Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1226 Love the Male Supporting Soy Sauce Party (16)

But when he suddenly heard Ling Wuyi say this, he was surprised, frightened, and it seemed... deep down in his heart, he never thought of rejecting it? !

Seeing Ling Wuwen's peaceful sleeping face, Mu Yang suddenly thought... If he was really with her, it would feel good, right?

Anyway, I'm used to pampering her and pampering her. If I continue to pamper her, it seems that it's okay to pet her for the rest of my life.

Mu Yang even began to imagine involuntarily, imagining that he and Ling Wu are together, what they will look like after they get married...after having a child...

Thinking about it like this, Mu Yang actually became a little bit looking forward to it!

Turned over, hugged Ling Wuwen into her arms, and fell asleep with a smile.


When Ling Wuyi woke up, Mu Yang hadn't woken up yet.

I was surprised to find that the favorability level was still 88 points before going to bed yesterday, and it rose to 90 points!

Did something happen that she didn't know after she fell asleep?

Ling Wuwen hurriedly asked Xia Lun if anything happened after she fell asleep last night.

Then Xia Lun told Ling Wuyue in a very excited tone: "It happened! Tang Guo was put to sleep last night!"

Ling Wuyi looked confused, and she asked clearly: "Did something happen after I fell asleep last night?" She didn't ask Tang Guo what happened!

Xia Lun said: "After you fell asleep, Tang Guo fell asleep!"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

So she and Xia Lun are not on the same channel, right?

All right……

"Isn't it normal for Tang Guo to be asleep?" As mentioned in the plot, Tang Guo was slept by Leng Anyu almost every day!

So what the hell is Sharon getting excited about? Even if it is watching people having sex, it is also a mosaic!

"Yes... no... oops! It's normal for Tang Guo to be slept by Leng Anyu, but it wasn't Leng Anyu who slept with Tang Guo last night!"

"What did you say?!" Ling Wuxi sat up from the bed all of a sudden, although she didn't shout out, her movement woke Mu Yang up.

"Hmm~" Mu Yang opened his eyes in a daze, and then asked Ling Wuyi, "Why are you on my bed?"

Ling Wuyi was stunned for a moment, and said in her heart: Don't you know why I'm on your bed? The small sample is also very good at pretending~

But if she really said that, she would be screwed!

As if being caught as a thief, he got up from the bed in a panic, then scratched his head and said with no confidence: "I... that... I..."

After 'thinking' for a long time, I didn't think of a good excuse.

Finally, the blushing Ling Wuwen quickly said: "I must be sleepwalking!" Then she ran out of Mu Yang's room with bare feet as if fleeing.

Mu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed "puchi". He hugged the quilt and laughed so hard that his whole body was shaking.

Ling Wuyi returned to her room, and the pink on her cheeks faded away.

With her action just now, Mu Yang added a little favorability to her.

So women are shy and so on, but men are still very useful.

Now, it's only nine points away from favorability.

"Little 55, I think if you play those white lotus and little white rabbit roles, it will definitely be better than Tang Guo's real character!"

Xia Lun's words made Ling Wuxi roll her eyes unceremoniously: "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

"Of course it's a compliment!" Xia Lun said with a smile.

"Okay, let's talk, who slept Tang Guo last night?"

She was really curious about what happened last night!

Tang Guo was slept by someone, and the person who slept with her was not Leng Anyu.

Could it be another male supporting role mentioned in the plot?

"Ahem~ It's Jiang Zi's fault! Didn't Leng Anyu run away as if stimulated after Zheng Yiyi came last night, and then Zheng Yiyi chased after her..."

After catching up, Zheng Yiyi apologized to Leng Anyu, saying that she was too selfish at the beginning, and then she wanted to see him when she came back this time.

At this time, Leng Anyu was full of Zheng Yiyi, so the two stayed together last night.

Originally, Xia Lun thought that these two people hadn't seen each other for so many years, and Qianchai Lihuo would definitely have sex again and again!

In the end, Leng Anyu innocently just hugged Zheng Yiyi to sleep! !

A man who changes a woman every week, actually... only hugs but not fucks! Xia Lun couldn't believe her eyes!

This style of painting obviously doesn't fit Leng Anyu's personality~

Since Leng Anyu has nothing to see here, Xia Lun thought, let's go and see that poor little white rabbit Tang Guo who was forgotten by Leng Anyu!

Just after switching the screen to Tang Guo, Xia Lun subconsciously took off her glasses and wiped them before putting them on again.

He stared at the screen with wide eyes. This person who is having sex with a middle-aged man is really the little white rabbit Tang Guo?

Damn... play car shock! ! !

Xia Lun zoomed in and saw Tang Guo's face clearly.

She was indeed right, while crying and yelling no, the expression on her face seemed to be enjoying herself...

Xia Lun swallowed, Tang Guo didn't seem to be drunk or drugged!

Could it be that this world... has become a world of *meat*text*fiction?

Xia Lun felt like washing her eyes!

But before washing his eyes, Xia Lun took a look at the young man.

I am about forty years old, and my skin and body are well maintained. Although the appearance is not outstanding, it looks like a successful person.

The car is not bad either, it is a luxury car worth seven figures, and it is parked in the parking lot outside the banquet hall.

In other words, after Tang Guo left the banquet hall, he played with this middle-aged man who came out of nowhere—

"Are you sure you read it right?" Ling Wuxi didn't quite believe it.

Tang Guo, is it really that casual?

"Of course I'm sure I'm not mistaken! After Tang Guo and that man's car shook, they drove to a villa and continued to have sex... Oh, Tang Guo is still lying on his bed now!"

Tut tut...

Ling Wuwen was also drunk, how could there be so many accidents in one night?

but! If Tang Guo doesn't want to stay in the banquet hall, then go home!

Why are you running to have sex with someone? Still under the premise of not being drunk or drugged!

In this way, it's too self-loving, isn't it? It's not good even if it's half pushed and half...

Forget it~ She doesn't bother to take care of other people's affairs.

"Xiao Lunlun, you are so boring, you actually went to watch other people having sex!"

Hearing Ling Wu's words, Xia Lun chuckled: "I'm just bored~ so I went to have a look~ How about it, is the news exciting enough?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head, went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth: "It's quite exciting, but next time, don't tell me about this kind of thing."

She was afraid that she couldn't help but want to complain.

Xia Lun curled her lips and said, "I'm going to study the system~"

"Good boy~ let's go~" Of course it would be great to be able to research the system sooner!

Xia Lun: →_→ In the end, who is who?


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