Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1258 Exchanged Life (2)

Mu Niannian thought about running away from home, but her ID card and household registration were all hidden.

Every time a salary is paid, all the money is taken away by Mu's mother.

The money earned from setting up street stalls every day will also be taken away that night.

When she woke up from the dream, Mu Niannian hated her, hated why her family used her as a tool to make money, hated why she was born in such a family, hated the injustice of fate!

In order to get rid of this fate, Mu Niannian began to study university knowledge by herself.

She was already smart, and in just over a year, Mu Niannian got her university diploma, and then entered the top domestic multinational corporation 'Zhou's' to work.

When entering the Zhou family, Mu Niannian was twenty-two years old.

The plot has also progressed to a small part at this time.

Coincidentally, Zhou's is not someone else's company, but the company of Mu Niannian's pro-grandfather!

The person who mistook the two girls was Mu Niannian's cousin Zhou Zhi, the heir of the Zhou family.

And Zhou Zhi is also the hero of this novel world.

Hmm... now Su Yun'er is the heroine. And Mu Niannian is just a small cannon fodder.

After three years of getting along, Zhou Zhi developed a man-woman relationship with his "cousin" Su Yun'er.

Because of the blood relationship, Zhou Zhi has always restrained himself.

Later, Mu Niannian came to Zhou's to work.

Having struggled in the bottom society for nearly three years, Mu Niannian not only has a self-motivated heart, but also learned to play tricks.

In order to live a good life, she climbed up to the position of department planning team leader within only a few months after she came to Zhou's.

One time, Mu Niannian met Zhou Zhi, who was the president of the Zhou Corporation.

I suddenly felt that he was very familiar, as if I had known him a long time ago.

Moreover, there was an inexplicable throbbing.

...Before she lost her memory, Mu Niannian had always been secretly in love with Zhou Zhi.

Mu Niannian's parents died unexpectedly when she was very young, and she grew up under Zhou's parents.

She had a crush on Zhou Zhi since she was a child, but she dared not confess because of her blood relationship.

Mu Niannian, who has lost his memory, fell in love with Zhou Zhi even more because he was already in love.

Mu Niannian tried her best to approach Zhou Zhi, and finally got Zhou Zhi's attention.

Zhou Zhi didn't want to reveal his liking for Su Yun'er, so he used Mu Niannian to be his girlfriend by the way.

Because of her background, Zhou's family had great opinions on Mu Niannian and did not allow her to be Zhou Zhi's girlfriend.

But Mu Niannian doesn't care about Zhou's family's attitude, she only cares about Zhou Zhi.

One time, Mu Niannian accompanied Zhou Zhi to a banquet, but Zhou Zhi left her because of Su Yun'er.

Mu Niannian knew that Zhou Zhi cared about his 'cousin', so he didn't mind.

But when she went to Zhou Zhi's house the next day to find Zhou Zhi, she... saw Zhou Zhi and Mu Niannian lying naked together!

This visual impact made Mu Niannian unable to recover.

It was only later that she realized that Zhou Zhi loved Su Yun'er, and accepting her as a poor girl was just a lie.

She loves Zhou Zhi so much, even if she knows the meaning of her existence, she is not willing to give up!

She even thought that even if Zhou Zhi married her in the end to deceive others, she wouldn't mind.

She just guards him, and it's okay to exchange her love for a look in his eyes...

But she is a cannon fodder!

Watching the person she loves protect other women again and again, even if she thought she wouldn't mind, it's impossible not to mind.

The longer time passed, the more twisted Mu Niannian's psychology became.

She thought, if there was no Su Yun'er in the world, then Zhou Zhi would definitely love her!

Crazy thoughts overwhelmed Mu Niannian's heart, and she acted.

She tampered with Su Yun'er's car, so that as long as the car started, it couldn't brake.

But that car happened to be driven away by Zhou Zhi, upon learning of this situation, Mu Niannian hurried to chase after him.

As a result, the speed of the car was too fast when chasing, and it ran a red light again.

A large truck came head-on, and in order not to hit the truck, she turned the steering wheel and crashed into a tree on the side of the road.

Mu Niannian was injured, he hurt his head.

Then, miraculously, all memories were restored.

Only then did Mu Niannian realize that she was Su Yun'er!

But now living in Zhou's house, being loved by Zhou's family, and being loved by Zhou Zhi, Su Yun'er is Mu Niannian!

Su Yun'er deserves all the discrimination she has suffered and the hardships she has suffered in the past few years!

And Zhou Zhi originally loved her!

Everything is Su Yun'er's fault!

She hates Su Yun'er! That Su Yun'er who has taken over her identity and her appearance!

Thinking that without Su Yun'er, she would be with Zhou Zhi, Mu Niannian couldn't wait to tell Zhou Zhi about recovering her memory.

At the beginning Zhou Zhi didn't believe Mu Niannian, but when Mu Niannian told the childhood secret that only they knew, Zhou Zhi was dubious.

Zhou Zhi did a DNA test, and after the results came out, he believed that he had really made a mistake.

Knowing that Mu Niannian and Su Yun'er's identities were mistaken, Zhou Zhi felt a little happy.

The person I love has no blood relationship with him, so they can get married!

For a moment, Zhou Zhi wanted to exchange the identities of Mu Niannian and Su Yun'er.

But soon he hesitated again.

According to Su Yun'er's original status, his family would never allow them to be together.

It was as if they strongly opposed Mu Niannian being his girlfriend before.

If the identities of the two are changed back, then it is really impossible for him and Su Yun'er to be together!

Zhou Zhi first stabilized Mu Niannian who was anxious to recover her identity, and arranged her in a secret place.

At the beginning, Mu Niannian still listened to Zhou Zhi's words, but after two months, she felt something was wrong.

Zhou Zhi, who comes to see her every few days, has hardly been here for the past half month.

And what Mu Niannian couldn't figure out was why she just wanted to restore her identity and Zhou Zhi kept delaying it?

Mu Niannian avoided the servants in the residence and ran out.

She was going to the Zhou Group to find Zhou Zhi, or to inquire about the current situation of the Zhou family.

She went to inquire about Zhou's situation first, and she was 'locked' by Zhou Zhi for two months, unable to read the news or surf the Internet, and could only watch TV series and movies downloaded in advance to pass the time.

Mu Niannian doesn't know anything about what's going on outside.

It was only after I came out to inquire about it that Zhou Zhi and Su Yun'er were getting married! And just today!

It turned out that Zhou Zhi told Zhou's family that he fell in love with Su Yun'er, and when Zhou's family objected, he suggested that he could have a pre-marital examination.

As long as there is no problem in the inspection, then their future children will not have problems.

So what's the point of getting married? In ancient times, cousins ​​could marry differently!

The Zhou family thought so too, so let's do a pre-marital checkup.

There is no blood relationship in the first place, Zhou Zhi believes that there is no problem with the pre-marital examination.

Since they could have children, the Zhou family agreed to their marriage.

Hearing this news, Mu Niannian almost went crazy.

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