Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1295: The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (6)

Tsk... This Sikong Yunmo is really amazing, to be able to get such a medicine.

Or, did he do it himself?

——Ling Wuwen was carried up to the third floor by Sikong Yunmo.

As Sharon said, there is only one room on the third floor.

The door of the room was not closed, so Sikong Yunmo went in with Ling Wumo in his arms.

With the lights on inside, she tilted her head and could see the room clearly.

The first thing that catches the eye is the black bed, it should be where Sikong Yunmo usually sleeps.

After entering the room, what I saw was that there were many standing glass cabinets not far from the bed.

The glass cabinet is about one meter wide and two meters high.

These glass cabinets are filled with wax figures!

They pose in various poses and wear beautifully fitted clothes as if they were alive.

Oh my god... Sure enough, only a pervert can sleep peacefully in such a situation, right?

Ling Wuxi saw their eyeballs moving, as if they were looking at her.

In that look, I don't know what to express.

Ling Wu guessed, it should be fear.

Or, they were thinking: there is another woman like us.

"These beautiful women are my treasures, but don't worry about Yiling, you are prettier than them all!" Sikong Yunmo looked at Ling Wumo with almost obsessed eyes.

Ling Wuxi sensed that her favorability increased to 60 points at this time.

The abnormal favorability is so easy to increase, isn't it?

"So, are you going to make me like them?" Ling Wuwen asked Sikong Yunmo.

Her tone was so calm that Sikong Yunmo had to look at her differently.

"Yeah...Yi Ling, you don't seem to be afraid?" Back then, those women were all terrified, and they begged him the whole time, begging him not to make them into wax figures.

But Ling Wuwen, don't even beg him, he doesn't even show fear!

Ling Wuwen didn't answer Sikong Yunmo's question, but asked him: "Why do you want me to be like them?"

To this question, Sikong Yunmo answered quite naturally: "In that case, you will be so beautiful all the time, and you will only belong to me and guard me."

"Actually, I don't think it's good for you to do this." Ling Wuxi said solemnly.

"I think it's great! Look at them, how beautiful they are!"

Sikong Yunmo approached the glass cabinets with Ling Wuyue in his arms, making Ling Wuyue look at them closely.

It's really pretty, but it's also... pretty creepy!

Because of the wax on their faces, these living wax figures are forced to keep their eyes open. Also because of keeping their eyes open for a long time, their eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"It's really beautiful, but they can't talk to you. Unlike me now, I can talk to you, and I can make all kinds of expressions on my face."

Sikong Yunmo fell silent, looking down at Ling Wuwen, as if analyzing what she said.

Ling Wuwen went on to say: "You said that after they become like this, they can always be with you. It's not true."

"Look, if you go out for something, you can't take them with you all the time."

"I'm different, I move freely, so I can stay by your side all the time!"

"In addition, in fact, I can always be so beautiful, I can keep my appearance not old." It's strange.

But before she gets old, she can definitely top up her favorability!

Ling Wuwen's tone made people sound very credible, and it also succeeded in making Sikong Yunmo feel... It seemed that there was some truth to it!

Sikong Yunmo looked at his collection of precious wax figures, and then at the catkin in his arms.

Blinking: "Let me hear some more comparisons from you."

Ling Wuwen: "..." Still listening!

Rolling her eyes, Ling Wuwen continued, "Hey~ Their bodies are cold, but I am warm."

"Their skin is hard, my skin is soft."

"They can only maintain one movement, and I can move freely to do other movements."

"They can only be placed in a cabinet, but I can lie beside you."

Wow~ I suddenly felt that I was so powerful that I could say so many comparisons all at once!

Sikong Yunmo was also stunned, feeling in his heart that Ling Wuyi's words became more and more reasonable.


Sikong Yunmo hugged Ling Wumi to lie down on his black bed, then covered her and himself with the quilt, and hugged her. Say: "Then I'll try which one feels better first."

Ling Wuwen: "..." There is still a trial period! ?

I was speechless in my heart, but my face was still very flat. And he gave Sikong Yunmo a confident smile: "I guarantee that this method will be better than those wax figures of yours."

Sikong Yunmo reached out and touched Ling Wuxi's face, it was indeed soft, unlike those wax figures that were hard to the touch.

Well...it still feels good.

After moving his body, Sikong Yunmo closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

Ling Wuxi couldn't help but ask him, "When will the effects of my medicine wear off?" It's really uncomfortable to be unable to move like this.

Originally, she thought the medicine would only work for a few hours, but Sikong Yunmo said, "Fifteen days."

What? ! Ten-five-days? !

The corners of Ling Wuyi's mouth twitched unconsciously. She had temporarily settled Sikong Yunmo just now. If she bought medicine in the platform mall to restore her strength...it would probably arouse his hostility in an instant.

Perverted or something, it's best not to provoke them.

She is also considered a pervert... so she understands something.

Ling Wuwen didn't speak any more, neither did Sikong Yunmo.

Through the light coming from the gaps in the blackout curtains, Ling Wunie realized that the sky of the foreigner seemed to have brightened.

At this time, it should be around six o'clock in the morning, right?

She's actually quite sleepy, but sleeping in a room with twenty-nine living wax figures... it's kind of like sleeping in a haunted house.

Hiss~ Why does she feel the coldness on her back?

Keeping eyes open, analyzing what method or personality type to use to better increase Sikong Yunmo's favorability.

It is difficult to cure a pervert, she must at least increase her favorability to ninety points, so she can hope to cure Sikong Yunmo's hobby of collecting wax figures of living beauties.

As for now...

As long as Ling Wuyi can keep Sikong Yunmo's sense of freshness towards him, he probably won't harm other girls anymore.

Well, let's do this first.

She still has half a month to recover her strength!

Is this medicine effective for so long because it takes half a month to make a person into a living wax figure?

I have to say... Ling Wuyue got the truth.

Sikong Yunmo is a perfectionist, and it is really troublesome to make a living person into a wax figure, or if the other person is not dead.


Sikong Yunmo slept for about eight hours and was woken up by Ling Wuyue.

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