However, there are so many concubines in his harem! How could he let her best friend become his concubine!

Xue Xue thought that it must be Huangfu who forced Ling Wutian, it must be!

But what should we do now? Worried that she would cause trouble, Huangfu Chenjin locked her up directly, saying that if she was disobedient, he would not let her out.

She wanted to find Ling Wuyue, but...

Ling Wupi was really very grateful that Huangfu Chenjin had locked Xue Xue up, otherwise he would have caused a lot of trouble!

Being named a good concubine was agreed last night, so Ling Wuyi didn't think there was anything surprising.

But there was another piece of news that frightened Ling Wuyi!

I don't know what Huangfu Shuran was thinking, so he directly put Huangfu Chenluo under her name.

In other words, at the age of fifteen, she has a twenty-year-old son...

Seeing Huangfu Chenluo, who was kneeling on the ground and grinning happily, and called her concubine mother very easily, the corners of Ling Wu's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Mother Concubine, will you be my Mother Concubine from now on? Are you really my Mother Concubine?" Huangfu Chenluo looked at Ling Wuwen, with a clear expression on her face asking her to answer 'yes'.

Although she really didn't want to, Ling Wuwen still tried her best to raise her lips and nodded towards Huangfu Chenluo with a smile: "Yes, from now on, I will be... Luoer, your mother and concubine."

Hearing Ling Wuwen's affirmative answer, Huangfu Chenluo got up from the ground and threw himself into Ling Wuwen's arms and began to cry loudly.

That crying sound was very wronged.

Ling Wuyi originally thought that Huangfu Chenluo was ruthless in calling her concubine mother, that's why she cried aggrievedly.

Unexpectedly, Huangfu Chenluo would cry and say: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Ling Wuyi glanced at Eunuch Xiang who was standing aside, and with a smile on his face, Eunuch Xiang nodded to her.

Eunuch Xiang looked at her as if saying: With you protecting the third prince in the future, our family can rest assured!

Originally, Ling Wuyi thought that Eunuch Xiang would be on guard against her, thinking that she was a bad woman who took advantage of Huangfu Chenluo.

Ling Wuyi also nodded to Eunuch Xiang, raised her hand to gently stroke Huangfu Chenluo's head, and said softly, "In the future, Luo'er can tell them loudly that you have a concubine again."

Huangfu Chenluo nodded vigorously: "Yes! I have a royal father and a concubine mother!"


After changing his words, Huangfu Chenluo no longer called Ling Wuyi 'Ke'er'.

Compared with the title of 'Ke'er', Huangfu Chenluo prefers the title of 'Mother Concubine'.

The Yunxiao Palace is huge, and Huangfu Chenluo told Li Lingwuwen that he had only been here once a long time ago, and then he dragged Ling Wuwen around the Yunxiao Palace excitedly.

Those concubines all came to see Ling Wuyi in Yunxiao Palace under the pretext of paying her respects, but Ling Wuyi didn't want to see those concubines, so she refused on the grounds that Huangfu Chenluo didn't like many people.

Although the place was changed, Huangfu Chenluo's life pattern remained unchanged.

But in the afternoon, he found new friends in the garden of Yunxiao Palace, so he didn't go to the imperial garden.

Except for seeing Huangfu Shuran last night, Ling Wuyi hadn't seen him until the afternoon.

It is said that Huangfu was reviewing the memorials in the imperial study.

For dinner, Huangfu Chenluo wanted to eat candied sweet potatoes, so Ling Wuji ordered the maid to go to the imperial dining room to bring some sweet potatoes, and directly made candied sweet potatoes in the kitchen of Yunxiao Palace.

She knew that Huangfu would come back for dinner, so she made more candied sweet potatoes.

As soon as it was finished, Huangfu came back.

Ling Wuyi knelt on the ground, and what she shouted was no longer a servant girl, but: "The concubine has seen the emperor!"

Huangfu hummed unexpectedly: "Pingshen."

His eyes never left Ling Wuwen. Compared with the ordinary court lady's dress, this pink palace dress set off her beauty even more eye-catching.

When eating, Huangfu let Ling Wuxi sit and eat together.

The three of them were sitting at the table, and Ling Wuyue was always picking up vegetables for Huangfu Chenluo.

Huangfu pursed his lips unexpectedly, and coughed lightly.

Ling Wuxi was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look at Huangfu Shuran.

Thinking that his throat was uncomfortable, he served him a bowl of soup.

Huangfu Shuran didn't say anything, and started to drink the soup.

Ling Wuwen then picked up vegetables for Huangfu Chenluo, and told him to eat slowly so he wouldn't choke.

"Cough cough." Huangfu unexpectedly coughed again.

Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at him again, and Huangfu's gaze rested on her chopsticks.

At this moment, Ling Wuwen finally understood what Huangfu coughed.

Some wanted to laugh, but held back.

After a pause, Ling Wuwen also picked up a piece of fish for Huangfu: "This part of the fish is the most delicious, the emperor has a taste."

The expression on Huangfu Shuran's face finally softened a little, he nodded slightly, and hummed.

At the side, Eunuch Ji hesitated to speak, but Huangfu usually doesn't eat that part...

But unexpectedly, Huangfu actually ate the fish that Ling Wuyi had picked up for him, and said, "It tastes really good."

Eunuch Ji lowered his head slightly, he didn't dare to underestimate Ling Wuyue in his heart——

After finishing the meal, Huangfu suddenly started playing chess with Huangfu Chenluo again.

This time, Ling Wuwen was sitting down and cooking tea for them.

Huangfu Shuran seemed to like drinking the tea cooked by Lingwu Nie, but Huangfu Chenluo didn't drink much, and kept eating dried sweet potatoes.

When Huangfu Chenluo fell asleep, the father and son stopped.

"Mother and concubine, I'm sleepy~" Huangfu Chenluo looked at Ling Wuyue, wanting Ling Wuyue to take him to sleep.

As soon as Ling Wuyi stood up, Huangfu suddenly called to Eunuch Xiang: "Take the third prince back to his room to rest."

Eunuch Xiang hurriedly responded, and walked to Huangfu Shuran's side: "Third Prince, let's go back to the room to rest."

Huangfu Chenluo pouted and shook his head, then looked up at Ling Wuwen: "I want my concubine to tell a story!"

"Third prince." Xiang Gonggong reminded Huangfu Chenluo with his eyes.

After receiving Xiang Gonggong's gaze, Huangfu Chenluo also remembered the explanation to his father-in-law in the morning.

Ling Wuwen was his mother and concubine, so she couldn't stay by his side all the time, let alone serve him in daily life.

He lived in Yunxiao Palace and had to be obedient and not make his father angry.

Although reluctant, Huangfu Chenluo stood up obediently: "I'm a manly man, I don't listen to stories to sleep, I can do it myself."

Huangfu Chenluo's muttering made Ling Wuwen couldn't help but smile: "Luo'er is so good, I'll make sweet potato cake for you tomorrow."

"Eh? Really?!" Hearing the word sweet potato, Huangfu Chenluo's eyes lit up again.

Seeing Ling Wuyi nod her head, Huangfu Chenluo hurried outside, shouting: "I need to go to bed quickly, I won't be here until tomorrow!"

After saluting to Huangfu Shuran and Ling Wuyue, Eunuch Xiang hurriedly chased them out, shouting, "Third Prince, run slowly..."

After Huangfu Chenluo and Eunuch Xiang had left, Ling Wuyi looked at Huangfu Shuran and asked him, "Does the Emperor still want tea?"


[The 800th monthly pass will be updated! 】

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