Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1148: The Girl Who Caught a Ghost (4)

So as long as you don't encounter ghosts that can directly cause personal safety, Ling Wuyi is really not afraid!

After waiting for about half an hour, Mother Ye came back.

There was also a nurse who came to the ward together.

Seeing the mean-looking nurse approaching, the fierce old woman ghost hurriedly hid as if frightened.

Ling Wuwen raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

The nurse pulled out the needle for Ling Wu, but she acted so rudely that she bled from the eye of the needle!

Ling Wuxi took a breath of cold air, and suddenly became angry when she saw the nurse who was still indifferent.

She covered her needle eye and sat up from the hospital bed.

Mother Ye squatted on the ground to put on Ling Wu's shoes, and then helped her get out of bed.

The nurse didn't even say hello to Mother Ye or Ling Wu, and just took the used IV bottle and planned to leave.

Ling Wuxi called to stop her: "Sister Nurse!"

Seeing that Ling Wuwen's voice was quite sweet, the nurse turned her head.

Ling Wuxi asked her with a smile on her face: "Before I lived in this ward, was there a short and thin old lady living here?"

The nurse frowned, although she wondered why Ling Wuyi would ask such a question suddenly, but there was indeed an old woman living there before.

Also, live for a long time.

The nurse nodded, and before she could speak, Ling Wuwen laughed even more happily.

Ling Wuwen said: "I knew it because I saw her. She told me that you treated her badly, and she will always follow you! Now she is behind you~"

The nurse was startled and quickly turned around to look.

In the end, of course, nothing was seen, let alone the ghost of the old woman was not behind the nurse. Even if it is really there, the nurse may not necessarily see it.

But when Ling Wuyi said that, the nurse was terrified.

He glared at Ling Wuyue angrily, cursed: "You're sick!" and ran out of the ward as if fleeing.

The speed was so fast that Mother Ye, who wanted to scold someone, didn't have time to scold.

But when her daughter was scolded, Mother Ye was very angry and said: "I must complain to that nurse later, what kind of quality!"

However, Mother Ye took a look at Ling Wuyi: "You child, how can you scare people!"

Ling Wuwen just smiled and didn't speak.

Anyway, if she told Mother Ye that she really saw the old ghost, Mother Ye might not believe it.

Before leaving the ward with Mother Ye, Ling Wuwen turned her head and looked in.

The old woman ghost sat on the bed, still staring fiercely at Ling Wuwen: "My bed!"

Ling Wuwen rolled her eyes, it's just a broken hospital bed, and it's still a treasure!


Back home, mother Ye helped Ling Wuwen back to bed and lay down, and asked Ling Wuwen what he wanted to eat.

Ling Wuxi opened her mouth, and before she could say anything, Mother Ye spoke first.

"The doctor said that you have gastritis, so you must eat less and more meals, and eat more light and avoid spicy food. Then mother will cook porridge for you?"

Hearing that Mother Ye said that she would cook porridge for her herself, Ling Wuyi just wanted to beg for mercy.

Quickly said: "It's better to order takeaway, the takeaway porridge is also delicious!"

God knows, Mother Ye has always been a dark cook!

Can I eat the porridge she cooks?

Oh no, are you sure she won't go to the hospital again after eating it?

Mother Ye thought about it, okay... She also knows how much she weighs.

Nodded: "OK, then I'll call and ask the takeaway to deliver a porridge to you."

The takeaway came quickly and tasted pretty good.

But Ling Wu's stomach was still very uncomfortable, and she barely ate half a bowl, and couldn't eat any more.

Mother Ye took care of Ling Wuwen and took stomach medicine, and then let Ling Wuwen go to bed.

With the curtains open, the sun shines into every corner of the room, and Ling Wu is quiet and quiet, and has a good night's sleep—until the sun sets and night falls.

Because Mother Ye called the nanny to come back to make dinner, so the dinner was settled.

Ling Wu's dinner is still porridge, which is very light.

After eating, the sun is almost gone.

It was also at this time that the little ghost, who had never appeared, reappeared.

She stood on Ling Wu's bed and looked down at Ling Wu's: "Sister, you are so bad! I'm very upset!"

The voice was very cold, with the déjà vu of a horror movie.

But I'm sorry, Ling Wuyi's favorite thing to watch is horror movies.

Hearing the little ghost's words, Ling Wuwen sneered: "Are you unhappy? I'm not happy either! Have you washed your feet and stood on my bed!"

The little ghost was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Ling Wuyi to yell at her suddenly, and he was stunned.

Hearing Ling Wu's roar, Ye's mother, who had been talking on the phone with Ye's father outside, quickly opened the door and came in.

"What's wrong, Xixi?" Ling Wuwen and the little ghost turned their heads at the same time, looking at Mother Ye who was standing at the door.

Ling Wuxi shook her head and said, "I had a nightmare and didn't sleep well, so I'm a little angry."

Although this reason is very strange, Mother Ye still believed it.

She walked up to Ling Wuxi, stroked her face, and asked her, "Is your stomach better now?"

"Well, better."

"That's good. I just called your father, and he said that he will be back early tomorrow."

It turned out that Father Ye was on a business trip, so Ling Wuyi didn't see Father Ye when he came to this world.

Ling Wuxi nodded, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth: "Well, Mom, go out, I'll sleep for a while."

When talking, Ling Wu's eyes were looking at the little ghost who was approaching Mother Ye and kept blowing on her face.

Hearing Ling Wuwen said to sleep a little longer, Mother Ye stood up: "Then you sleep a little longer, and when it's time to take medicine, Mom will wake you up again."


After Ye Mu went out, Ling Wuwen whispered to the little ghost: "I warn you, if you don't leave, I will ask the exorcist to kill you!"

The kid was obviously taken aback.

Of course, it was just a little frightened.

She bared her teeth at Ling Wuwen, and then that face instantly became bloody and terrifying, and her eyeballs fell out.

Because they were too close, the visual effect still gave Ling Wuyi an unknown shock.

The little heart thumped, and then quickly returned to calm.

She said to the little ghost: "You are enough, tomorrow... no, I will find a ghost exorcist to kill you now!"

While speaking, Ling Wuwen had already got off the bed, walked to the computer desk, and turned on the computer that had not been turned on for a long time.

The little ghost couldn't touch Ling Wuwen at all, so he could only constantly scare her with his terrifying image.

Ling Wuwen directly searched for ghost-hunting experts on the Internet, and there were many webpages, but none of them were what Ling Wuwen was looking for.

After turning a few pages, Ling Wuwen finally found the "ghost-hunting expert".

Click to enter, and a bullet screen will appear.

"Do you really need to catch ghosts?"

"need" "don't need"

Ling Wuxi clicked the need without hesitation, and then entered a chat page.

The first thing that appeared was an automatic reply: "Hi, hello! This is a ghost-hunting expert, and I'm a ghost-hunting customer service boy! Do you need any help?"

Pfft... yes, this is a certain treasure customer service.


Can't add more today, will add tomorrow!

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