Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1322 The Mushroom Coolness of Ming Lian Officer (Extra)

Looking at Ling Wuwen dumbfounded, Sikong Yunmo realized that if Ling Wuwen died one day, he would be in great pain.

Maybe for Ling Wuwen, he no longer regards her as a treasured artwork.

His love for her...maybe someone else said it, the so-called love?

Ling Wuyi was already a little conscious when she was picked up by Sikong Yunmo, but now she sensed that her favorability had risen to ninety-eight points, and she immediately became sober.

But she didn't open her eyes, but chose to pretend to be asleep.

Sikong Yunmo left the bathroom with Ling Wumo in his arms, wiped off the water on her body, and then put on her pajamas.

She put Ling Wu's head on his lap, and gently wiped it with a towel.

Sikong Yunmo's movements seemed to be massaging her scalp, so comfortable that Ling Wuyi, who was pretending to be asleep, fell asleep directly——

When Ling Wuxi woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

Opening her eyes, she saw Sikong Yunmo sleeping next to her.

Before falling asleep, the favorability was still ninety-eight points, but now it is ninety-nine points when he wakes up.

Sikong Yunmo was still sleeping soundly, so he must have been exhausted yesterday.

She was fine, and she was resting in the room during the period, while he was socializing all the time.

Quietly raised his hand, caressing Sikong Yunmo's cheek.

As if feeling her touch, Sikong Yunmo's eyelashes trembled and then opened.

"Mmm~ Morning~" Ling Wuyi grinned at Sikong Yunmo.

Sikong Yunmo blinked and didn't speak, but just looked at Ling Wumo with concentrated eyes.

After a while, he smiled and said, "Now, do I want to call you Madam?"

Ling Wuyue curled her lips into a smile, and said, "Call my wife."

Ding~ In a word, the last point of favorability is finally filled up.

"My wife~" Xi Ziqiu still had a smile on his face.

Ling Wuwen also laughed, wrapping her arms and legs around Xi Ziqiu: "Mr. Xi Ziqiu, can I interview you?"

Xi Ziqiu raised his eyebrows: "Excuse me, Reporter Xiaowu."

"How does it feel to be a psychopath?" Ling Wuwen approached Xi Ziqiu and asked him curiously.

Xi Ziqiu smiled, but actually wanted to say: Curious about the feeling of a psychopath, don’t you know it by asking yourself?

He raised his hand and rubbed Ling Wu's cheeks, his eyes doted on him: "The feeling of being a psychopath is...not bad."

In fact, in Xi Ziqiu's view, perverted behavior like making a living wax figure is really nothing.

Even more perverted than this, he has done a lot when interrogating prisoners.

It's just that after he took over the Plane Association, he didn't have much chance to interrogate the prisoners.

Hearing Xi Ziqiu's answer, the corners of Ling Wu's mouth twitched.

I want to say: I didn't expect you to be so perverted.

But after thinking about it, she is also quite perverted...

Aww~ A perverted couple or something... Why does she think it's not bad?

Seemingly understanding Ling Wuwen's psychological activities from her expression, the smile on Xi Ziqiu's face deepened.

He didn't care if Ling Wuwen was a pervert, silly, white and sweet, or a white lotus and a black lotus.

He only cares that she is happy and full of sunshine. That's enough!


Xi Ziqiu was unwilling to leave after recovering his memory, and finally made an appointment with Ling Wuwen to stay in every other world for decades.

Many times, when two people get along, you compromise with me, and I compromise with you.

So when Xi Ziqiu once again proposed to stay longer in the novel world, Ling Wuyi agreed.

Now that I have decided to stay longer, let's create a human~

Three months after their marriage, Ling Wuyue became pregnant.

The happiest one was not Xi Ziqiu, but the commander-in-chief Sikong Yuan.

After so many years of looking forward to my son's marriage, after so many years of looking forward to my grandson! !

For Sikong Yuan, the news that he is going to have a grandson is more gratifying than the news that he may become the president.

Moreover, I don't know if it is an illusion, but the son and daughter-in-law are no longer perverted?

At least they didn't make living wax figures anymore—

Of course, there will be no more living wax figures. As for Leng Zifeng and Liu Yunqian, Xi Ziqiu died before injecting them with nutrient solution for a while.

Later, Xi Ziqiu took them and burned them.

As for Sun Jingshu, after attending Ling Wuyi's wedding, she traveled abroad.

When I saw Sun Jingshu again, it was a year later.

At that time, Ling Wuwen had already given birth to a son.

When Sun Jingshu came back, she also brought a foreign boyfriend back.

He is a handsome foreigner who can speak his native language fluently. He has a good temperament and a good status.

Most importantly, he seems to love Sun Jingshu very much.

Sun Jingshu came back this time not only to celebrate President Sun's birthday, but also to marry this foreign boyfriend.

President Sun was in poor health, and he retired after Sun Jingshu got married.

Not surprisingly, the successor president is Sikong Yuan, and everyone expects it.

Then, of course, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu lived in the presidential palace.

Sikong Yuan was very busy after becoming president, and Xi Ziqiu was also busy.

But no matter how busy he is, Xi Ziqiu will spend half of his day spending time with Ling Wuyue and the children——

Soon after Sun Jingshu got married, she became pregnant.

Ling Wuwen often took her children to visit her, chatting with her and so on.

Sun Jingshu liked Ling Wuwen's son Sikong Yunuo very much, and always said to Ling Wuwen: "If I want to give birth to a daughter, let's get married, okay?"

Ling Wuwen always smiled and said, "It's up to the children themselves. If they don't like it, ordering it will only add to their troubles."

But being entangled a lot, Ling Wuwen finally nodded and agreed, saying that if she had a daughter, she would get married.

So, Sun Jingshu looked forward to giving birth to a daughter with joy.

Unfortunately, there is no daughter, but a son is born.

The day Sun Jingshu gave birth to the baby, Ling Wuyue was there, and the moment the baby came out, Ling Wuyue saw the halo of the protagonist above his head.

Looking at his son's facial features, tsk~ he really looks like a male protagonist——

After failing to give birth to a son once, Sun Jingshu made persistent efforts and gave birth again.

It turned out to be a son...

Sun Jingshu just wanted to get married with Ling Wuyi, and decided to have a daughter until she was born.

But he gave birth to four sons in a row, but no daughter.

In the end, Ling Wuyi gave birth to a daughter.

As soon as Ling Wuyi's daughter was born, Sun Jingshu hurriedly said, get married!

How many sons she has! Whatever my daughter chooses!

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Although speechless at Sun Jingshu's persistence, Ling Wuyi still agreed.

But the premise is that when the child grows up, he wants to.

—Twenty years later—

Ling Wu's daughter, Sikong Yuyan, is married to Sun Jingshu's eldest son, the child who has the aura of a hero.

This time Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu stayed a little longer because they were worried about their children.

The man who is mainly the daughter is the hero, what if the hero is a playboy?

So they kept watching, knowing that their grandsons had grown up, and then they left with confidence——


【happy mid-Autumn Festival! First four updates, and then there are three more chapters to add! In order to be able to add more updates to you, the mother and the others went out to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival without going. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ All three meals are fried rice with eggs. I don't care, it will be fine if you give it to me! 】

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