Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1270 Exchanged Life (14)

After the injection, the nurse was about to leave, but Su Yun'er suddenly stopped her: "Miss nurse, wait!"

The nurse turned around and looked at Su Yun'er suspiciously: "Is there anything else Miss Su needs my help with?"

Su Yun'er hesitated for a moment, and then asked the nurse in a low voice: "The girl next door to me, how is the situation now?"

The nurse replied with a smile: "Oh, Miss Mu hasn't woken up yet. Dr. Song said that she may wake up a little later than you because she has taken other medicines before."

"Okay, I see, thank you."

Seeing that Su Yun'er didn't want to speak anymore, the nurse said 'You're welcome' and left.

After the nurse left, Su Yun'er began to stare at the ceiling again.

In her mind, there was always a sentence: The real Su Yun'er has not woken up, the real Su Yun'er has not recovered her memory...

It's like a magic barrier, out of control at all.

She was actually longing, longing for the real Su Yun'er to never regain her memory, or... never to wake up——

After lying on the hospital bed for another two days, after Song Zhiqian injected Su Yun'er with medicine, she didn't react at all.

Song Zhiqian became more and more suspicious, suspecting that Su Yun'er had recovered her memory.

Because of the medicine he studied, people who are healthy will not respond.

Su Yun'er didn't respond after the injection, that means her memory has been restored!

However, if Su Yun'er really recovered her memory, why did she hide it? Even the Zhou family kept it a secret.

Soon, Song Zhiqian knew that Su Yun'er would hide the reason why she recovered her memory——

On this day, after Su Yun'er asked the nurse about Ling Wupin's situation, she couldn't help getting up and going to Ling Wupin's room.

Su Yun'er knew that she would not be able to breathe on her own after falling into a deep coma with this medication.

So Ling Wuniao, who has not yet woken up, needs to breathe with the help of an oxygen mask.

"Here we come! Little 55 Su Yun'er is here!" Xia Lun excitedly reminded Ling Wu who was 'sleeping'.

Ling Wupin's eyebrows moved: "Look carefully at what she wants to do." Ling Wupin reminded.

Xia Lun put down his work and stared at the display screen intently.

Su Yun'er walked to Ling Wuyi's hospital bed and stood still, then looked down at the face that was supposed to be her.

Su Yun'er has thought a lot these past few days. She even wanted to say that she had recovered her memory several times when Zhou Zhi and Grandpa Zhou came to visit her.

She felt that she should tell them that she was not the real Su Yun'er.

But when the words came to his lips, they were swallowed back.

She... doesn't want to tell them...

She... doesn't want to change back to Mu Niannian...

Su Yun'er's eyes were fixed on the oxygen mask on Ling Wu's face, and she stretched out her hand uncontrollably...

"Little 55, she really wants to kill you!" Xia Lun exclaimed.

Without Xia Lun's reminder, Ling Wuyi already felt Su Yun'er's hand on her oxygen mask.

"Where's Song Zhiqian?" Ling Wuwen's tone was very calm, anyway, nothing would happen after taking off the oxygen mask.

"He's in the lab, but he seems to be leaving the lab now."

From the laboratory to her ward, it would take ten minutes at the fastest.

Ling Wuwen felt that it should be almost done, Su Yun'er wanted her to die, but still had a war between heaven and man in her heart.

After all, this is a society governed by the rule of law. Killing people requires a lot of courage.

Su Yun'er's hand was placed on top of Ling Wu's oxygen mask and she didn't move for a while, Ling Wu'er could even feel her hand trembling slightly, she didn't know if it was from fear or panic.

"Little 55, Song Zhiqian is already on the elevator." Xia Lun reminded Ling Wuyi.

At the same time, Su Yun'er finally planned to move.

She took a deep breath, summoned up the courage to take off Ling Wuxi's oxygen mask, then turned around and left the ward quickly.

Originally Ling Wuyi planned to open her eyes, but because Song Zhiqian was coming soon, she continued to close her eyes.

She was still breathing at first, and when Song Zhiqian was about to open the door of the ward, Ling Wuyi held her breath and held her face.

Song Zhiqian walked into the ward, and was stunned when he saw Ling Wumei's oxygen mask was taken off by someone else, so he hurried over to put the oxygen mask back on Ling Wumei.

Ling Wu's face was already red from holding her breath, and Song Zhiqian was almost frightened.

He had only been away for a few hours, how could such a thing happen.

Who took off Ling Wu's oxygen mask?

Ling Wuwen 'can't' breathe on her own, the reason why she took off the oxygen mask is to kill Ling Wuwen!

Song Zhiqian paused in front of the hospital bed, then took out his cell phone.

In fact, he installed a pinhole camera next to Ling Wuni's hospital bed. It's not a perversion, but to be able to see the situation of Ling Wuwen anytime, anywhere.

However, this kind of behavior is only for Ling Wuyi alone.

Now Song Zhiqian only needs to look at the recordings in the camera to know who took off Ling Wuni's oxygen mask!

Song Zhiqian adjusted the record to about ten minutes before his arrival, because Ling Wuyi's appearance should not have been recorded for a long time, so the other party came before him.

On the screen of the mobile phone, Su Yun'er who was supposed to be lying in the ward appeared.

Song Zhiqian frowned tightly, could it be Su Yun'er?

Speed ​​up the screen until Su Yun'er puts her hand on the oxygen mask of Ling Wu Nie.

Later, Su Yun'er seemed to think of something, took off Ling Wu's oxygen mask, and ran away.

The moment Song Zhiqian saw Su Yun'er take off the oxygen mask of Lingwu Nie, he felt that he almost forgot to breathe, if he was late...if no one found out...

So Ling Wuwen, did he die?

Could it be that he could never see her smiling at him with her eyes open again?

Song Zhiqian couldn't even imagine such a thing!

At this time, Ling Wuwen suddenly moved his eyeballs, and then trembled his eyelashes.

These subtle movements were successfully noticed by Song Zhiqian.

Song Zhiqian happily leaned over to Ling Wuyi's bed and called her, "Niannian, are you awake?"

Hearing Song Zhiqian's voice, Ling Wuyue opened her eyes with pride.

Ling Wuyi glanced blankly at Song Zhiqian, then stared at the ceiling again, her eyes were empty and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Song Zhiqian was a little frightened, and checked her body while talking to her.

"How about Nian Nian, have you recovered your memory?"

This is the fifth time Song Zhiqian asked Ling Wuwen this question, Ling Wuwen waited for a long time before raising his hand to remove his oxygen mask, and said softly: "I am not Mu Niannian, I am Su Yun'er. "

This sentence made Song Zhiqian stop his movements, and his facial expression was completely out of control: "You... what did you say?!" What do you mean? Is that what he understood?

Ling Wuyi raised her eyes, looked at Song Zhiqian fixedly, and repeated: "I'm not Mu Niannian, I'm Su Yun'er."


The 50th monthly pass will be updated!

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