Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1344 Reasons for not being able to live (twenty-two)

Mother Jiang nodded, and smiled kindly at Ling Wu, "Go ahead, rest early, don't be tired."

"Well, I got it!"

After answering, Ling Wuwen went upstairs and returned to her room.

Back in the room, Ling Wuwen tried to call Jiang Yunci, but unfortunately the phone was still turned off.

Sighing, I honestly finished my homework first.

It won't be long before the college entrance examination, and there will be a lot of homework.

Although it is very easy, but doing so much homework every day, is it really tiring?

With a sigh, she will never miss her third year of high school——

Jiang Yunci and Yu Xianjin stayed in the laboratory for seven days, and they walked out of the laboratory excitedly with dark circles and bloodshot eyes after seven days.

Ling Wuyi didn't go to the company, but asked Uncle Liu to send her to Jiang Yunci's apartment.

When she went, Jiang Yunci was still taking a shower in the bathroom.

Listening to the sound of rushing water, Ling Wuwen was thinking about his attitude towards Jiang Yunci.

Are you angry? Worried? Or is it more calm?

Before he could figure out how to face Jiang Yunci, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

Then, there was the sound of the door opening.

Ling Wu's eyes fell on the door of the bathroom, and saw a long leg coming out first.

Jiang Yunci didn't even have any clothes on, so he came out with a bath towel wrapped around his lower body!

The water on the body and head has not been wiped off, and it is wet and dripping.

Although his face was a little haggard, he was still handsome.

Plus that good figure... Ling Wuyi is so sexy that she almost drools.

The attitude I thought before was useless, so I just stared blankly at Jiang Yunci, and couldn't close my mouth.

Seeing Ling Wuwen, Jiang Yunci was also a little surprised.

Before he went home, he called Ling Wuxi and explained why he hadn't contacted her first after coming back for a week.

But the catkin arrived before he finished taking a bath. Could it be that he took too long in the bath?

Jiang Yunci didn't know that before he called Ling Wuwen, Shui Mengting called Ling Wuwen first.

Tell her about Jiang Yunci and Yu Xianjin leaving the laboratory.

"Xiaoya." Jiang Yunci called out.

When Jiang Yunci yelled, Ling Wuyi realized that she should turn around at this time.

She suddenly turned her back to Jiang Yunci, and then stammered, "I, I, you, you... why did you come out without any clothes on!"

Jiang Yunci blinked, and looked down at his current attire.

Uh... He was too anxious to go to the bathroom just now and forgot to take clean clothes, so he just came out wrapped in a towel.

Raising his eyebrows, looking at Ling Wuyi's back, Jiang Yunci suddenly wanted to tease her.

With a smile on his lips, he walked behind Ling Wu and stretched out his arms to hug her.

Ling Wuwen froze and didn't dare to move, she blushed and turned her head to look at Jiang Yunci.

Jiang Yunci smiled, bowed his head and kissed Ling Wuyi's cheek: "Well~ Actually, I'm not wearing any clothes, I'm waiting for you~"

In a word, Ling Wu's face became even redder: "You, you, you... hurry up and get dressed..."

"Then give me a kiss." Jiang Yunci squinted his eyes, smiled and moved his face closer to Lingwu.

Ling Wuxi blinked her eyes, opened her mouth and lightly bit Jiang Yunci's chin.

Although it was light, Jiang Yunci still felt the pain.

Taking a breath, he opened his eyes and looked at Ling Wuwen, feeling very surprised: "You, bite me?"

Ling Wu raised her chin: "You are the one who bites! Who told you to be disobedient, and you didn't tell me the first time you came back! Hmph~"

Speaking of this, Jiang Yunci suddenly became weak.

Lacking confidence, he smiled, and let go of Ling Wuwen: "I'll get dressed first." After speaking, he ran back to his room.

Ling Wuwen went to Jiang Yunci's room and knocked on the door, and asked him, "Are you hungry? I'll cook noodles for you."

Jiang Yunci, who was getting dressed in the room, paused for a moment, and quickly responded, "Okay~ I want to add two more eggs! I haven't eaten your food for a month, I miss me so much!"

"What? Do you only think about the food I cook? Hmph~ You cook it yourself!" Ling Wuwen pretended to be angry and said something.

Jiang Yunci quickly put on his clothes and pants, walked to the door of the room and opened the door.

Looking at Ling Wuwen standing at the door of the room, he raised his hand to hold her face, and leaned over to look at her: "How can it be possible to only think about the food you cook~ I actually want this person who cooks for me the most!"

Hearing what Jiang Yunci said, the corners of Ling Wu's mouth slightly raised, but she still tried to look angry: "I don't believe it."

"Then how can Miss Xiaoya believe it?" Jiang Yunci asked very sincerely.

Ling Wuwen rolled her eyeballs and made a thoughtful expression: "Um~ unless you take out your heart and show it to me."

"Ah? Do you just want your heart?" Jiang Yunci pretended to be difficult.

Ling Wuyi nodded: "What's the matter? Don't you dare?"

"It's not that I don't dare, it's just that it's a little difficult..."

"Huh? What's the problem?" Ling Wu asked.

Jiang Yunci looked into Ling Wuwen's eyes, and said with a smile: "I belong to you, you only want my heart, so what can I do with myself?"

Ling Wuwen: "..." Why didn't she know that Jiang Yunci could speak sweet words after a month of absence? Could it be that you have held back with Yu Xianjin for too long?

"I won't talk to you anymore, I'll cook the noodles first." Ling Wuwen pushed Jiang Yunci away and walked to the kitchen.

The smile on Jiang Yunci's face remained undiminished, and he hurriedly followed behind Ling Wuyue: "I'll accompany you!"

When Ling Wuyi was cooking noodles in the kitchen, Jiang Yunci talked to her, saying where he had been this month and what had happened to him.

"When I saw the sunrise on the top of the mountain that day, I was thinking, if only you were there."

"By the way, I also took a lot of photos, I'll show you when the time comes!"


"This month, I miss you very much."

Think while awake, think while eating, think while sleeping.

I think about it when I am in danger, and I also think about it when I find the plant I am looking for...

If it wasn't for the worry that the plant they found would wither, the first thing he really wanted to do when he returned to City Z was to come back to see Lingwu!


"Do you miss me?"

"Xiaoya, I will take you with me wherever I go from now on, okay?"

He wanted to be selfish, and wanted to see Ling Wuyi no matter when and where.

At least, I can see her every day.

"Okay." She couldn't wait for it!


Jiang Yunci was exhausted, so he went to bed after eating the noodles cooked by Lingwu Nie.

Ling Wuyi raised her eyes and looked at Jiang Yunci who fell asleep the next second as soon as she lay down on the bed.

Didn't you say you couldn't sleep without holding her? Although he still holds her in his arms, he fell asleep...too fast, right?

Jiang Yunci's face was full of exhaustion, which showed that he was really exhausted.

Sighing, the favorability has only increased to ninety-two points so far, and I don't know when the favorability will be full.


[These two chapters are the two chapter updates from yesterday! 】

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