Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1282 Exchanged Life (26)

So speaking of it, Aunt Wednesday is also responsible?

Not only did she find out that her husband was cheating, she didn't want to make it up, but she just resolved that kind of thing just to prevent him from having an illegitimate child outside.

Ling Wuwen felt a little sympathetic to Zhou Yi, how strong is he to be born safely and grow up to be twenty years old?

What Grandpa Zhou said was true, so Aunt Wednesday was too blocked to speak.

There are several juniors here, and Aunt Wednesday stomped her feet and went upstairs to her room without even caring about being polite.

Grandpa Zhou is not angry now, it is not good for his health to be pissed off by these bastards.

"You two little bastards, go outside and kneel."

"Grandpa..." Is it okay not to kneel?

"Grandpa...can you just kneel inside?"

Grandpa Zhou snorted and laughed: "Okay! Of course! I give you two choices, one is to go out and kneel for me until tomorrow morning, and the other is to get out of Zhou's house! You guys will only anger me if you raise them You might as well have a dog!"

Uncle Zhou and Uncle Zhou kicked Zhou Liang and Zhou Ming very tacitly: "Grandpa told you to go out and kneel, just go out and kneel, where is there so much nonsense?!"

Zhou Liang raised his head to look at his father, but he kept winking at him.

Pursing their lips, Zhou Liang and Zhou Ming reluctantly went outside to kneel.

As soon as Zhou Liang and Zhou Ming went out, the other juniors also retreated one after another.

As for those servants, Grandpa Zhou felt that what Ling Wuyi said was right, and those servants who testified against Zhou Yi should pack up and leave.

No one dared to ask for forgiveness anymore, because Grandpa Zhou said: "If you talk more nonsense, you won't even be able to get this month's salary!"

A month's salary is quite a lot, how dare they say anything?

The servants who should be cleaned up also cleaned up, and Grandpa Zhou asked Uncle Zhou and Uncle Tuesday not to be an eyesore to him.

After Uncle Zhou and Uncle Zhou Zhou had left, Grandpa Zhou looked at Zhou Yi who had been silent the whole time and only said two words.

He wanted to say something, but in the end he sighed. Grandpa Zhou waved his hand at Zhou Yi: "You can do your own thing."

Zhou Yi nodded and went back to his room.

In the living room, only Ling Wuyue and Grandpa Zhou were left. Ling Wuyue stood behind Grandpa Zhou, pressing the acupuncture points on his back.

Grandpa Zhou closed his eyes slightly and sighed again.

Ling Wuxi's hand paused, and she said, "Why is Grandpa sighing all the time? Could it be that I'm not comfortable pressing it?"

"No, no, the rhyme is very comfortable to press!"

Grandpa Zhou sighed again: "Grandpa sighs, you are a member of this big family, only Yun'er makes Grandpa worry the most!"

Ling Wuxi grinned: "Grandpa, I'm going to be ashamed when you say that. No one would say that I'm the devil king of the Zhou family. Grandpa, you say that I'm the most worry-free!"

Grandpa Zhou raised his hand and patted Ling Wu's hand on the shoulder: "Grandpa knows that you are just pretending. Those people... just wait for the day when Grandpa dies, so they can divide the inheritance!"

"Bah, bah, grandpa, don't die! You have to live a long life, and you have to be with Yun'er for a long, long, long time!" Ling Wuxi said coquettishly, putting her arms around Grandpa Zhou's neck.

Grandpa Zhou smiled until his eyes narrowed, and his mood immediately improved: "Don't worry~ Grandpa is still waiting to see you get married and hug your great-grandson!"

"Okay!" Ling Wuyi agreed immediately, thinking that if Xi Ziqiu regained her memory and Grandpa Zhou was still around...she would stay in this world longer.

Let Grandpa Zhou attend her wedding and watch the birth of her child.

Ling Wuwen was also old, and she still knew how she felt when she was old.

But she is better than Grandpa Zhou, because her children are very filial, and they don't think that she will die soon to share the inheritance.

Like Grandpa Zhou, he is surrounded by descendants, but no one really cares about him.

Since no one cares, let Ling Wuyi care.

At least let Grandpa Zhou's last life, let him leave with a smile at the last moment——

"Speaking of the great-grandson, let me say Yun'er, what's the matter with you and Xiao Song? We're both of marriageable age, so let's get married if you can! Grandpa is getting old, but he can't wait for a few years."

When it comes to Song Zhiqian Ling Wuwen, she gets angry. In the past six months, she went to his house every now and then to cook a meal or something.

During the holidays, I gave him gifts and invited him out to watch a movie and go shopping.

How many good opportunities she created for him to confess!

But what about Song Zhiqian? Even though the favorability is so high, you still have to pretend to be stupid!

"Hmph~ He didn't say he likes me, so why should I marry him! Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely find you a better grandson-in-law than Song Zhiqian as soon as possible!"

After speaking, Ling Wuwen went back to the room.

Grandpa Zhou blinked, and turned his head to look at the phone beside him.

After thinking about it, Grandpa Zhou decided to call Song Zhiqian himself——

As soon as the phone was dialed, it was picked up quickly.

Grandpa Zhou spoke first: "Hello, Xiao Song? It's me."

"Grandpa Zhou? Do you have something to do?" Song Zhiqian who was in the laboratory was a little surprised, he didn't expect Grandpa Zhou to call him himself.

"Of course something happened! It's still a big deal!"

Hearing that Grandpa Zhou said there was something important, Song Zhiqian's heart skipped a beat, and he stood up abruptly: "What's the big deal? Did something happen to Yun'er?"

"Oh, I can't tell you clearly on the phone. In this way, you come to my house for dinner, and I will tell you after eating."

"Okay, I'll go now."

"Okay, then you come here now."

After hanging up on Grandpa Zhou's phone, Song Zhiqian called Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuwen, who was playing games on the bed, was a little surprised when she saw Song Zhiqian's call.

She knew Song Zhiqian's habits, he was usually in the laboratory at this time.

So usually Ling Wupi is very sensible and won't bother him during this time period.

However, why do you have time to call her today: "Hi~ what do you want Uncle Song to do?"

"Yun'er, are you okay?"

As soon as Song Zhiqian opened his mouth, Ling Wuyi was confused, what could be wrong with her?

"I'm fine! I'm fine! Why do you ask me that?"

"Oh, it's good that you're fine. Grandpa Zhou called me and said he needed to find me for something important. He asked me to come to Zhou's house for an interview and have a meal by the way."

Song Zhiqian's tone was a long sigh of relief, and the tension was finally let go.

As long as something didn't happen to Ling Wuyue, it would be fine!

"Oh, then you come here~ By the way, I also really want to know what's the big deal with Grandpa looking for you!"

In fact, Ling Wuyi had already guessed it.

Just now we talked about marriage downstairs, Song Zhiqian called here not long ago.

What is the reason? It's just that Grandpa Zhou couldn't wait any longer and wanted to urge Song Zhiqian!

Hmm~ In fact, Ling Wuyue had expected it, that's why I told Grandpa Zhou that.

The purpose, of course, is to use Grandpa Zhou's mouth to create a crisis for Song Zhiqian, to let him know that she doesn't want him!

Hmph~ let you play reserved——


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