Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1268 Exchanged Life (12)

Ling Wuxi stood at the door for a while, then closed the door, turned back and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

He sighed a little and said: "I didn't expect...Song Zhiqian actually researched it so much earlier than in the plot!"

It will be several years before Song Zhiqian researches it in the plot.

At that time, Zhou Zhi had just married Su Yun'er not long ago.

As for Mu Niannian, she has already been 'euthanized'.

Xia Lun chuckled and said, "Isn't it because you, a good experimenter like you little 55, are here!"

That's right, the plot didn't say how Song Zhiqian did the experiment, it must have taken a lot of detours.

Her body has been medicated, so it is more convenient to study, right?

On the other side, Zhou Zhi, who had visited Grandpa Zhou, originally planned to go to Ling Wuyue, but the information he had been investigated a few days ago came out.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhi first left the hospital and went back to look at the information——

The information that Zhou Zhi got was very detailed, so detailed that after reading the information, he already began to feel sorry for Ling Wu.

She didn't expect her family to treat her like this, she didn't expect her to work so hard.

Zhou Zhi even decided at that moment that he would confess his love to Ling Wuyi after he recovered his memory, and then take good care of her!

restore memory...

Su Yun'er heard Zhou Zhi say that the doctor who performed the plastic surgery on her had developed a medicine that could restore her memory, Su Yun'er was very happy.

She really wanted to restore her memory, and wanted to remember all the memories about her cousin.

Because she thinks that Zhou Zhi's memory is very precious!

If Su Yun'er knew that Zhou Zhi was not in her memory after recovering her memory... I don't know how she would feel?

It's only half a month, it will pass soon——

The next day, Zhou Zhi personally brought Su Yun'er to the hospital, and met Ling Wuwen by the way.

Su Yun'er also came to see Ling Wuwen with Zhou Zhi. Women are very sensitive. When Zhou Zhi mentioned Ling Wuwen, his eyes and tone changed.

Although I feel uncomfortable, who made her his "cousin"!

She likes him, but she can only like him secretly, and she can't let anyone know...

When she saw Ling Wuwen, Su Yun'er suddenly realized: "So I think you look familiar because we had an accident together before!"

"What? Have you met before?" Zhou Zhi asked Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuxi nodded, and before she could speak, Su Yun'er took Zhou Zhi's arm and said, "Yes! I saw her in the elevator when I came to see my grandfather a few days ago, and I thought she looked familiar at the time." , I just can’t remember where I saw it!”

"So it's like this, Yun'er, you go back to the ward to change into your hospital clothes, and I'm going to give you an injection later."

The reason for saying this was that Zhou Zhi wanted to be alone with Ling Wuwen for a while.

Su Yun'er and Ling Wuyue obviously both heard it, and Ling Wuyue didn't want to be alone with Zhou Zhi.

"Well, then you go to the ward first, I'm going to take this time to go down for a walk, and I'm going to sleep after the injection."

While speaking, Ling Wuwen stood up and prepared to go outside.

Zhou Zhi wanted to follow, but was stopped by Su Yun'er: "Cousin, please accompany me back to the ward~ I'm a little scared..."

Zhou Zhi looked down at Su Yun'er, hesitated and nodded: "Okay, I'll accompany you back to the ward." As for Ling Wuyue, he can go down to find her later.

Su Yun'er smiled in satisfaction, but she thought happily in her heart, maybe her cousin didn't care about that Mu Niannian as much as she imagined, did she?


Today the doctor allowed Grandpa Zhou to go out to get some air, so Ling Wuyi decided to push him to the garden.

"Doctor Song said that after taking the medicine today, I will have to lie in bed until half a month later. So I can't see you again for half a month!" Ling Wuwen slowly pushed the wheelchair and walked on the road, talking to Zhou Grandpa speaks.

Grandpa Zhou nodded: "Understood, I'll just wait for you girl and my granddaughter to recover your memory!"

Knowing that his granddaughter can recover his memory, Grandpa Zhou is in a very good mood.

Ling Wuyi looked down at Grandpa Zhou's white-haired head. After half a month, she would be able to restore Mu Niannian's identity to the real Su Yun'er!

Before, Ling Wuxi was worried that Grandpa Zhou's heart would be overwhelmed when he knew the truth, so two days ago, he secretly took the pulse of Grandpa Zhou while he was sleeping.

Although there seemed to be no problem, Ling Wuwen was still worried, so yesterday she bought a strong heart pill with ten points and put it in Grandpa Zhou's water for him to drink.

In this way, after half a month, Grandpa Zhou should not be so excited that it will affect his body——

Accompanying Grandpa Zhou for a walk in the garden, Ling Wuxi saw that it was almost time, so she pushed Grandpa Zhou back to the ward.

When Ling Wuwen went back, Song Zhiqian had already injected Su Yun'er with medicine.

Lying back on the bed, a nurse came to put an oxygen mask on Ling Wuxi and insert a urinary catheter.

It was embarrassing, but there was no way, Song Zhiqian said that after injecting this medicine, he would fall into a deep coma.

Moreover, because Ling Wuwen had used other medicines before, she might not be able to recover her memory as quickly as Su Yun'er.

Oh my god... sleep for half a month...

"Before going to bed, can I ask Dr. Song a question?" Ling Wuxi took off the oxygen mask on her face, and turned her head to look at Song Zhiqian.

Song Zhiqian paused, looked up at Ling Wuwen: "You ask."

Ling Wuqin pursed her lips, and said in a low voice with some embarrassment: "Now the experiment is over... Then, after I recover, can I continue to be your experimenter?"

In fact, Song Zhiqian could understand why Ling Wuyi asked such a question.

For more than half a month, Ling Wuwen had talked with him a lot about family matters, so Song Zhiqian still had a basic understanding of her affairs.

Song Zhiqian shook his head solemnly and said, "You don't need to continue to be my experimenter."

"Ah? No need...then I..." Ling Wuyi looked confused, as if thinking about where she should go to find a job after she recovered.

Song Zhiqian suddenly chuckled, and said to Ling Wujin, "But don't worry, I will find you a job with good salary and good conditions!"

After all, he was the one who told people to resign! So of course you have to be responsible!

With Song Zhiqian's guarantee, Ling Wuyi's expression was relieved at that time: "Thank you, Doctor Song."

"I'm still Doctor Song now, don't call me Doctor Song when you recover your memory." Song Zhiqian said.

"Ah? Why?" Ling Wuxi pretended to be stupid.

Song Zhiqian put on an oxygen mask for Ling Wuyi, and then prepared to give her an injection: "Because after that, you will no longer be my patient! Could it be that we have known each other for so many days, so we can't be considered friends?"

Because it was inconvenient for Ling Wu to speak while wearing a mask, she nodded to Song Zhiqian and smiled.

After the drug was injected into her body, Song Zhiqian stayed by Ling Wuxi's side all the time, at least he was there before she lost consciousness.

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