Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1333 Reasons for not being able to live (11)

Originally, Ling Wuwen was supposed to go to the middle school arranged for her by Brother Jiang, but the summer vacation would not be long.

Jiang's mother said, let Jiang Yunci take the time to supplement Ling Wuyi's knowledge in the first year of high school, and it will be fine in the second semester of high school!

Because Jiang Yunci was going to make up lessons for Ling Wuyi, Ling Wuwen moved to live with Jiang Yunci.

When he went to Jiang Yunci's place again, he had already changed.

Originally, Jiang Yunci's bedroom was decorated in a light blue girly style, very fresh.

It was only then that Ling Wuyi remembered that Jiang Yunci asked her what color she preferred a few days ago, and Ling Wuwen said that Qin Fangya preferred light blue.

Now the main color of this room is light blue, very beautiful!

And Jiang Yunci's original study room has now been renovated into a bedroom and study room. Fortunately, the area is quite large, which is not bad.

Ling Wuwen went to visit it. There was a wall of books, including some psychology books.

Those should be bought by Jiang Yunci for her.

Although I saw it, Ling Wuwen pretended not to see it, Kua Jiang Yunci designed the room very well!

Before Ling Wuyi came, she had made an agreement with Jiang Yunci that she would cook three meals a day, and she would also do the housework at home.

Jiang Yunci originally refused, but Ling Wuyue said: "Brother Yunci, you have helped me so much, and I really feel uneasy if you don't let me do something."

In a word, Jiang Yunci couldn't refuse.

What if Ling Wu's conscience is disturbed, or her mind is uncomfortable?

So when she came, Jiang Yunci gave her a bank card, saying it was money for buying supplies and vegetables.

"I'm a little busy today, so I can't give you tuition, so I found some textbooks for you. Can you read it yourself first? But don't be too late, you have to go to bed before ten o'clock, you know?" Jiang Yunci took a few textbooks and handed them to Ling Catkin.

Ling Wuwen took it over with a smile, and said, "Well, brother Yunci, go and do your own work."

Jiang Yunci nodded, turned and went back to his room.

Holding the teaching material in her arms, Ling Wuxi walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

After looking through these textbooks, she knows all of them.

Hey... In order to spend time with Jiang Yunci, she still has to show that she is smart and at the same time find some "unintelligible" questions to ask Jiang Yunci.

I looked through the textbook again and found some more difficult problems.

At ten o'clock, Jiang Yunci came out of the room and reminded Ling Wuyi to go to bed.

"Okay, then I'm going to bed, and you go to bed early too. Good night!"

"Good night."

Ling Wuyi went back to her room, put all the textbooks on the desk that Jiang Yunci had prepared for her, and then went to take a shower and go to sleep——

The next day Ling Wuwen got up early to prepare breakfast.

She calculated the time, and Jiang Yunci should wake up when she made her own breakfast.

Sure enough, as soon as breakfast was served, the door of Jiang Yunci's room opened.

"Good morning, Brother Yunci!" Ling Wuyi grinned brightly.

Jiang Yunci stretched his waist, the corners of his mouth raised: "Good morning~"

"I'll wash my face and brush my teeth first." Scratching his head, Jiang Yunci went to the bathroom—

After the two had breakfast together, Ling Wuwen asked Jiang Yunci who was about to go to school: "Are you coming back for lunch?"

Jiang Yunci shook his head and said: "I guess I will stay in the laboratory all morning, and I won't come back to eat at noon, but come back to eat at night."

When it was over, Jiang Yunci began to tell Ling Wuwen again: "Xiaoya, don't run around. If you have anything to do, you can call anyone at home. Don't forget to call and don't send messages."

What should I do if I cannot see the message in time? !

"Don't worry, I'll go out to buy some groceries later, and then I'll stay at home. If there's anything else, I'll definitely call someone!"

"Yeah, stay at home obediently, and come back to make up lessons for you at night."

Jiang Yunci smiled and raised his hand to rub Ling Wu's hair, his eyes fell on the scar on her neck.

"I'm currently researching skin care products that can remove scars, and it won't take long to get rid of that scar."

Ling Wuxi raised her hand to touch the scar on her neck, she can remove it, but it's not convenient now.

Since Jiang Yunci said so, let's wait for him to study it.

"Well, good~"

"Then I'll go first, you stay at home and behave yourself, you know?"

"Got it~" How can you be so long-winded?

Finally seeing off Jiang Yunci, Ling Wuyi started to wash the dishes and clean up the housework.

After finishing the housework at home, she took the recycle bag and went out to buy vegetables——

I bought vegetables and went home, prepared lunch, and then took photos and sent them to Mother Jiang.

Jiang's mother called again, praised her for her good cooking skills, and told her to be more careful when cooking.

Although Ling Wuwen was not at Jiang's house, she spent almost the whole afternoon chatting with Jiang's mother.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Jiang Yunci returned home on time.

Because the time had been agreed long ago, Ling Wuyi had already prepared dinner when Jiang Yunci returned home.

Jiang Yunci was a little surprised when he saw Ling Wuyi cooking a table of delicacies.

He knew that Ling Wuyi said that she could cook a lot of dishes, but he didn't expect that she could cook so many dishes!

These dishes...look good and smell delicious, so I don't know how they taste.

Jiang Yunci couldn't wait to wash his hands, and then prepared to taste the dishes made by Lingwu Nie.

But Ling Wuwen handed him a bowl of soup first, and said, "It's better to drink soup before meals, it nourishes the lungs, warms the stomach and relieves fatigue."

Jiang Yunci smiled, thanked Ling Wuwen, and took the soup bowl.

"Hmm~ It's delicious! You can compete with Mrs. Liu!"

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and smiled: "I learned it from Mrs. Liu!"

In order to show off her good cooking skills in a more reasonable way, Ling Wuwen always likes to go to the kitchen to cook with Mrs. Liu and learn how to make soup when she was in Jiang's house.

Because the psychiatrist said that Ling Wuwen could divert his attention, and it would be good to learn how to cook.

So she took it for granted that she was in the kitchen.

Aunt Liu was full of praise for Ling Wu's talent in cooking, saying that she was a natural chef!

Ling Wu just wanted to laugh, she was just a foodie at first~

After drinking the soup, Jiang Yunci began to taste the dishes.

Every time he tasted a dish, he would praise Ling Wu and eat a few more mouthfuls.

After one meal, Jiang Yunci, who usually only ate two bowls of rice, ate three bowls of rice and two bowls of soup.

Seeing that all the meals he had prepared were eaten up, Ling Wuyi still had a sense of accomplishment.

She wanted to wash the dishes, but was stopped by Jiang Yunci.

"You've already done the cooking, so leave the washing up to me!"

"No! You promised, all the housework will be handed over to me." Ling Wuyi pouted and quit.

Seeing that Ling Wuwen insisted on washing the dishes, Jiang Yunci was a little helpless. She had to wash the dishes, and he talked to her on the sidelines.

Jiang Yunci asked Ling Wuwen how he was reading those tutorials, and asked him if there was anything he didn't understand.

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