Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1162 The Girl Who Caught a Ghost (18)

Liancheng just glanced at her indifferently, but didn't respond.

Ling Wuyi opened the car door to get out of the car, but before getting out of the car, Liancheng grabbed her arm.

Looking back, a string of unknown bracelets was worn on her wrist.

Liancheng didn't say what kind of bracelet it was, but just said three words to Ling Wuwen: "Don't take it off."

Ling Wuxi raised her lips and nodded at him with a smile: "Well, I definitely won't take it off!"

This is a gift from Liancheng!

Hearing Ling Wuyi's assurance, Liancheng let her go and let her get out of the car.

Ling Wuwen got out of the car and went directly into the community.

Ye Jitang did not drive away immediately, but watched Ling Wumi enter the community, and did not drive away until he could no longer see Ling Wumi.

Along the way, Ling Wuxi touched the bracelet on her wrist with a smile, and almost skipped and walked.

This bracelet was put on by Liancheng himself!

Although I don't know why Liancheng gave her a bracelet.

When Ling Wuwen returned home, father and mother Ye were still sleeping soundly in the room.

Went back to the room to take a shower, then went to bed——

On the other side, Ye Jitang called the principal.

He told the principal that the ghost in the school was too powerful, and there was more than one ghost, so no students or anyone else should be allowed back until he had cleaned up the school.

The principal was terrified, of course Ye Jitang did what he said.

Even when Ye Jitang said that the fees would be increased, the principal said that it was okay, as long as all the ghosts in the school were cleaned up.

If the ghosts in the school are not cleaned up, I am afraid no one will come to the school to study!

Ye Jitang, who hung up the principal's phone, was smiling, and Su Qianli was taken aback by his financial obsession.

Ye Jitang looked at Liancheng who was reading an ancient book and said, "Master, tomorrow..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ada: "Tomorrow is Thursday."

Ye Jitang was stunned, and then said oh: "Then the day after tomorrow will be fine."


When Ling Wuxi woke up, she asked Xia Lun if he knew what special day Thursday was.

Sharon said he didn't know either, because he didn't say anything.

Just wait now~ When Thursday comes, you will know what a special day it is.

Thursday is coming soon, and Ling Wu and Xia Lun also know that Thursday is a special day!

Because... Liancheng will have a headache this day.

All day on Thursday, Liancheng shut himself in his room, rolling on the bed in pain.

Despite having a headache, Liancheng didn't take any measures to relieve the pain, as if he was enduring it.

It seems that every Thursday, Liancheng will have a headache, which Ada and Ye Jitang both know.

Ling Wuwen felt distressed, but she couldn't go to give Liancheng painkillers right away.

Next time, next time she must find a chance to give Liancheng painkillers!


Ling Wuwen went out on the grounds that she was bored at home.

Although Ye's father and Ye's mother were a little worried, they didn't know how to stop Ling Wuyi, so they had to let her go out.

When Ling Wuwen went out, of course she went to find Liancheng!

Go straight to Ye Jitang's ghost shop, because Liancheng is still there.

According to Xia Lun, Liancheng will stay and save Lan Yinyin.

When the transcendence is over, they will leave.

Ling Wuyi was thinking about a question, Liancheng left, what would she do?

There is only one answer, and that is to follow!

But her host is only seventeen years old after all, why should she leave with Liancheng?

First of all, Father Ye and Mother Ye would not agree!

But no matter what, Liancheng is determined to follow her——

When I arrived at Ye Jitang's ghost shop, as soon as I entered, I saw Ye Jitang teaching Su Qianli some knowledge about ghost hunting.

By the way, Ling Wuwen also heard from Xia Lun that Ye Jitang was going to teach Su Qianli some skills and asked her to help him.

As soon as Su Qianli saw Ling Wuwen, she ran to the door to pick her up: "Nanxi, we are going to find Lan Yinyin tonight, do you want to go with us?"

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Of course." Liancheng is going, so of course she is going too!

"I think you'd better not go, that ghost hates you too much." Ye Jitang said.

"It's because I hate me that I have to go. Didn't you say that she is hiding? If I go, maybe I can lure her out."

Hearing what Ling Wuyi said, Ye Jitang felt that it made sense...

Blinking and blinking: "That's fine, when the time comes..."

"When the time comes, I will follow your Uncle Liancheng, he can protect me!"

Looking at Ling Wu's shy look, Ye Jitang seemed to understand something.

He grinned, with the word "I understand" written on his face.

"All right, Master Uncle can protect you anyway." Ye Jitang said.

Ling Wuxi nodded, rolled her eyes, and asked Ye Jitang, "Where are they?"

Of course, the ones Ling Wuyi asked were Liancheng and Ada.

Although I know where it is, it seems abnormal not to ask.

"It's in the inner room." Ye Jitang said.

Ling Wuwen wanted to ask if she could go into the inner room to have a look. She knew that Liancheng was in the inner room, so of course she wanted to spend more time with him.

But before Ling Wuwen had a chance to speak, Su Qianli excitedly pulled Ling Wuwen aside and sat down, telling her that Ye Jitang taught her how to collect ghosts.

"Then you have to study hard, just to live up to your ghost eyes." You are simply a born ghost hunter.

Su Qianli also thought the same way, she said: "I have already made an agreement with my cousin brother, I will live here if I don't live in school, and helping him hunt ghosts at night is considered as the accommodation fee."

Brother Chicken Soup? Puff ha ha ha...

Forgive Ling Wuwen for already bursting out laughing, because if you don’t pay attention to the pronunciation of Jitang and Jitang, they are too similar!

But, Su Qianli, how much do you trust people? We've only known each other for a few days and we're going to live with someone!

Fortunately, this person is the hero, what if he meets a bad guy? It's so credulous to trust others...

Of course, these psychological activities are not spoken out by Ling Wu.

Su Qianli kept telling Ling Wuyi what she had learned in the past two days, and she knew a lot of magic tools to exorcise ghosts.

Ling Wu is bored, so just listen.

After staying in the ghost shop for most of the day, only Ada came out of the inner room once, and Liancheng didn't show up at all.

Asked what Xia Lun Liancheng was doing, Xia Lun's answer was: Reading!

Seeing that Liancheng had no intention of coming out, Ling Wuyi had no choice but to wait to see him again at night.

But this trip was not in vain, because Ye Jitang and Su Qianli went back to school yesterday, and picked up Ling Wuyi's crossbow and darts by the way.

When receiving the third call from Mother Ye, Ling Wuyi left the ghost shop with her crossbow and darts——

It was eleven o'clock in the evening, and Ling Wuwen went out.

As soon as he left the community, he saw Ye Jitang's car parked outside.

Ada sat on the roof of the car and smiled silly at Ling Wuwen, and Su Qianli, who was sitting in the co-pilot, waved to her: "Hurry up and get in the car, Nanxi!"

Ling Wuyi really didn't expect that Ye Jitang and the others would come to pick her up, because Xia Lun didn't tell her.

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