasses and looked at Ling Wuyi with a smile: "Come to go out with you in the spring!" That tone was too calm.

Gu Jiaqi, who boarded the plane behind, also saw Gu Huatian, and almost couldn't believe his eyes: "Brother! Why are you here?"

Gu Huatian didn't answer right away, but glanced at Lin Sirui who was standing behind Gu Jiaqi.

Lin Sirui nodded to Gu Huatian as a greeting.

Gu Huatian also nodded slightly, for Lin Sirui, he thinks he is a talent.

He always thought that instead of finding a man from those aristocratic families to marry Gu Jiaqi, it would be better for her to find someone she likes and who can be cultivated from an ordinary background.

However, Lin Sirui is not from an ordinary background.

His background is not ordinary at all...

"What? You can go to City A, but I can't?" Gu Huatian raised his eyebrows and said to Gu Jiaqi.

Gu Jiaqi glanced knowingly at Ling Wuyue, who was sitting next to Gu Huatian, with a not-so-beautiful expression.

"Oh~~~ Yes, yes, you are the boss, you can go wherever you want~" Gu Jiaqi said with a smile, and winked at Gu Huatian.

After that, Gu Jiaqi pulled Lin Sirui to sit in his seat.

This time, there were only fifteen students including Ling Wuyi who went to the Junyi Resort in City A.

Because they are all adults, there is no teacher to lead them.

But among them, a captain was chosen to take the lead.

The captain is Gu Jiaqi.

There are sixteen seats in the first class, and Gu Huatian has just filled the first class.

Ling Wuwen sat next to Gu Huatian, wearing a blindfold and getting ready to sleep.

For Gu Huatian's appearance, Ling Wuyi was a little unhappy at first, after all, she wanted to plot against Ling Alu.

What if Gu Huatian also goes there, disrupting her plan?

But after thinking about it, she just went, anyway, in seven days, she could always count on Ling Alu.

Ling Wuwen, who was wearing a blindfold, felt that Gu Huatian had covered her with a blanket, and then lowered the seat a little.

As soon as her hands warmed up, it was obvious that Gu Huatian wrapped her hands into his palms.

Then, Gu Huatian put on the blindfold and prepared to go to bed just like Ling Wuyi.


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