Every time Leng Zifeng came, Sikong Yunmo would humiliate him.

Every time Leng Zifeng came with a cold face and left with a dark face.

In this way, it will be more convenient for Ling Wuwen to chat with Sun Jingshu.

After half a month, Sun Jingshu also finished confinement.

Ling Wuwen brought her herbal soup from home every day, and Sun Jingshu recovered very well.

It's just that the body can be recovered, but some heart injuries cannot be recovered.

Sun Jingshu said that she gave herself a year.

For a year, she had to rely on herself to ruin Leng Zifeng's reputation! Life is better than death!

She would not intentionally hurt Liu Yunqian, she knew that Liu Yunqian was 'kind', but her kindness was disgusting.

After Sun Jingshu finished confinement, Ling Wuyi didn't visit her often.

But Ling Wujin knew that Sun Jingshu had quickly taken power in the Governor's Mansion and became the mistress of the Governor's Mansion.

Due to his own injustice and Sun Jingshu's in-law's family, Leng Zifeng could only temporarily allow Sun Jingshu to seize power.

There is Sun Jingshu at home, and at work, Sikong Yunmo, who is obviously lower than him, still oppresses him everywhere.

Whether at home or outside, Leng Zifeng felt that ever since he married Sun Jingshu, everything went wrong for him!

If marrying Sun Jingshu was out of responsibility in the first place, then Leng Zifeng really regrets it now.

He felt that even if he was poisoned to death that night, he shouldn't have touched Sun Jingshu!

Heh~ He regretted it, so why doesn't Sun Jingshu regret it?

She regretted letting the driver stop that night, regretting kindly sending Leng Zifeng to the inn that night, she regretted all the things that happened!

——In the blink of an eye, it has been three months since Sun Jingshu had a miscarriage.

In three months, many things happened.

In just three months, Sun Jingshu had tortured Leng Zifeng to the point of death.

Leng Zifeng raised his hands several times, but Sun Jingshu looked at him with a sneer: "If you dare to slap me down, you will no longer be the governor of Jiangcheng tomorrow."

Leng Zifeng is very concerned about his position, even Liu Yunqian cares more about his position than Liu Yunqian.

But later when Sun Jingshu wanted to marry Liu Yunqian, Leng Zifeng was a little bit tougher and married Liu Yunqian as his concubine.

And Liu Yunqian hated Sun Jingshu because Sun Jingshu decided to marry her without authorization.

Originally, she felt guilty for causing Sun Jingshu to have a miscarriage because of her, but Sun Jingshu went too far and asked her to marry someone else!

Leng Zifeng discussed with Liu Yunqian, first stabilize Sun Jingshu, let her get pregnant again, and then sever her rights in the Governor's Mansion.

But Leng Zifeng's wishful thinking was wrong, Sun Jingshu didn't want Leng Zifeng to touch her again, she would feel sick!

Maybe it was because the time passed, the more Sun Jingshu found Leng Zifeng and Liu Yunqian disgusting, and she didn't even want to see Leng Zifeng again.

She felt that breathing under the same roof as him made the air disgusting.

Sun Jingshu originally decided to torture Leng Zifeng for a year, but after thinking about it, she decided not to torture herself.

If she tortured Leng Zifeng and Liu Yunqian for a year, wouldn't that be equivalent to torturing herself?

So recently, Sun Jingshu looked for Ling Wuwen more frequently.

But in fact, Sun Jingshu was looking for Sikong Yunmo, and Bi Lingwuyao and Sikong Yunmo were inseparable, so finding Lingwuyue meant finding Sikong Yunmo!

Sun Jingshu had no other intention in looking for Sikong Yunmo, but to ask him to help rectify Leng Zifeng.

First, she didn't want to alarm Grandpa so quickly. Grandpa's health was not good, if he got angry again...

Second, she didn't want Leng Zifeng to have a good time, she knew that Sikong Yunmo must have his own means, so it was most appropriate to ask him for help.

Sikong Yunmo likes tricking people the most!

If it wasn't for saving Leng Zifeng's life for Sun Jingshu to play with, Leng Zifeng would have been beaten to death by him in the past three months.

Now that Sun Jingshu is going to entrust him with such trivial matters as rectifying Leng Zifeng, of course he has to do it!

At the beginning, Sikong Yunmo didn't move.

He didn't even make small moves to suppress Leng Zifeng, making Leng Zifeng think that Sikong Yunmo had calmed down.

But unexpectedly, there was a catastrophe waiting for him ahead.

Twenty years ago, there was a five-year war between this country and a certain country, and finally our country won a big victory.

The past ten years seem to be peaceful on the surface, but a certain country is still eyeing its own territory.

Over the years, the government has caught quite a few spies. High-ranking government officials are also assassinated from time to time.

Sikong Yunmo didn't do anything serious, but framed Leng Zifeng as a spy of a certain country lurking in his own country.

Leng Zifeng was dismissed from his post for investigation because of the forged personal and physical evidence.

All storms are very sudden to Leng Zifeng!

He knew he was framed because he was not a so-called spy at all.

However, among the witnesses and physical evidence, one of the witnesses is Sun Jingshu.

Sun Jingshu said that she always wanted to make some contributions to the country, so she married Leng Zifeng only to find evidence of his treason.

What she said was very high-sounding. She actually wanted to tell the truth, but she was afraid that her grandfather would not be able to bear it physically.

With such a reason, at least grandpa can live with face.

Except for the driver, grandfather, Ling Wuyi and Sikong Yunmo, no one knew that she was pregnant first.

Of course, Liu Yunqian and Leng's family also knew about it.

But, as long as she doesn't admit it, who would believe a traitor?

Sun Jingshu, who has 'made meritorious service', is about to leave Jiangcheng. Before leaving, she visited Leng Zifeng in the prison.

Leng Zifeng was treasonous, and everyone in the Leng family who might be related to him was locked up for review.

Including Leng Zifeng's mother whose legs and feet are not very convenient.

Four months after being married to Leng's family, Leng Zifeng's mother didn't like Sun Jingshu.

The reason is simply because Sun Jingshu is so nice, so nice that she, a woman who has worked so hard to raise the older child, is jealous.

After Sun Jingshu's 'seizure of power', Leng Zifeng's mother even made things difficult for Sun Jingshu by relying on her being a mother-in-law.

Because Sun Jingshu failed to marry Liu Yunqian, she was also married by Leng Zifeng as his concubine.

After Leng Zifeng was arrested, Liu Yunqian's first thought was to run...

Of course she failed to run and was caught.

Sun Jingshu only went to see Leng Zifeng. She originally wanted to go to his independent prison alone.

But Ling Wuyi felt unsafe, so she asked Sikong Yunmo to accompany her.

"Why did you do this? I'm clearly not a traitor, and I'm clearly not a spy! Where did you get your criminal evidence?" Leng Zifeng asked Sun Jingshu.

Looking at the bewildered Leng Zifeng, Sun Jingshu suddenly felt very funny.

"Leng Zifeng, what kind of woman do you think I am?"

Leng Zifeng frowned, thinking that Sun Jingshu was jealous of Liu Yunqian's existence: "I said before, you will always be my Leng Zifeng's wife, there is no need for you to do this."

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