Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1210 The Female General in Troubled Times (Extra)

"Originally, I wanted to bring your brain waves back to the Plane Association, little 55, but this Ji Wenyan is really a stubborn person! He always said that if you die, he will die."

"I think~ the amnesia water of the Plane Association will not work on him, and if you leave, Ji Wenyan will not forget you..."

At that time, if Ji Wenyan really committed suicide, wouldn't it be a waste of 50 points!

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, but just looked at Ji Wenyan.

There is still some pain in the back of the heart, so be careful when breathing.

Ji Wenyan saw that Ling Wuwen didn't speak, and immediately realized what he had just done.

After a pause, Ji Wenyan lowered his head like a child who has done something wrong, but he held Ling Wu's hand reluctantly to let go.

"I'm sorry Ah Ruo..."

Ling Wuwen didn't understand what Ji Wenyan wanted to apologize, so she didn't speak, and didn't have the strength to speak.

Ji Wenyan, who had a lot to say to Ling Wuwen every time, didn't say anything because he didn't know what to say.

The atmosphere in the tent was a little awkward.

Just at this time, Min Yue, who came to see Ling Wuyi once a day, came.

She was also very happy to see Ling Wuyi wake up.

Came over and patted Ling Wupi on the shoulder: "I said, why didn't I find you before! It turns out that your name is not Ling Wupi, but Du Ruo!"

"How is it? Is it better? You have been sleeping for several days!"

Ling Wuqin hummed, which was an answer.

Fortunately, I feel better, but it still hurts.

Looking back now, when I was fighting Meng Ziyan on the battlefield... If she didn't kill Meng Ziyan, then Meng Ziyan would kill her, right?

The big hammer was aimed directly at her head.

If he didn't dodge, he must have lost his mind. How could he know that Meng Ziyan is Xi Ziqiu's host!

By the way, why doesn't Xi Ziqiu's brain wave find the host body according to common sense? !

There is no mention of Meng Ziyan in the plot at all, and only a little mention in memory.

Du Ruo and Meng Ziyan have no contact at all!

I don't know who to blame...

Tsk... Ling Wuyi never wants to go through such a situation again!

Because her body was still a little weak, Ling Wuwen fell asleep shortly after waking up.

Min Yue left, and Ji Wenyan was still guarding Ling Wuying's camp.

Before, she was worried that Ling Wuyi would not wake up, but now... she was worried that Ling Wuyi would leave.

He wished he could not sleep, so he kept looking at Ling Wuwen like this——

After a few days of recuperating her body, Ling Wuxi was finally able to sit up from the bed.

The battle had already clearly drawn the winner and loser. Once Meng Ziyan died, the Meng army was like a mess.

And Meng Guo is already in the pockets of Sheng Guo and Min Guo.


Three months later, in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

By the creek, two horses, one black and one red, graze on the grass.

Not far away, a man and a woman are sitting by a stream grilling fish.

"Smells so good ~ Ah Ruo, why does it feel like your cooking skills are improving every day!"

This pair of men and women are Ling Wuyue and Ji Wenyan after their injuries.

Ji Wenyan gave up her identity and left the tiger camp to go sightseeing with Ling Wuying.

In fact, Ling Wuyi was ready to leave when her injury was not healed, but before she left, she had to have a heart-to-heart talk with Ji Wenyan.

I still remember that night, Ling Wuyue, who hadn't talked much to Ji Wenyan, spoke up.

"I'm leaving, leaving this world," she said.

Ji Wenyan, who was reading the book on military affairs, paused for a moment, then hummed: "I know, because the person you are looking for is Meng Ziyan, but you killed him before you found him."

Hearing Ji Wenyan's words, Ling Wuyi wasn't too surprised.

His intelligence is beyond her imagination.

"Yes, so..."

Before Ling Wuwen finished speaking, Ji Wenyan interrupted: "Can you stay a little longer? Wait until I reach the crown."

Ling Wuwen raised her eyes and looked at Ji Wenyan.

Ji Wenyan also put down the book of war in his hand and looked at Ling Wuwen, his eyes were full of pleading.

"Just one year... If you leave now, then there is no point in my life."

Yes, he was relying on Ling Wuwen to feel guilty towards him and relying on Ling Wuwen to treat him as his younger brother, so he despicably threatened her.

But if Ling Wuyi really left, he really wouldn't survive.

Ling Wuwen knew that Ji Wenyan was serious, and she was afraid that Ji Wenyan would commit suicide as soon as she left.

"Just one year, if you leave after one year, I won't stay, and I will live a good life!"

Ling Wuwen sighed, her heart was still softened.

She lied to herself, not because she was soft-hearted, but because she didn't want to waste the life-saving pills bought with fifty points!

Then... Ling Wuwen and Ji Wenyan left the tiger camp, and went to visit the mountains and rivers.

He handed one of the grilled fish to Ji Wenyan, and he ate one slowly.

"I heard that there is a sea of ​​flowers in Quanzhou, Ah Ruo, shall we go there? Let's stop and go, and when we get there, it's almost time to bloom!"

"But your coronation ceremony..."

Ling Wuwen calculated the time, and when he got there, the one-year agreement with Ji Wenyan also expired.

Ji Wenyan smiled indifferently: "Ji Guanli, it would be nice to be with you!" He didn't want anyone else around!

Ling Wuxi nodded and did not refuse.


The sea of ​​flowers in Quanzhou is really beautiful. Looking around, the mountains and plains are full of flowers.

A gust of wind blows, and the air is full of the fragrance of various flowers.

Ling Wuxi closed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

Ji Wenyan next to him didn't look at the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, but greedily looked at Ling Wuwen's profile.

One year has come... how fast it flies!

Ji Wenyan's heart was full of reluctance.

However, he dared not keep it.

To be able to get along with her for a year, he should be satisfied, right?

"Ayan, I'm leaving." Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at Ji Wenyan.

Ji Wenyan forced a smile and nodded, "Okay."

"Happy Birthday!"

After saying this, Ling Wu's figure gradually blurred.

Ji Wenyan clenched his fists all the time, resisting the urge to go over and hug Ling Wuyi to prevent her from leaving.

Looking at Ling Wuwen, who was almost invisible, there were tears in his eyes, and a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Well... I'm very happy..."

Ling Wuqian smiled at him, then disappeared——

After Ling Wuwen left, Ji Wenyan left the sea of ​​flowers and returned to Feng'an City.

He kept his word and survived well.

Joining the Tiger Camp again, putting all my thoughts on leading the army to fight, and never marrying all my life...

Many years later, the world will be unified, and Min Yue will be the emperor!

In the sea of ​​flowers in Quanzhou, a white-haired old man was lying on a rocking chair, looking at the mountains of flowers with a smile on his lips.

"Ah Ruo, I'm going to die, I don't know if I will see you again in my next life?"

After the words fell, the old man closed his eyes and passed away peacefully.

——In this life, the thing I don't regret the most is getting to know you.

You said that you shouldn't have shown kindness, and shouldn't have stayed by my side for so many years.

But for me, it is a memory that I will miss and cherish for the rest of my life!

You can love others for as long as you want.

I will love you silently, love you forever...

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