Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1290: The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (1)

When Ling Wuwen came to this novel world, she was first awakened by the cold.

It was so cold that I felt like I had been frozen into an ice cube.

The sound of the wind whistling in my ears, and the icy cold falling on my body, I don't know whether it is snow or rain.

Ling Wuwen wanted to open her eyes, but was blown by the wind and could only half-close them.

Difficult to see where he is, but the goal is white.

Oh my god... is she going to the South Pole or the North Pole?

Ling Wuxi lowered her head to look at her body. She should be wearing a red cloak, but the original color was covered by snowflakes.

It's so cold, so cold...so cold that I can't move.

"Little Lunlun, help me find out if there is a house nearby, or a place where I can escape the wind and snow."

"I've been looking for it, but there's no one within ten kilometers of you, not even a cave!"

What should I do then? ! She couldn't have just come here and was frozen to death, right?

Ling Wuxi struggled to get up from the ground, not knowing what fell from her arms.

She looked down and saw that it was a long box carved from white jade.


Ling Wuyi bent down, trying to pick up the box.

As soon as he grasped the box in his hand, a gust of 'monster' wind blew over, directly overturning the Lingwu catkin.

The whole person lay on the ground, Ling Wuyue wanted to cry.

The body has been numb from the cold, it is estimated that the host was frozen to death.

Ling Wuwen didn't want to be frozen to death in this icy and snowy place when she first arrived.

She clicked on the platform mall to see if there were any body warming items for sale.

Needless to say, there are quite a few types.

There is something to eat, something to wear, and something to wear.

The price is different, and the period of use is also different.

Food like that is the cheapest, but only for two hours.

Wearing... Ling Wuyi probably wouldn't have the strength to wear it even if she got it in her hand.

The last one is Dai.

'Like a fish in water' is a bracelet in the shape of a fish, a red fish.

After reading the description, it is awesome!

Even if it is warm in winter and cool in summer, you can still breathe in the water wearing this!

But there is a premise that it can only be used by one person.

That is to say, if Ling Wuwen uses it, she cannot use it for others.

Even if it is used by other people, it is just an ordinary bracelet without any function.

Ling Wuyi is very satisfied with this bracelet, although two hundred points is not cheap, but she needs it very, very much now!

So without hesitation, I clicked to buy directly.

Then, the bracelet appeared on her left wrist.

Ling Wu was stunned for a moment, so she put it on herself! ?

That is to say, if she buys that dress, she will also wear it herself?


Forget it, buy everything now, just use it.

I bought it with 200 points, it really is very good!

In just a few seconds, Ling Wuyi felt that her body was beginning to warm up.

It's not the feeling of getting hot all of a sudden, but the blood slowly starts to circulate.

It's as if the frozen meat in the refrigerator is slowly thawing, and the hands and feet can move freely.

Soon, Ling Wuyi felt that her body temperature was about the same as usual.

At this time, when the cold wind blows on my body again, it is like blowing a fan in summer, and I no longer feel cold.

Taking a long breath, Ling Wuwen didn't immediately get up from the snow, but turned over and closed his eyes to receive the plot and memories.

But before that, she had to redeem points.

Because she remembered, it seemed that the points were not enough to buy the bracelet just now.

Open personal platform:

restorer; catkin

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Accumulated points: -136

Interstellar currency: 17100

Backpack: Headache gone × 12 pieces

Life-saving pill × 1

Psychedelic × 14 times

Gold Finger: Permanently designated character location searcher (limited to three times per world, each time no more than ten minutes)

Permanent vulnerability crisis alarm (every time a vulnerability occurs in the world, an alarm will be automatically issued)

Protagonist halo see-through eyes (you can see the hero or heroine who has the protagonist aura)

Mind reading (can read people's inner thoughts, each world can only be used three times, each time can only target one person, and each time can only last for one hour)

Sure enough, they all lost more than a hundred.

After thinking about it, the interstellar coins of 7,100 have been converted into points, and it seems better to leave a round number.

When I opened my personal platform again, the points had changed from negative to 1284.

Turning off the personal platform, Ling Wuwen began to receive the memory of the body.

I thought there would still be a plot this time, but unfortunately...it didn't.

But to Ling Wuyi's surprise, the body didn't die when she came here.

Two more years to live!

The host is called Su Yiling, who is just seventeen years old.

This novel world is neither ancient nor modern. But a place similar to the Republic of China.

Well, it is similar, not the Republic of China in history.

Su Yiling's family background is extraordinary, she is the daughter of the richest man in Jiangcheng. However, it is not the kind that is favored.

Because she was born to her concubine, and she was also a daughter, so she was ranked thirteenth in the Su family.

Su Yiling likes a man, a senior military officer in Jiangcheng.

The officer suddenly fell ill and needed snow ganoderma from the extreme north to recuperate his body.

In order to make this officer better, Su Yiling secretly ran from Jiangcheng to this extreme north without telling his family.

Just now, the jade box that was dropped on the ground by Ling Wuyue contained the Snow Ganoderma lucidum that Su Yiling had found.

In his memory, when Su Yiling was so cold that he was about to lose consciousness, he met a hunter who came here to hunt.

This hunter also came here to hunt snow bears, otherwise he wouldn't have come.

Snow Bear didn't hit him, but met Su Yiling.

The kind hunter rescued Su Yiling.

Su Yiling was also lucky, he came out of Jiangcheng safely by himself, and found the priceless Snow Ganoderma lucidum in the extreme north.

When returning to Jiangcheng, that hunter kindly sent Su Yiling back.

Hmm... yes, that hunter was young.

Moreover, I like Su Yiling!

If he didn't like Su Yiling, then the hunter wouldn't be full and idle and have nothing to do to send an irrelevant person to Jiangcheng all the way!

As for that officer...it is the tentative male protagonist Leng Zifeng of this world.

As for the heroine, it is a person named Liu Yunqian.

In Su Yiling's memory, she was Leng Zifeng's maid.

Later, Leng Zifeng married her as his concubine.

Ahem! It's the concubine... Because Leng Zifeng came from a famous family, it is impossible for him to marry a maid as his wife.

But this regular wife is not Su Yiling either.

Because before she could marry Leng Zifeng, she blocked a gun for him and died——

After receiving the memories, Ling Wuxi quickly got up from the snow.

"Little Lunlun, do you see where that hunter is now?"

Xia Lun looked at it and said, "Are you going to avoid him, or are you thinking of waiting for him?"

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