Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1279: Exchanged Life (23)

Zhou Zhi's first words over there were: "Where are you and Yun'er?"

"At my house, what do you want from me?" Song Zhiqian asked Zhou Zhi.

In fact, not only women's sixth sense is very accurate, but men's intuition is also very accurate.

Song Zhiqian knew that Zhou Zhi's love for Ling Wu was not just his cousin's liking for his cousin...

"Well, Mu Niannian has a clue." In fact, even if Mu Niannian had a clue, Zhou Zhi didn't need to inform Song Zhiqian.

The main purpose of his calling was actually to see what Song Zhiqian and Ling Wuying were doing.

Song Zhiqian glanced at Ling Wuwen, and asked Zhou Zhi: "Huh? Is there a clue? Did you find someone?"

"No, but the police found out that Mu Niannian had a car accident that night. A passing witness said that Mu Niannian was injured and was taken away by a man."

"Did the witness see the man's face or the license plate number?"

"Nothing at all. The police have started to investigate one hospital after another. What is certain is that Mu Niannian is in this city." Zhou Zhi said.

Song Zhiqian nodded, and hummed: "Then let me know if there's any news. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Zhou Zhi actually wanted to say something else, he knew that Ling Wuwen was right next to Song Zhiqian.

She pursed her lips: "Well, that's it."

After speaking, Zhou Zhi hung up the phone first.

Song Zhiqian put the phone on the coffee table beside him, turned to look at Ling Wuwen, and told her what Zhou Zhi said on the phone.

Ling Wuyi lifted the quilt and sat up, yawning: "Leave these to the police, I don't care too much. Hmm~ Are you hungry? Shall I cook?"

Not to mention, he wasn't hungry at first, but he felt a little hungry when he heard Ling Wu's question.

I looked at the time, it was already half past five in the afternoon.

"Okay, how about I help you?"

"Forget it, think about your miserable bowl! Fold the quilt." Ling Wuqian rubbed Song Zhiqian's head, not to mention, it felt good.

Uh~ She said why Xi Ziqiu's bodies in the previous few worlds liked to rub her head. It turned out to be because it feels good in the hand!

Seeing that his behavior did not arouse Song Zhiqian's reaction, Ling Wuxi rubbed it again, then got up and went to the kitchen satisfied.

Being rubbed on the head like a dog, it's not that Song Zhiqian didn't respond, it's just that his reaction...was manifested in his tightly clenched fists.

Ling Wuyi only paid attention to Song Zhiqian's facial expressions, but of course he didn't pay attention to his hands.

God knows how nervous he was when Ling Wu's hand fell on top of his head!

That heartbeat - thumping, it felt like it was about to jump directly from the position of the heart!

Seeing Ling Wuwen's back going to the kitchen, Song Zhiqian swallowed, his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

Song Zhiqian has always maintained the action before Ling Wuyi left: kneeling and sitting on the stall.

Until, Ling Wuxi sat down and put the food on the dining table, and then asked him to eat.

Song Zhiqian wanted to stand up, but just as he stood up, he sat on the sofa with a painful expression on his face.

Seeing Song Zhiqian's expression, Ling Wuyue thought that he was not feeling well, so she hurried over and looked at him nervously: "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Have a headache?"

Song Zhiqian bared his teeth, pointing with some difficulty to his leg that he didn't dare to move: "It's numb...it's numb..."

Ling Wu was stunned, looked down at his legs, and then couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha...don't tell me that you just knelt on the carpet just now! You even made your legs numb Already!"

Although he was making fun of Song Zhiqian, Ling Wuyi's hand was softly massaging his calf.

At the beginning, it felt uncomfortable, but it was very comfortable when I pressed it.

In the end, Song Zhiqian half-closed his eyes comfortably, and enjoyed it while leaning on the sofa.

"How is it? Are you feeling better?" Ling Wuwen asked Song Zhiqian.

"Hmm...it's still a little numb...you rub it again..."

Hearing what Song Zhiqian said, Ling Wuwen stopped her movements instead.

Song Zhiqian couldn't feel Ling Wu's rubbing, and opened his eyes suspiciously.

"Uncle Song, if you really want to continue to press on you, then you kneel down, I will continue to press on you when your feet are numb, do you think it's okay?" Ling Wuyi looked at Song Zhiqian with her hands on her hips.

"Uh...hahaha...no need~ Let's go and eat!" Song Zhiqian smiled dryly, stood up from the sofa, and walked towards the dining room with his arms around Ling Wuyi's shoulders.

The dinner of Ling Wu Nie is light, there is only one shredded chicken, and the rest are all vegetarian dishes.

Ling Wuyi first poured a bowl of soup for Song Zhiqian, and said, "This soup is for the purpose of tranquilizing the mind. You have been writing all afternoon, so drink two more bowls."

"Okay, I'll drink two more bowls!" Song Zhiqian smiled heartily, feeling very warm in his heart.

For a moment, Song Zhiqian thought, if he could eat rice cooked by Lingwu Nie every day in the future!

If I come back from the hospital every day in the future, I will be able to smell the aroma of food and see Lingwu Nie with a smiling face...

It's such a great feeling!

Song Zhiqian raised his eyes and looked at Lingwu who was drinking soup with his head down. Opened his mouth, hesitated to speak.

After finishing the meal, Ling Wuwen took up the job of washing dishes again.

After finishing everything this time, Ling Wuwen said: "Okay, thank you for treating me to two meals! It's getting late, take me home!"

"Ah? Are you leaving now?" Song Zhiqian turned his head to look at the darkened sky outside the French window.

Tsk...how does it feel like time flies so fast?

"Well, I'm leaving! I've been out for a day, and if I don't go back, I guess grandpa will call." I have learned a lot today, so of course I have to go.

Although she knew that she would be successful in confessing her love now, but... she didn't want to take the initiative when she could not take the initiative!

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Song Zhiqian couldn't say anything more.

Nodded: "Okay, I will take you back now."


After Song Zhiqian sent Ling Wuwen back to Zhou's house, he chatted with Grandpa Zhou for a while.

I don't know what Song Zhiqian and Grandpa Zhou talked about. When Ling Wuwen sent him away, he was a little embarrassed to look directly into Ling Wuwen's eyes.

Later, when Ling Wuwen was walking with Grandpa Zhou one day, he found out that Grandpa Zhou told Song Zhiqian that if he was his grandson-in-law, he would agree.

In this way, one can figure out why Song Zhiqian was embarrassed to look at her before.

It won't be long before Song Zhiqian should confess his love to her, right?

I think so, but in fact——

--half year later--

Half a year, a whole half a year... In the past six months, many things have happened.

For example, even if Song Zhiqian's affection for her increased to ninety-five points, he would not let go of his confession!

Ling Wuwen also held her breath, Song Zhiqian didn't say anything, and she didn't take the initiative to say it, let's see who can hold on!

Anyway... Even so, the favorability is also increasing.

Apart from the fact that Song Zhiqian did not confess his love to her, of course there were other things.

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