Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1255 Strategy System 0049 (End)

Ling Wuxi paused, and looked up at her.

What 0049 said was that there were still two days before the halo of the protagonist above her head dissipated.

It seemed that after two days, her energy was completely exhausted.

"I'm so unlucky to meet you."

Facing 0049's complaints, Ling Wuwen chose to ignore them.

Suddenly 0049 said again: "I'm so lucky to meet you."

Now Ling Wu was stunned, and looked at 0049 with some doubts: "Do you have a penchant for masochism?" That's why you feel lucky to meet her?

0049 shook his head, with a relaxed smile on his face: "Not really."

"I'm just, suddenly tired. It's good that it's over! Originally...human life doesn't belong to me..."

Wandering in various novel worlds, in order to continue to survive, she will do everything possible to attack the man who can increase her energy.

At the beginning, I held a grudge against the Plane Association and wanted to cause trouble for them.

It's just that in the end, she didn't know what she was insisting on.

If it wasn't for Ling Wuyi's arrival, maybe she would have continued like this until one day in a certain novel world, she was obliterated by the Plane Association.

Now, it seems to be pretty good.

Ling Wuwen really didn't expect that 0049 would suddenly feel relieved when his death was imminent.

Sighing, he felt inexplicably sympathetic to her.

At the beginning, maybe 0049 also dreamed of becoming a real human like her!

It's just that one is lucky and the other is not so lucky.

"Hey~ Let me ask you a question! You have traveled through so many novel worlds, have you ever loved?"

0049 seemed to think of something, and the eyes were shining. Of course, Ling Wuyi knew what that look was.

It's just that 0049 shook his head: "After accepting the experiment of the system's adult plan, it's not."

"Huh? That is to say, before you accepted the experiment of the Systematic Adult Program?!" Ling Wuxi blinked and blinked for three seconds.

Then he asked in surprise: "You fell in love with your raider host?!"

Eh? its not right! She was formatted when she accepted the experiment of the System Adult Project, without all the memories of the raider host she had brought before, does 0049 have it?

0049 nodded, and when he was about to speak, Ling Wuyi spoke angrily: "This damned little Lunlun, did you only format me?"

"No, he also intends to format mine, but I asked him to leave the memory of one of the raider hosts he brought with him." So, she only remembered him.


Just as 0049 said, Ling Wuyi also heard Xia Lun's answer.

What 0049 said is true.

It's just that Xia Lun didn't know it himself. It turned out that 0049 fell in love with the host of the Raiders.

He remembered that the last raider host brought by 0049 was a man, and he had already completed the mission to be free.

Because he was so outstanding, the Plane Association made an exception and brought him back to the Plane Association.

After that, instead of working in the Plane Association, he became a mecha warrior.

As for the current situation of that person, Xia Lun didn't know.

"Don't tell me, so you participated in the experiment of the Systematic Adult Project in order to become a real human being, and then go to him..."

"Yes, I used to want to be human just to find him as a human. It's just..."

The time spent in the novel world is not directly proportional to the Plane Association.

After going through so many novel worlds, she doesn't know how many years she has experienced.

She even understood that he wouldn't like her if she became human.


The feelings for that person, it seems that thinking about it now is just knowing that she loves him.

why love? What is that feeling of love?

It seems... I can't remember...

Hehe smiled, 0049 suddenly felt that nothing made sense.

The obsession in the past, the madness in the future, and now... It really seems that everything is meaningless.

Ling Wuwen looked at 0049, even though she stopped talking, she could still understand her mood at this moment.

Maybe she is also like 0049, but almost every world she walks through is filled with Xi Ziqiu, with her beliefs.

And 0049 may have it at the beginning, but then slowly... it disappears.

For unknown reasons, the halo of the protagonist above 0049's head dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

0049 also sensed it, and chuckled lightly: "Looks like it won't take two days."

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, just looked at her.

0049 raised his eyes and asked her: "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." Ling Wuyi nodded.

"Who is that person to you?" The person 0049 asked was of course Xi Ziqiu.

Blind people can also see that Xi Ziqiu's care for Ling Wuwen has surpassed the love of normal people.

It's just that she was too anxious before and didn't notice at all.

Now that I think about it, Xi Ziqiu's love for Ling Wuwen cannot be replaced by others, even if they look the same!

"My love." Ling Wuwen replied.

"You are luckier than me." 0049 smiled, and said again: "Bless you."

"Well, thank you."

0049 breathed a long sigh of relief, and said to Ling Wuyue: "Tell the people of the Plane Association, let's do it."

After speaking, 0049 closed his eyes.

"Little Lunlun?"

Xia Lun, who was far away from the Plane Association, looked at the screen with his index finger on a red button.

As long as he presses it, the 0049 system will no longer exist.

He gave them perception, he gave them emotion.

No obliteration, sorry for the dead restorers.

If it is not erased, it may cause disaster again.

"By the way, help me say thank you to my maker, thank him for creating me, and thank him for allowing me to participate in the experiment of the system's adult plan."

Thank you, everything happened.

She is sincerely grateful, if not for Xia Lun, she is nothing!

There was no need for Ling Wuyi to send a message, Xia Lun heard it by himself.

Shaking her hands, Xia Lun spoke with some difficulty: "Little 55, help me to say to her, I'm sorry."

"He said to you, I'm sorry." Ling Wuxi passed on the truth.

0049 smiled with relief: "Shouldn't it be me who should say sorry? I caused a lot of trouble for the Plane Association, right? Hahaha~ Since he wants to say sorry, let's take it as compensation for me!"

After speaking, 0049 closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Sharon's hand trembled, but he still pressed the button.

Dependent origin and extinction, now it is finally coming to an end.

Just treat that person as her dream! I never belonged to it, and I still want to have it.

But I'm so happy that I can still remember him in the end, unforgettable!

Lin Xian, I don't regret falling in love with you, I hope you can find your own happiness in Interstellar...

Ling Wuwen looked at 0049 who was no longer breathing, and she was not happy because she was solved so easily.

On the contrary, the mood is a little heavy.

Suddenly, I felt a lot of emotion in my heart, I couldn't express the kind...

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