Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1346 Reasons for not being able to live (twenty-four)

Such behavior has also received strong support from the state!

There is no way to launch this kind of skin care product in a short time, so we can only study other skin care products first.

Fortunately, the plants they found were not just that kind. They also developed skin care products for freckle removal and whitening, as well as mild skin care products suitable for sensitive skin.

Of course, none of what they did was involved in the spy.

Later, it was Yu Xianjin who deliberately left a loophole for the spy to take advantage of, and also left him a fake research result.

According to the skin care products made above, there will be no problem if people use them at the beginning, so that they can perfectly escape the trial period.

After that trial period, allergies will appear on the face.

There will be no major problems if you stop using it, but your skin will not be good if you keep using it.

Of course, if the company over there does not use their fake research results, these problems will not arise——

Just a few days before Jiang Yunci and his company were going to launch this product, the company over there launched the 'same' product ahead of schedule.

They may look like the same product, but they are actually quite different.

As soon as the company's products came out, the people in Jiang Yunci's company knew that there must be spies in their company.

Of course, Jiang Yunci and the others found the spy by 'following the vine', and informed the industry companies of his actions.

Originally, Jiang Yunci and Yu Xianjin had given him several chances before, and he was unwilling to cherish them, so there was no need for them to show mercy.

One of their products was postponed to launch, and a free trial was held before the launch, and the free trial period was one month.

After the free period, their products already have contacts in the market.

Make an advertisement to promote it again, and it will become popular immediately.

And the company over there used Jiang Yunci's fake research results, and the skin problems of customers appeared one after another. Although the problem for one person was not a big problem, it was a big problem for many people coming together.

In the end, that company got into a lawsuit.


In a blink of an eye, Ling Wuwen was already a junior.

Jiang Yunci and Yu Xianjin's company has been getting better and better. Although the plants of the product they studied a few years ago are not yet mature, they still have a lot of achievements in other aspects.

Career is good.

However, Jiang Yunci's favorability for Ling Wuwen has never increased since it stayed at ninety-five points in his freshman year.

Isn't Ling Wuyi in a hurry? But is it useful to be in a hurry?

Jiang Yunci is really a workaholic, even though they spend a lot of time together, he would even bring Lingwu with him on business trips.

But what? Favorability just can't be increased!

As early as her sophomore year, Ling Wuwen was able to enter the laboratory to help Jiang Yunci do research.

And Shui Mengting, who has graduated from university, is helping Yu Xianjin manage the company and keep it in order.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi is about to be a senior, and Yu Xianjin is already preparing for the wedding with Shui Mengting...

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother also proposed several times to let Ling Wuyi and Jiang Yunci get married.

When Jiang's father and Jiang's mother mentioned it for the first time, Ling Wu was still thinking about how to refuse. After all, the favorability degree is only ninety-five points, and it is estimated that even if he is married, he will not be able to fill it up immediately.

But good luck! She didn't need to refuse, Jiang Yunci had already refused!

He said that he should focus on his career. Now that the company is still in its infancy, he does not want to get married so early.

In addition, Lingwu Niu University hasn't graduated yet, let's talk about it after graduation!

In addition, even if Ling Wuwen is a junior and soon a senior, he is only twenty years old.

How could anyone get married so early?

Just like that...Jiang Yunci was scolded by Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, in exchange for not getting married.

Later, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother mentioned it several times, but Jiang Yunci still refused with the same excuse.

Having been rejected several times, Ling Wu was a little unhappy.

What do you mean? Don't want to marry her?

This weekend, Ling Wuwen and Jiang Yunci went back to Jiang's house for dinner as usual.

At the dinner table, Father Jiang proposed to marry Jiang Yunci and Ling Wuyi again.

"After the new year, Xiaoya will be twenty-one years old, and you will be twenty-six years old too. Isn't your little Yu who is called Yu...yu the same age as you? Isn't he going to get married too?"

Jiang Yunci opened his mouth, and just as he was about to speak, Father Jiang blocked him: "Don't tell me that the company is in its infancy, I remember that you and that Xiao Yu are a joint venture company, isn't he in its infancy? "

In a word, Jiang Yunci was so blocked that he had no ability to refute.

At this time, Ling Wuwen suddenly said, "Uncle Jiang, I don't want to get married yet."

"After graduation, I plan to go abroad for further study. I'm not as smart as brother Yunci, so I need to study further to help him better."

Although Ling Wuxi had a smile on her face, everyone could tell that she was afraid of being rejected.

That smile is very forced.

Jiang's father didn't speak, but gave Jiang Yunci a look.

Jiang Yunci froze for a moment, then turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen.

"That...Xiaoya, why didn't I know about your going abroad?"

"It's nothing, it was just decided two days ago, and I haven't had time to discuss it with you."

Ling Wuwen put down the chopsticks in her hand, and smiled at Jiang's father, Jiang's mother and Jiang's eldest brother, Jiang's second sister: "I'm full, you eat slowly."

After speaking, he got up and went upstairs.

Jiang Yunci still hadn't reacted to Ling Wuyi's series of actions.

Is she angry? Although he was still smiling, it didn't seem like he was smiling.

For four years, he has never seen Ling Wuyue get really angry...

Seeing that Jiang Yunci was still sitting on the chair, Brother Jiang couldn't help kicking him.

Jiang Yunci groaned, hurriedly rubbed his feet, and looked at Big Brother Jiang with a frown: "Brother, why are you kicking me?"

Big brother Jiang stared at Jiang Yunci with hatred: "Why kick you? If you don't coax Xiaoya, I'll beat you!"

"Coax? Are you really angry?" Jiang Yunci still didn't quite believe that Ling Wuyi was angry.

"Can you not be angry? How many times have you mentioned marriage? Have you discussed with Xiaoya every time you refused? Have you ever asked Xiaoya for her opinion? Do you know how embarrassing it is for a girl to be rejected many times? and embarrassment?"

Second Sister Jiang's words made Jiang Yunci suddenly realize.

He didn't expect that because of his own thoughts, he would ignore Ling Wuyi's thoughts.

Not daring to delay now, he quickly put down his chopsticks and went upstairs to coax Ling Wuwen.

"Knock knock~"

"Xiaoya, can I come in?"

Ling Wuwen, who was in the room, quickly adjusted her state when she heard Jiang Yunci's cautious voice.

"Xiaoya, can I come in?" Jiang Yunci knocked on the door again.

Ling Wuwen walked to the door and said with a normal expression, "Why are you here? Are you full?"

Jiang Yunci scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "Hey...yes, I'm full. But why did you eat so little today?"


[There are still two chapters, so I definitely don't owe more. 】

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