Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1242 Raiders System 0049 (3)

Uncle Wang was startled, and quickly got up and turned sideways: "Second Miss, what are you doing?"

"Xiangjun's parents are both dead now, and he has no one to rely on. He is still a young lady. Uncle Wang, you watched Xiangjun grow up with his elder brother and younger brother, and now his elder brother is no longer alive... Xiangjun is here, there is a merciless Please!"

"The old man is also a carefree person. If it weren't for Master Yun, I wouldn't be alive today. The second lady said it doesn't matter, the old man will not hesitate!"

"Mr. Xiang intends to find evidence for father to clear up his grievances. I hope Uncle Wang can take care of Hanwen and leave a descendant for my Yun family."

"Second sister?" Yun Hanwen on the side looked at Ling Wuyue with some doubts, not understanding the meaning of her words.

However, Uncle Wang understood the meaning of Ling Wu's words, and his brows were tightly frowned into a word: "Second Miss, you want to go back to the capital alone to find evidence?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, her eyes determined: "Yes, but I can't bring you back to the capital together."

Yun Hanwen understands now, my sister wants to go back to the capital, and she wants to go back to the capital alone!

Bian Pianzui started to cry with a whoosh, Yun Hanwen took Ling Wu's hand and cried, "Second Sister, woo woo woo...you can't leave me... woo woo I want to follow you... Follow you wherever you go..."

Dong'er on the side also knelt on the ground with a puff, crying and said: "Wherever the miss goes, the servant will go there! Miss let the servant accompany you back to the capital!"

Ling Wuxi stroked Yun Hanwen's head, and comforted him softly: "Hanwen, you are the only male in our Yun family. You must grow up safe and sound!"

All along, Yun Hanwen was pampered and loved by his family.

Other people's children may be sensible at the age of six, but although the six-year-old Yun Hanwen is very smart, he has no sense of danger from the outside world.

What happened during this period made Yun Hanwen dizzy.

He still didn't understand many things, why did his parents and elder brother who loved him suddenly die?

Why did he love his grandfather and grandmother so much that he didn't even want to see them?

Why was their mansion sealed up?

Why have all the servants in their house left?

Why are they leaving the capital?

Yun Hanwen doesn't understand all of this!

The only thing he understands is that he has no other relatives except his second sister Yun Xiangjun!

With snot and tears hanging on his face, Yun Hanwen raised his head and looked at Ling Wuwen: "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Second Sister...I don't want to be separated from you...uuuuu, I'm a man now, I can protect you!"

As he said that, in order to convince Ling Wumi that he was already a man, Yun Hanwen raised his hand and wiped the tears and snot from his face vigorously, and gave her a very forced smile.

Ling Wupi felt sore in her heart, held Yun Hanwen's face in her hands, and nodded vigorously: "Yes, Hanwen, you are a man, but you are not a strong man."

"I..." Yun Hanwen opened his mouth, but he was powerless to refute.

Yes...he is not powerful.

Although he doesn't want to recognize this fact, the fact is that he still needs the protection of his second sister.

So, he can't protect Second Sister...

His mouth was flattened and flattened, but he tried his best not to cry.

Ling Wuwen smiled at him: "I believe that one day in the future, Hanwen, you will grow into a very strong man who can protect everyone!"

Yun Hanwen nodded vigorously, his immature face was full of determination.

"So now, Hanwen, do you know what you're going to do?" Ling Wuwen asked.

Yun Hanwen is actually a smart kid, so he knew the answer without thinking at all: "Work hard to make yourself stronger!"

Ling Wuwen nodded with a satisfied smile: "That's right, the second sister is waiting for you in the capital, waiting for you to come back!"

Because of Ling Wu's words, Yun Hanwen no longer said that he would go back to the capital with her.

Only then did Ling Wuyi turn her head and said to Dong'er, "Get up."

Dong'er shook her head again and again, the third young master has been 'brainwashed', she must be firm in her mind! She must stay by Miss Second's side!

Ling Wuxi sighed, walked to Dong'er and helped her up personally: "Dong'er, do you still think I'm your miss?"

"Of course! Second Miss, you will always be the maidservant's lady!" Dong'er quickly replied.

"Then you still listen to me?"

"Second miss, servant..."



"Well, I order you to follow the third young master and take care of him!"

Dong'er's eyes were red, but she nodded, and she really couldn't hold on to her thoughts...

"Second Miss, are you planning to go back to the capital directly?" Uncle Wang asked Ling Wuyi.

He had no intention of persuading Ling Wuwen, as if he had expected that Ling Wuwen would return to the capital.

Indeed, according to Yun Xiangjun's personality, she would not be willing to let her father be wronged for nothing, nor would she let her brother and mother die in vain!

So in fact, Mr. Yunxiang decided to return to the capital alone after Yun Hanwen was sent back to Anton, and find evidence to avenge his father!

It's a pity that Jun Yunxiang is so weak that she can't believe it.

It's only half a month's journey, and it's over.

Still sending away three of his closest relatives in a row, this blow crushed Mr. Yunxiang.

Ling Wuxi nodded lightly: "Yes, I plan to return to the capital after two days when I feel better."

"Then the old man will wait for the second lady to get better, and then take the third young master away." Uncle Wang's words were not asking Ling Wuyi, but telling Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi still has no objection to this request.

She felt that although Uncle Wang looked like an ordinary doctor, there must be some unusual identity behind him.

Entrusting Yun Hanwen to his care is definitely much safer than sending him back to Anton's hometown!

Yun Hanwen is Yun Xiangjun's only concern, she came to this world to do something for Yun Xiangjun.

Of course, she would try to find evidence that Father Yun was framed.

I can only look for evidence...

Knowing that Father Yun was framed by 0049 is a simple sentence behind the plot!

As for how 0049 framed Father Yun, he didn't mention a single word.

What a tricky problem to deal with 0049.

Except for the things in his own backpack that can be taken out, the golden finger cannot be used.

Her skills have to be hidden from 0049 to see, otherwise she will definitely recognize her skills as martial arts that do not belong to this world.

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to expose a little bit in front of 0049, which may arouse her suspicion.

What Ling Wuxi was worried about was not that 0049 would know about her, but that 0049 ran away after knowing that she and she were from the Plane Association!

She can't, chasing after her from novel world to novel world!

So, it is best to solve 0049 in this novel world——

Ling Wu's power value is beyond the charts, and all aspects of the body's functions are recovering very quickly.

In just one day, Uncle Wang said that Ling Wuwen had recovered.


The 1550th monthly pass has been updated!

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