Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1342 Reasons for not being able to live (twenty)

Ling Wuyi went back to her room with her schoolbag in her arms, took a shower and haircut before coming out in pink and blue cartoon pajamas.

Jiang Yunci's supper is tomato egg noodles.

The taste is still very good, although it is a little worse than Ling Wu Nie.

The two of them ate noodles while chatting, chatting and chatting, and then they talked about things in the company.

Ling Wuwen didn't ask either, it was Jiang Yunci who said it himself.

He said that he had discussed it with Yu Xianjin and came to the conclusion that it would be all right.

Since the spy wants their research results, then give it to him.

However, it will certainly not give him a good research result.

Both Jiang Yunci and Yu Xianjin are dark-bellied people, and they will never let anyone who harms them easily go.

Now that the spy has been caught ahead of time, Ling Wu can only mourn for the hostile company for three seconds in her heart.

Then Jiang Yunci said that he might go on a business trip for a few days, and it was estimated that he would go for about a month.

"Ah? What are you going to do? Why did it take so long?" When asking this question, Ling Wuyi thought, should she go with her?

But she still has to go to school, and it is impossible to follow her.

Jiang Yunci said that he wanted to find some plants with repairing functions in the future to do experiments, and go with Yu Xianjin.

They know many plants, but they can't find them easily, so they have to go there in person.

Because you need to find more and go to many places, it may take a little longer.

It says a month, but it could be longer.

"Then, when are you leaving?" Ling Wuwen asked Jiang Yunci.

Jiang Yunci thought for a while, and said, "The soonest, I might leave the day after tomorrow. I will start preparing tomorrow, and then you still have to go back to live with your parents... I will pick you up when I come back."

"okay, I get it."

After eating supper, Ling Wuwen said goodnight to Jiang Yun who was washing dishes: "I'm going back to my room to sleep."

But Jiang Yunci stopped Ling Wuyue: "Wait!"

Ling Wuwen stood there, looking at Jiang Yunci with some doubts: "Is there anything else?"

"Well, I have something to do." Jiang Yunci washed his hands, dried them, and then walked up to Ling Wu.

Over the past six months, Ling Wuwen has also grown a lot taller.

From 1.55 meters to 1.62 meters.

However, standing next to Jiang Yunci, she still looked extraordinarily petite.

Ling Wuwen needed to raise her head slightly to meet Jiang Yunci's gaze.

Jiang Yunci raised his hand to support her shoulder, then leaned over, and kissed her very gently on the forehead.

"Good night~ my little girlfriend~"

Ling Wuqin blushed, and looked at Jiang Yunci with lowered eyes in embarrassment.

Jiang Yunci chuckled, and his laughter could tell his good mood at the moment.

"Okay, go to sleep." Jiang Yunci caressed Ling Wu's cheek.

"Well, good night..." He said good night again in a low voice, and then went back to the room to sleep——

In the middle of the night, Jiang Yunci came to Ling Wuyi's room again.

This time he didn't just sit and leave, but lay down and hugged her and slept for a long time.

When it was almost dawn, Jiang Yunci left.

Ling Wuwen knew when Jiang Yun resigned, and Ling Wuwen knew when Jiang Yun resigned.

He just simply hugged her to sleep, he didn't dare to mess with her hands and feet, and behaved well.

Jiang Yunci was actually suffering from insomnia and couldn't fall asleep, so he came to sleep with Ling Wu in his arms.

Maybe it was a psychological effect, he quickly fell asleep holding Ling Wuwen.

If he wasn't worried about Ling Wumi, he wouldn't even be willing to get up from her bed——

At half past six, when Ling Wuyi woke up, Jiang Yunci had already made breakfast and was waiting for her to wake up.

But today Jiang Yunci did not cook breakfast for one table, but for two people.

"Good morning~" Jiang Yunci sat at the dining table with a smile on his face.

The morning sun shone in, as if it had gilded his pretty face.

"Good morning~ Why have you woken up so early these two days?" Ling Wuwen went to sit down opposite Jiang Yunci.

Jiang Yunci's eyes flickered for a moment, so he wouldn't tell Ling Wuwen that he had insomnia and ran to Ling Wuwen's bed to sleep all night, and when he woke up after five o'clock, he couldn't fall asleep on his own bed, so he simply got up for breakfast.

"I'm going to the company to prepare earlier, so I got up earlier." Jiang Yunci replied in a natural tone.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Ling Wuwen said that she understood, and then began to eat breakfast——

After breakfast, Jiang Yunci sent Ling Wuyi to school first.

Unlike yesterday when he drove away first, today he said that he would watch Ling Wuwen go in before leaving.

Ling Wuwen raised her hand and waved at him, then walked briskly into the school.

Jiang Yunci kept standing there watching Ling Wuwen's leaving back, and did not drive away until she could no longer be seen.

— two days later —

Because Jiang Yunci was going on a business trip with Yu Xianjin, Ling Wuwen returned to Jiang's house.

Before Ling Wuwen returned to Jiang's house, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother already knew about the relationship between the two of them.

So after Ling Wuwen went back, she was loved even more by the Jiang family.

She just sneezes, can be paid attention to by the whole family.

On the day Jiang Yunci left, Ling Wuwen asked for leave and went to the airport to see him off.

"The place I'm going to is relatively remote, and the mobile phone should have no signal, so don't worry if you can't reach me. I will take the initiative to contact you when I can reach you."

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Then you have to pay attention to safety, especially if you want to go up the mountain, you have to step on your feet firmly, and you must bring the tools you should bring."

Like that kind of remote mountainous area, there are no stairs to go up and down the mountain at all, so you can only climb with bare hands.

Although Jiang Yunci told her that he often went rock climbing or something, it was always different.

"Okay, I know, don't worry! I promise to try my best to contact you every day, okay?" Jiang Yunci said with a smile.

He didn't want Ling Wuyi to worry about him, but seeing Ling Wuyi worrying about him so much made him feel very satisfied.

When he was away from home, he knew that besides his family, there were people who cared about him.

On the other side, Shui Mengting kept telling Yu Xianjin to be careful.

After the exhortation, she was still a little worried, so she simply said: "Otherwise, I'll go make up a ticket and go with you!"

Speaking of Shui Mengting, she wanted to buy a plane ticket, but was stopped by Yu Xianjin.

Yu Xianjin looked at Shui Mengting helplessly: "Didn't you have a big exam recently? Don't you want to graduate?"

Shui Mengting pouted and didn't speak.

Yu Xianjin stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms: "It's only a month, you are allowed to think about me every day."

Shui Mengting wanted to say something else, but when the boarding time came, Yu Xianjin wanted to board the plane with Jiang Yunci.

Ling Wuwen stood with Shui Mengting, watching the two men enter the ticket gate...

"Xiao Lunlun, don't do other things during this time, just watch Jiang Yunci first." Let Xia Lun watch, she can feel relieved.

"Good! Don't worry little 55, I will definitely report to you in real time."

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