Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1262 Exchanged Life (6)

Ling Wu was diligent and conscientious, and after working in the company for a month, she was made a full-time employee.

This month, Ling Wuwen didn't show up in front of Zhou Zhi, she had to gain a firm foothold in the company now.

For now, it can be regarded as a firm stand.

On this day, Ling Wuwen knew that Zhou Zhi was going to work overtime at the company, so he stayed at the company to work overtime.

She asked Xia Lun to watch Zhou Zhi and notify her when he was leaving.

Working overtime until eleven o'clock in the evening, Zhou Zhi finally left the company.

Zhou Zhi has a special elevator for leaders, and Ling Wuyi can only go down by ordinary elevator.

Before Zhou Zhi went downstairs, Ling Wuwen went downstairs first.

It was pouring rain outside, and Ling Wuwen stood at the door of the company, looking a little at a loss.

When Zhou Zhi came down, he saw a girl standing at the door of the company, biting her lower lip with a troubled expression on her face.

The girl was wearing a white shirt and light white high-waisted denim shorts, her hair was loosely draped over her shoulders, and her sweet face made people look very comfortable.

Such a girl can be seen as a fresh graduate recruited by the company at a glance.

Zhou Zhi pursed his lips and walked towards the door.

Seemingly hearing footsteps, the girl turned her head.

Seeing that it was Zhou Zhi, the girl was obviously surprised, and then quickly bowed to him: "Hi, President!"

Zhou Zhi nodded and hummed lightly: "Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

Ling Wuyi smiled awkwardly and nodded: "Well... When I went out in the morning, the weather was good, so I didn't bring an umbrella..."

Zhou Zhi paused and asked her, "Do you live in the staff dormitory?"

"Yeah... that... I'm leaving first, goodbye, CEO!" After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyi turned around and was about to run, but Zhou Zhi grabbed her wrist.

Ling Wuyi turned her head and stared at Zhou Zhi with wide eyes as if she was frightened: "President...President...I...I don't accept unspoken rules..."

Zhou Zhi, who had a serious face, was taken aback for a moment, and burst out laughing.

His handsome face instantly brightened a lot and looked more peaceful.

Ling Wuyi was confused by Zhou Zhi's sudden smile: "President?"

Zhou Zhi looked at Ling Wuwen with a smile, and said, "I just want to say, it's raining so heavily outside, I can drive you back to the dormitory."

When it was over, Zhou Zhi added: "Don't worry, I don't like unspoken rules."

"Ah...that's it...hahaha...I was joking just now, President, just pretend you didn't hear..." Ling Wuyi looked embarrassed, even smiling.

Zhou Zhi let go of Ling Wuwen's hand and said, "Follow." Then he walked out of the company gate and walked to the parking lot from the corridor.

Ling Wuwen looked at Zhou Zhi's back, and his eyes flashed with eyes that did not belong to the silly, white and sweet image he just created.

Yes, Ling Wuxi's plan is to make Zhou Zhi fall in love with her, and then restore her identity.

Of course, she wouldn't attack Zhou Zhi the way she attacked Xi Ziqiu.

At this time, Zhou Zhi hadn't liked Su Yun'er yet, so it was very easy for Zhou Zhi to fall in love with her.

After walking a few steps, Zhou Zhi found that Ling Wuwen hadn't followed, so he stopped and glanced at her: "Are you going to stay overnight at the company?"

"Oh, come here, come here!" Ling Wuyi hugged her bag, and trotted to catch up with Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi's car is a two-seater sports car, and Ling Wuyi sat next to Zhou Zhi with an uncomfortable expression on his face, the bag in his hand was almost pinched and deformed.

Zhou Zhipi, who was about to start the car, turned his head and glanced at her: "What's your name? Which department?"

"Ah?" Ling Wuyue stared blankly at Zhou Zhi, and then said "Oh, my name is Mu Niannian, I'm from the planning department."

"Mu Niannian."


Zhou Zhi laughed, stopped talking, started the car and left.

He drove Ling Wuwen to the downstairs of the staff dormitory.

Ling Wuxi thanked Zhou Zhi gratefully: "Thank you, President, it's raining too much, and the President should drive carefully!"

Zhou Zhi nodded and said nothing.

Ling Wuxi unbuckled her seat belt, got out of the car with her bag.

Back in the staff dormitory, Ling Wuwen quickly took a shower and lay down on the bed to sleep.

"Little 55, you are going to attack Zhou Zhi, what will you do when you grow up?" Ling Wuyi was about to fall asleep when she suddenly heard Xia Lun's voice.

Ling Wuwen turned over, closed her eyes and replied: "The president is still abroad, when he comes back, it's okay for me to do something along the way, right?"

"Aren't you afraid that the president will be angry after recovering his memory?"

"How can you think the president is so stingy? Besides, I won't have anything to do with Zhou Zhi. As for what Zhou Zhi wants to do to her...that's Zhou Zhi's business."

Judging by Zhou Zhi's appearance tonight, if he can sense the favorability, it should be as much as fifty or sixty points.

When Xi Ziqiu comes back half a year later, it should be almost done.

Half a year, after half a year, she will be able to recover her identity...

"Stop talking to me, I want to sleep!" Ling Wuxi said impatiently, and immediately pulled up the quilt and covered her head.

Xia Lun curled her lips, and stopped disturbing Ling Wuyi's sleep——

For a period of time afterwards, Ling Wuwen would always intentionally create some chance encounters to deepen Zhou Zhi's impression of her.

As soon as the impression deepened, Ling Wuwen stopped deliberately looking for Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi, on the other hand, even offered to ask her out for dinner, but was declined by Ling Wuyue.

She didn't want to attack Zhou Zhi for the purpose of dating, of course she couldn't go out to eat with him or anything.

Some men just pay attention to you when you ignore him.

——In the blink of an eye, Ling Wuwen has been working at Zhou's for three months.

If Zhou Zhi's affection for Ling Wuwen can be counted, it should be more than 80 points now.

Just when Ling Wuwen was counting how long it would take for Xi Ziqiu's body to return to China, Xia Lun told Ling Wuwen that Xi Ziqiu's body was coming back early!

"Come back early? When will you be back?"

"Two days later."

So fast! It was three months ahead of schedule!

But it's okay, anyway, Zhou Zhi's place is almost the same.


Three days later, the Municipal People's Hospital.

On this day, Ling Wuwen asked for leave and came to the hospital.

She first went to the inpatient department to visit the colleague who joined the company with her and fell ill and was hospitalized because of the pressure of the upcoming assessment.

"Nian Nian, thank you for coming to see me! I'm really useless, I'm going to be assessed soon and I'm still sick..." The twenty-two-year-old girl who just graduated from university looked very haggard.

In order to become a regular, the girl stayed up late and worked overtime almost every day.

"You've done a good job, so there's no need for too much pressure." Ling Wuxi comforted her.

"You'll be fine. You've only been in the company for a month and you've been made a full-time employee. Now you don't have to worry about being fired from the company at any time."

Ling Wuwen just smiled and didn't speak.

After staying in the inpatient department for a while, Ling Wuwen left with an excuse.

"Xiao Lunlun, where is he?" Ling Wuwen asked, of course it was Xi Ziqiu's body.

She didn't really come to the hospital to visit her colleagues, her main purpose was to send Xi Ziqiu's body!

Today, Xi Ziqiu's body is in the hospital.

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