Only then did Liu Yunqian realize: "I, I... I have no clothes on?"

Ling Wuxi paused, then leaned over to look at her: "Didn't you feel cold when you woke up?"

" the hell are preservatives! Could it be that my body will rot?" At this moment, Liu Yunqian was so frightened that she was about to cry.

She couldn't move, but even if she could, she would probably be so frightened that her legs would go limp.

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "Of course your body won't rot. The one I gave you is to prevent your body from rotting after death."

Liu Yunqian just breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart almost stopped beating because of the second half of Ling Wu's sentence: "Dead? Will I die?"

"Yeah~ Otherwise, do you think you can still live?"

Ling Wu's words made Liu Yunqian roll her eyes and fainted.

But soon, she woke up again, and began to plead with Ling Wuyi not to kill her.

"I won't kill you." Ling Wuqian kept moving her hands, and casually replied to Liu Yunqian.

"Coco...but you...but why did you apply preservative to me?" Liu Yunqian wanted to turn her neck and turn her head to look at Lingwu who was applying preservative to her legs.

Ling Wuyi frowned slightly, and said, "I seem to have already answered this question for you."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyi didn't intend to speak any more.

Leng Zifeng over there also heard the conversation between Ling Wuwen and Liu Yunqian, and he was also afraid, but he felt that Sikong Yunmo couldn't let Sikong Yunmo know that he was afraid.

Looking at Leng Zifeng with a calm look, he asked him, "I'm not treasonous, why did you frame me?"

Leng Zifeng always felt that Sikong Yunmo was not just venting his anger for Sun Jingshu.

Not for Sun Jingshu, but for whom?

Soon, Sikong Yunmo gave the answer.

Sikong Yunmo said: "There's no reason, it's just that you don't like it."

Would he say that because Leng Zifeng was someone Ling Wuyi 'liked' before, he didn't want him to live?

Leng Zifeng: "..." Saying it is tantamount to not saying it!

"What do you want to do to me?" Leng Zifeng asked again.

Sikong Yunmo smiled and injected Leng Zifeng with some kind of potion.

Soon, Leng Zifeng felt that he could not make a sound.

Sikong Yunmo said: "I don't really want to hear your voice." It sounded a bit annoying.

When he was making those wax figures before, he liked to hear the constant crying of women begging for mercy. He thought it was a kind of enjoyment.

But listening to Leng Zifeng talk, he really didn't think it was enjoyment!

Sikong Yunmo has done things like applying preservatives too many times, and now he can make wax figures with his eyes closed...Of course, this is an exaggeration.

However, those living wax figures before were treated as treasures and works of art, this time for the cold wind...

This is the first time that Sikong Yunmo has made a male wax figure, but he has never done so before.

The reason why I thought of making Leng Zifeng into a living wax figure was to torture him and torture him!

Unlike the living wax figure before, in addition to enjoying the tormenting pleasure, there is also a feeling of wanting to treat others.

Sikong Yunmo knew that the most painful and fearful thing was not death.

It's that life is better than death, it means that if you want to live, you can't ask for death——

A few more layers of preservatives were applied, and they were also injected into their bodies, and there were still antiseptics poured into their eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

In the following ten days, Ling Wuwen followed Sikong Yunmo and made Liu Yunqian and Leng Zifeng into living wax figures when they were consciously able to see but unable to speak or move.

Every step of Liu Yunqian's body was done by Ling Wuqian herself.

When seeing the finished product, Ling Wuwen felt that she was also quite perverted (well, she has always been quite perverted.)

Because... she actually felt a sense of accomplishment...

It's over, it's over, he said he wanted to cure Sikong Yunmo!

Why now, now she is also being led into the pit by Sikong Yunmo? In the future, you won't just want to make people into wax figures, right?

"Yi Ling, you are very talented. Let's make a few more next time, and then I will teach you how to make medicine." Sikong Yunmo put his arms around Ling Wuwen's waist, and praised her generously.

The corners of Ling Wu's mouth twitched unconsciously, learning medicine is fine. Make wax figures again...forget it.

What if she is really addicted, and she really wants to make them into living wax figures when she encounters bad guys in the future?

"That Yunmo, how long do you want them to live?" Ling Wuwen looked at Leng Zifeng and Liu Yunqian, who were standing in the glass cabinet and doing elaborate dresses.

At this time, Leng Zifeng still had a grim expression on his face. Originally, Sikong Yunmo seemed to be smiling.

But later, he felt that Leng Zifeng didn't look good when he smiled, so he still made a grim expression.

The expression is cold, but Leng Zifeng's eyes are the same as Liu Yunqian in the glass cabinet opposite him - they are full of fear!

For half a month, who knows what they have been through!

Ling Wuwen and Sikong Yunmo are both perverts... super perverts!

For half a month, he thought about running away countless times.

But how to escape? For half a month, he could not move or speak.

When the hot wax was poured on him, he really wanted to die.

But Sikong Yunmo didn't let him die, and he didn't even give him the chance to beg.

At this point, Leng Zifeng was already desperate.

He is a traitor and no one will come to rescue him.

Because no one knew that he was not actually dead, there was no so-called suicide in fear of crime, he was hidden by Sikong Yunmo!

"It depends on their mood. If they're in a good mood, let them live longer. If they're in a bad mood... let them fend for themselves." Sikong Yunmo replied to Ling Wumo like this.

Hearing this answer, Leng Zifeng trembled in his heart.

"Okay, I haven't been to the police station for half a month. I'm going to the police station today. You stay at home obediently. Huh?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, took his arm, and said, "Then I'll see you off."

Sikong Yunmo smiled and pinched Ling Wuyi's cheeks: "Yesterday, I said that I would send the wedding dress and jewelry that I made today, and I will try them on for you when I come back at night."

It was originally said that it would take half a year to complete, but Sikong Yunmo gave a lot of money, so they worked overtime to complete it in advance.

Do it well in advance, and when the time comes, you can see what needs to be changed and then change it.

"Okay, why don't I go out with you? I'll go to the Presidential Palace to look at Jingshu."

It's been half a month since I returned to the capital, and Sun Jingshu came to the Commander-in-Chief's mansion after knowing they were back.

But for the past half month, Ling Wuwen and Sikong Yunmo stayed in the mansion here except for sleeping.

The servants at home all knew what Sikong Yunmo would do once he entered the mansion, and no one would see him. Ling Wuwen was with him, so of course he couldn't see anyone else.

In the end, there was no other way, Ling Wuwen called Sun Jingshu and said that she would visit her at the Presidential Palace in a few days.

Since Sikong Yunmo is going to the police station today, she has nothing to do by herself, so of course she can go and see Sun Jingshu.

Hearing Ling Wuyi mentioning Sun Jingshu, Leng Zifeng's eyes lit up for a moment.

He had fantasies in his heart, maybe Sun Jingshu still had his in his heart! Maybe Sun Jingshu will come to rescue him!

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