Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1331 Reasons for not being able to survive (9)

But Xia Lun told her that the police had already notified Qin's father to come over in the early morning.

Qin's father came over, but refused to take over his daughter, saying that she would be an adult soon and could be independent.

He also said that he had a big family to raise, and it was impossible to raise another oil bottle.

Anyway, Qin's father meant that no matter what, he would not take over Ling Wuyi.

In addition to Qin's father, the people who came were also Qin's current wife, who was holding a half-grown boy in her arms and had a big belly.

In the end, Jiang Yunci really couldn't stand it, and offered to take charge of Ling Wuyi's life after that, instead of Qin's father.

Hearing what Jiang Yunci said, Qin's father was of course very excited.

The police thought it was inappropriate at first, but Jiang Yunci directly called the chief of the city's police station to explain his identity and everything was resolved.

"Little 55, are you satisfied now? The revenge has been avenged, and I can still have something to do with Jiang Yunci in the future."

Ling Wu was just about to say something, but suddenly remembered something: "Hey, how do you know so much? Haven't you been working on the system all the time? Why, the system is ready?"

"Hehehe~ It's not done yet~ It's just made great progress." In fact, when Ling Wuyi returned to Lian's house, Xia Lun was already busy.

The system was not built right away. It took him a long time to make the system of Ling Wuyi. He knew that he should not push himself too hard, or it would be counterproductive.

He didn't contact Ling Wuwen first, but watched what she was doing.

After seeing Jiang Yunci's arrival, Xia Lun contacted Ling Wuyi.

Waiting for a long time, the result is not ready yet...

Ling Wuwen rolled her eyes, and was about to say something more, but Jiang Yunci came in after talking on the phone.

Xia Lun told Ling Wuyue that there is no problem with the household registration, and it is estimated that she will be a resident of City Z in a short time.

Ling Wuwen didn't go back to Xia Lun, but continued to pretend to be asleep.

Jiang Yunci went to Ling Wuyi's hospital bed and sat down, looking at the wound on Ling Wuyi's neck that was bandaged with gauze with a little distress.

He was the one who took Ling Wumi to the hospital last night. He knew how badly her neck was hurt.

The doctor said it took five stitches, and said that if it deviates a little bit, it will hurt the aorta, which is really lucky.

Although the doctor said it was fortunate, Jiang Yunci blamed himself very much.

He still thinks that if he can receive the text message from Ling Wuwen in time, Ling Wuwen will not be taken away.

Ling Wuxi won't be taken away, let alone get hurt!

Just a child's paper, until now I think it is my responsibility.

Ling Wuwen didn't know that Jiang Yunci blamed himself for being like this, but he felt that his favorability increased to seventy-five points.

Eyelashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Jiang Yunci, who was paying attention to her, leaned over and approached her: "Xiaoya, are you hungry? I've sent someone to buy porridge for you, and you can eat it later."

Ling Wuyi raised her lips and gave Jiang Yunci a smile: "Thank you Brother Jiang."

"You're welcome. You're not seriously injured, but the doctor said you need to stay in the hospital for a week. I've already asked for leave. I'll take you back to City Z after you're discharged."

Having said that, Jiang Yunci paused for a moment, then looked at Ling Wuyue cautiously, and asked her, "Xiaoya, if you are allowed to live in Z City, would you be willing?"

Jiang Yunci's words surprised Ling Wuyi, but soon she spoke.

The first sentence is: "Go to Z City? But although my mother is dead, my father is still here."

When mentioning Qin's father, Jiang Yunci's eyes flashed with anger. He doesn't look like a responsible man. How can he be a father? !

But soon, that anger was hidden by Jiang Yunci again.

He smiled at Ling Wuwen, and said softly, "Does Xiaoya want to go to City Z with Dad?"

"Can I choose by myself?" Ling Wuxi raised her eyebrows and asked Jiang Yunci.

Jiang Yunci nodded, thinking that if Ling Wuyi wanted to go back to Qin's father, he would give Qin's father monthly living expenses.

In this case, Qin's father would be more willing to take over his own daughter, right?

Ling Wuxi hesitated for a while, and then asked Jiang Yunci: "If I go to Z City, will it be too troublesome? After all, I..."

"It won't be too much trouble! I've already asked someone to deal with it. I can transfer your account to City Z in a few days, and I'll find you a middle school later."

In fact, Jiang Yunci didn't know why he was so weird. He usually did some good deeds, but he definitely wouldn't be as active as he was with Ling Wu.

For Ling Wuwen, he always thought of wanting her well.

I always wondered, would it be bad for her if someone else took care of her?

"Changing the registered permanent residence...transferring to another school...will cost a lot of money? I...I don't have any money..." Ling Wuxi said in a low voice.

Jiang Yunci came back to his senses, and smiled at Ling Wuwen: "It is true that I need money, but I can help you pay in advance." He didn't want Ling Wumei to pay him back the money, but just wanted her to take it for granted.

"Is it really possible?" Ling Wu's eyes lit up.

"Of course!"


a week later -

Jiang Yunci left the hospital with Ling Wuyi, whose neck wound had been removed, and got into the nanny car that came to pick them up.

As soon as they got in the car, Jiang Yunci asked Ling Wu to lie down and sleep, worrying that she would be tired.

Ling Wuwen smiled, "Actually, I think I'm already healed."

Except for a red scar on his neck, his complexion still looks very good.

"But it's better to rest more." Jiang Yunci rubbed Ling Wu's hair, like a father looking at his daughter.

...go to your father to see his daughter!

Although she was only 16 years old this time, she was only five years behind the 21-year-old Jiang Yunci!

When she was twenty years old, Jiang Yunci was only twenty-five years old, still very young!

"Understood, I'll sit for a while and sleep when I'm tired." Ling Wuwen said with a smile.

Jiang Yunci nodded, took out his laptop and started writing his research reports.

Although he guarded Lingwu for a week, Jiang Yunci's research did not fail this week.

Every day Ling Wuyi can hear him and the hero Yu Xianjin call to exchange some problems and some things that can be improved.

One time, Ling Wuwen heard a teasing voice from the phone, saying, "I can't see that you, Jiang Yunci, like to play and grow up."

It happened that Ling Wu was next to him, and the two of them looked at each other, Jiang Yunci blushed immediately, and scolded Yu Xianjin.

At this time, the plot is actually halfway through, and the hero Yu Xianjin and the heroine Shui Mengting are already together.

Qin Fangya is a person who has nothing to do with the plot, and has nothing to do with Jiang Yunci.

It seems that in several worlds, her body has nothing to do with Xi Ziqiu's group.

Just now that I was free, Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun this question.

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