Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1264: Exchanged Life (8)

The apartment complex of the staff dormitory is only fifteen minutes away from the Zhou Group, so Ling Wuyi usually walks.

Walking back to the dormitory, he prepared to take the luggage he packed yesterday and take it outside the community to wait for Song Zhiqian.

Song Zhiqian came half an hour earlier to wait, so when Ling Wuyi came out, he was already outside.

Seeing Ling Wuwen, Song Zhiqian got out of the car, took the initiative to take the suitcase and put it in the trunk.

"Doctor Song, why did you come half an hour earlier? Isn't it an hour after the appointment?" Ling Wuwen asked standing aside.

Song Zhiqian said with a smile while packing his luggage: "I prefer to be ahead of the agreed time."

Ling Wuxi smiled, opened the rear door and got in the car.

Song Zhiqian also returned to the driver's seat, started the car, and glanced at Ling Wuyi in the rearview mirror: "Have you told your family about this?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head, her eyes were downcast, but her expression didn't matter: "My family, as long as I have money to send back to them every month, it will be fine."

This sentence Ling Wuwen made it very clear, that is to say, Mu Niannian's family members don't care what type of work Mu Niannian does, as long as they can send the money back every month.

Song Zhiqian felt a little sympathetic to Mu Niannian, he was an orphan and grew up with his adoptive father. Although his adoptive father was also very indifferent to him, it was only on the outside.

Unlike Mu Niannian's family members, they have a cold face and a cold heart.

Raising her lips, she smiled at Ling Wuwen: "Don't worry, I will take good care of you in the days to come. Also, thank you for being my experimenter."

Ling Wuyi tilted her head and said with a smile: "Really, I should be the one who wants to thank Dr. Song, right? You can help me restore my memory and give me back my salary!"

Song Zhiqian also laughed, concentrated on driving and stopped talking——

The ward where Ling Wuxi lives is really good, with good light, good air, and a good environment.

"Someone will bring you three meals a day, and I will give you medicine first." Song Zhiqian said to Ling Wuwen who was packing up.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Okay, I understand."

"Then you change into the sick clothes first, and I'll prepare."

Seeing that Ling Wuyi answered him, Song Zhiqian turned around and left the ward, closing the door by the way.

"Xiao Lunlun, if my body is checked, will it be fine?" What if there is no problem...

"Little 55, you can rest assured to be your experimenter. The results of your physical examination have not changed from before you came."

"Oh... that's good, I can rest assured!"

She still remembered that Song Zhiqian said that he would come to give her medicine later, so she hurriedly changed into the hospital clothes.

After a while, Song Zhiqian came in after changing into a white coat.

The medicine he was talking about was to give Lingwu an injection on the inside of the elbow.

Before the injection, Song Zhiqian also said, "It hurts a bit."

Ling Wuwen blinked her eyes, said oh, hesitating whether to pretend that she is afraid of pain, and then timidly ask Song Zhiqian to hit her softly?

But after thinking about it later, forget it, now she is not afraid of pain anymore.

A long time ago, she seemed to be in pain.

It's just that she didn't know when, she was so unafraid of pain that she could break her own bones without blinking.

It was just an injection, it was a bit painful, but to Ling Wuyi it was like being bitten by a mosquito.

After getting the injection, Song Zhiqian was about to go to the laboratory to do some experiments, so he explained a few words to Ling Wuyi, telling him to call him when she felt unwell.

"Don't worry, Doctor Song, I will definitely tell you the truth about my physical condition." Ling Wuwen said to Song Zhiqian with a smile.

"Then I don't worry. When I'm bored, I watch TV or use the computer to surf the Internet. If I'm hungry and it's not time for meal...you can also call me and tell me."

To be honest, Ling Wuwen felt that Song Zhiqian was too long-winded, and he really confessed and confessed.

However, since her favorability is not too low, she can just accept the verbiage.

Song Zhiqian left the ward after instructing Ling Wuwen a lot.

After Song Zhiqian left, Ling Wuyi sat on the bed and turned on the TV with the remote control.

Originally, Ling Wuyue was quite excited to watch it, but gradually, he felt a little uncomfortable in his body...

Not only do I feel dizzy, but I also have difficulty breathing.

This kind of physical condition, you don't need to think about it to know what the problem is.

Ling Wuxi hurriedly rang the call bell on the bedside, and then fell powerlessly on the pillow.

Song Zhiqian arranged for a nurse to keep an eye on Ling Wuyi's ward, so as soon as the call bell rang, the nurse would notify Song Zhiqian.

Song Zhiqian came very quickly, only about five minutes.

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Song Zhiqian checked Ling Wuyi with a sniffer.

"Dizziness...difficulty breathing..."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyi lost consciousness——

When she woke up again, she was on a drip and wearing an oxygen mask.

Song Zhiqian was standing by, holding a notebook and not knowing what he was recording.

Ling Wuxi raised her hand, took off the oxygen mask, and called weakly: "Doctor Song..."

Hearing Ling Wupin's voice, Song Zhiqian quickly put down the notebook in his hand, and checked Ling Wupin again.

"How is it? Do you still feel short of breath and dizzy?" Song Zhiqian asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi frowned and felt it carefully before answering Song Zhiqian: "The breathing is okay, but I feel dizzy and weak."

Song Zhiqian nodded: "Yes, I see."

After finishing speaking, Song Zhiqian paused, and said to Ling Wuwen, "Nian Nian, do you know the concept of experimenter?"

Song Zhiqian's pretty face was full of tangles, and when he saw Ling Wuwen 'dying' on the bed, he felt inexplicably panicked.

When Ling Wuyi was in a coma, Song Zhiqian even thought about it, or forget it... He found another experimenter.

Although in Song Zhiqian's heart, he didn't know why he couldn't bear to Ling Wu.

"I know that the experimenters are just like guinea pigs." Ling Wuxi replied in a relaxed tone.

Song Zhiqian nodded: "That's right, they are experimented like guinea pigs. I seem to have forgotten to say... Such experiments may be life-threatening at any time."

"So Nian Nian, it's too late for you to regret it now."

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "I want to restore my memory, I want to know my memory before the accident, and I want to pay the price of my life!"

Song Zhiqian was startled by Ling Wuwen's words, he didn't know that Ling Wuwen would attach so much importance to restoring memory.


"And Doctor Song, you seem to have forgotten one thing, a very important thing!" Ling Wuwen said with a smile.

Song Zhiqian was taken aback, and asked Ling Wuwen, "What's the matter?"

"I'm your experimenter, and I'm paid for it. If you don't let me be your experimenter, then I won't have a job."

Um...it seems to be.

Song Zhiqian hesitated for a moment, then looked down at Ling Wuwen: "Then I'll raise your salary again."

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