Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1244 Raiders System 0049 (5)

Ling Wuyi understands why Xi Ziqiu and Xia Lun disconnected, so of course she won't ask Xi Ziqiu 'why' again.


"That is to say, President, you shouldn't have entered the body of Qiyang King Nan Qiyang, but you forcibly occupied his body because of me..."

"It's not considered a forced occupation. If I don't come, he won't live long." Xi Ziqiu said.

Nan Qiyang is a very stubborn, rigid and upright person, he is the most beloved youngest son of the first emperor.

He became king at the age of eight, and became the lord of Fucheng at the age of ten.

After the death of the first emperor, Nan Qiyang would never go to the capital if he could stay in Fucheng.

For so many years, Fucheng became more and more prosperous under the management of Nan Qiyang, and the emperor became more and more afraid of Nan Qiyang.

Someone once advised Nan Qiyang to restrain himself properly, but Nan Qiyang not only did not restrain himself, but also sang against the emperor everywhere.

Although there was no malice, how could the Ninth Five Lord allow Nan Qiyang to shout and drink like that.

Why did the emperor sentence Yun Xiangjun's father, Yun Yi, to death after he was framed? It is because Yunyi and Nan Qiyang are close!

When he learned that Yunyi was sentenced to beheaded, Nan Qiyang was very angry and even planned to go to the capital to save people.

Just as he left the city, he encountered an assassin and was seriously injured.

Who arranged the assassin, just think about it.

Some people say that the first emperor once left a secret edict, which stated that after the current emperor died, Nan Qiyang would succeed him.

The emperor searched for a long time, but he couldn't find the edict, but the so-called edict existed with high credibility.

This... is the main reason why the emperor fears Nan Qiyang.

"Seriously injured? That is to say, you are still injured?!" Ling Wuyi hurried to pick off the clothes on Xi Ziqiu.

Xi Ziqiu didn't resist, and let Ling Wuyi lay on him to see the injury: "I've been much better since I came here, originally this Nan Qiyang was bound to die."

Ling Wuwen carefully inspected the wound on Xi Ziqiu's chest. There should be poison on the wounding arrow, and it was the poison that infected the wound.

If it is not handled properly, it will indeed be fatal.

So when Xi Ziqiu came over, he didn't take over Nan Qiyang's body, but took over his body.

"The injury is still not healed, why do you still walk so fast during the day?" It looks like, where do you want to go on horseback!

Xi Ziqiu smiled indifferently, and stretched out his hand to hug Ling Wujin into his arms: "I'm worried that I won't be able to catch up with you."

Ling Wuxi was happy in her heart, but she looked angry on her face, and looked at Xi Ziqiu reproachfully: "Then you can't ride a horse with an injury! You said that if I don't come, if your wound is infected... you will also come here." White."

"Okay~ Isn't it you who came here~ Be good~ Don't be angry~" Xi Ziqiu pressed Ling Wuyi's forehead and coaxed her softly.

Ling Wuwen noticed Xi Ziqiu's abnormal body temperature: "You have a fever!"

"I don't have any medicine in my backpack... Shall I go out and get you medicine now?"

Ling Wuxi frowned tightly, and sat up from the bed, she would have bought some medicine for her illness when she knew she was visiting the platform mall!

Xi Ziqiu reached out to grab Ling Wu's wrist, and pulled her back: "I'm fine, I've already taken the medicine. Wipe the water in the washbasin over there."

Ling Wuxi thought, it is not realistic to buy medicine now.

Xi Ziqiu didn't dare to come over during the day, so it was obvious that there was an eyeliner in the city lord's mansion.

She and Xi Ziqiu must not be too close at present.

Nodding his head, he went to the washbasin and wet the water with a towel, then wiped his body for Xi Ziqiu.

Fortunately, the fever was not high, and Xi Ziqiu's fever subsided in the middle of the night.

When Ling Wuwen was sleepy, she felt Xi Ziqiu kiss her, and then whispered in her ear: "It's almost dawn, I'll go back to my room first."

"Hmm..." Ling Wuyi squinted her glasses halfway, as if she woke up but didn't seem to wake up.

Xi Ziqiu chuckled, kissed Ling Wuwen on the cheek again, and then reluctantly left her side.

After Xi Ziqiu left, Ling Wuwen slept for a while.

When it was daylight, she woke up.

Sitting on the bed and stretching, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed.

Hmm~ With Xi Ziqiu by my side, this feeling is simply wonderful!

Eh? But doesn't it mean that there can't be more than two people who don't belong to this world?

Oh... Could it be because that 0049 is not considered a human being?

Uh~ Never mind, let’s get rid of that 0049 first——

After being served by the servant girl to wash up, after breakfast, Ling Wuyi said that she was going to pay her respects to King Qiyang.

After all, she was taken in, so there must be a courtesy.

The servant girl didn't doubt Ling Wu's excuse to see Xi Ziqiu, she just said: "Our lord was injured a few days ago, and the wound opened again yesterday. I don't know if the lord can see you, Miss Yun at this time."

Ling Wuqian smiled softly: "Since that's the case, then I should go and visit Uncle Qi!"

"In that case, Ms. Yun will come with the maidservant." After saying that, the maidservant lowered her head slightly and led the way.

Ling Wuyi followed the maid from the backyard to the front yard, and then to the outside of the main courtyard where Xi Ziqiu lived.

The servant girl said that Miss Yun wanted to see the prince, and someone went to pass it on.

But soon, an attendant came out and said, "My lord is not feeling well, and it's inconvenient to see Miss Yun. My lord sent a message to my servants, saying that Miss Yun will live in the mansion anyway."

Ling Wuxi nodded, and bowed to the gate of the courtyard: "I hope Uncle Qi can recover soon!"

"Miss Yun, let's go back then?" The maid at the side went to help Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuwen didn't refuse, and turned to leave.

Coming to pay respects to Xi Ziqiu was just a pretense, even if she really saw Xi Ziqiu, she couldn't get along with him for too long.

Wait~ Wait for Xi Ziqiu to come over at night, or she can go there!

Unsurprisingly, Xi Ziqiu came to Ling Wuxi's room that night.

Ling Wuyi's first move was to feel Xi Ziqiu's pulse, and then check his wounds.

Xi Ziqiu lay on the bed with a smile on his face and opened his clothes for Ling Wuwen to check, looking at Ling Wumei with gentle eyes: "I'm fine now."

"Did you change your medicine today?" Ling Wuwen looked up at Xi Ziqiu.

Xi Ziqiu nodded, smiled and stretched out his hand to tap Lingwu's nose: "You forgot, I was also a doctor. I know that the medicine is wrong, and the more I use it, the worse it will be."

Uh... Ling Wu was stunned, she really didn't remember that Xi Ziqiu in a certain world was a genius doctor with excellent medical skills! Some of her medical skills were learned from Xi Ziqiu.

He smiled silly twice: "Then I can rest assured."

Xi Ziqiu patted his arm, and Ling Wuyi understood and lay down beside him.

"Xiao Wu, you have to believe that your husband can protect you. Huh?"

Ling Wuqian blushed, and shyly buried her head in Xi Ziqiu's arms: "Mmm~"

She was used to it, and she was habitually thinking about protecting Xi Ziqiu. Get used to it, and forget that Xi Ziqiu is actually very powerful.

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