Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1378: The Girlfriend Party That Traveled Together (Extra)

The son was named Huangfu Chenxi, the word 'Xi' was chosen after consulting Huangfu Chenluo.

After Huangfu Chenxi was born, Huangfu Chenluo no longer guarded Ling Wuwen, but guarded Huangfu Chenxi.

He stubbornly called Huangfu Chenxi his younger sister, and Ling Wuyi and Xi Ziqiu let him go after several corrections to no avail.

--Five years later--

On a sunny afternoon, Huangfu Chenluo led Huangfu Chenxi, who had already been crowned prince, to stroll around the Imperial Garden, followed by a large number of court ladies and eunuchs.

Huangfu Chenluo pointed to a bird on the tree, and asked Huangfu Chenxi: "Sister Xixi, do you think that bird is cute?"

Huangfu Chenxi, who was only five years old, liked to follow Huangfu Chenluo very much, perhaps because he knew that Huangfu Chenluo was really kind to him.

At this time, he didn't mind Huangfu Chenluo calling him sister every day.

After looking up at the birds on the tree, Huangfu Chenxi nodded and smiled cutely: "Mm, very cute!"

Huangfu Chenluo giggled, took out something from his pocket and handed it to Huangfu Chenxi: "Sister Xixi, I brought you delicious food!"

Huangfu Chenxi saw that it was the candy made by Ling Wuyi himself.

Ling Wuwen said that he was young, so he was only given two pills a day, not allowed to eat more.

Today, he got up and ate the two pills in the morning, and now he is not allowed to eat even if he wants to.

Seeing the candy in Huangfu Chenluo's hand, Huangfu Chenxi's eyes lit up.

Quickly reached out to get the candy, and then stuffed it into his mouth: "Thank you, Brother Sanhuang!"

"Hee hee~ I'll give you candies back, Sister Xixi!"

——Ten years later——

"Knock knock..." In class, Huangfu Chenxi, who was in class, suddenly heard a sound from the window next to him, and craned his neck curiously to look.

As a result, he saw Huangfu Chenluo's smiling face, and reflexively glanced at the teacher in class, and then whispered, "Brother Sanhuang, why are you here?"

Huangfu Chenluo also imitated Huangfu Chenluo, and whispered: "Sister Xixi, look what I brought you!"

Huangfu Chenluo spread out his hands, quietly placing two candies in his palms.

Quickly took the candy from Huangfu Chenluo's hand, and then pretended to be listening to the class seriously——

After class, Huangfu Chenxi left the classroom and saw Huangfu Chenluo standing outside waiting for him.

Seeing Huangfu Chenxi coming out, Huangfu Chenluo rushed over to greet her: "Sister Xixi! Is the candy delicious? This candy is just made by the empress mother. It tastes different from the original one, but it is delicious!"

Huangfu Chenxi nodded: "Delicious! But brother Sanhuang, I'm a man, you should call me younger brother not younger sister! I'm almost at the crown, you call me younger sister every day, how embarrassing!"

"Don't be ashamed! You are my younger sister!" Huangfu Chenluo was unwilling to change his words.

Even in the past few years, Huangfu Chenxi has been correcting his address almost every day.

Huangfu Chenxi felt that he was about to vomit blood, Brother Sanhuang was good for everything, even for him.

But...he always called him sister!

God knows, he has been laughed at many times because of this title!

If it weren't for his strong ability to resist pressure, he would have become a bitch a long time ago!

Looking at Huangfu Chenluo who was thirty-six years old but still looked like a child, Huangfu Chenxi shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, isn't it just a title!

After coming here for fifteen years, let's just take it as... his nickname is 'Sister'.

Even though he thought so, Huangfu Chenxi's heart was still broken——

Back in Yunxiao Palace, Huangfu Chenxi couldn't help acting coquettishly with Ling Wuyue: "Mother~~ You told Brother Sanhuang not to call me sister~"

"Your brother Sanhuang called you that when you were still in the stomach. It's been called you for so many years, so you can just let it go."

Ling Wuwen pinched Huangfu Chenxi's face with a smile, her son was fifteen years old in a blink of an eye.

Just passed the voice-changing period, and the childishness is still there. But sometimes he is a little mature, and he is already helping Xi Ziqiu to review memorials and deal with state affairs every day.

Xi Ziqiu said that he would be enthroned when he was eighteen.

"Hey~ Why didn't you tell Brother Sanhuang that I was a younger brother before I was born!" Huangfu Chenxi was very sad.

If Huangfu Chenluo had called him younger brother from the beginning, he wouldn't have been calling him younger sister all the time!

Ling Wuwen suppressed a smile: "It's not my fault. If you want to blame it, you can blame your father. He told you that you are a younger sister."

Huangfu Chenxi: "..."

Father, this is, how did you trick him? Or cheat him? Or cheat him?

The area of ​​psychological shadow is so large that it almost can't hold it...

--Three years later--

"Sister Xixi! After becoming an emperor, you must be a good emperor, you know!" Today is the day when Huangfu Chenxi ascends the throne, and it is rare for Huangfu Chenluo to speak seriously to Huangfu Chenxi.

Huangfu Chenxi was wearing a dragon robe, with a handsome face and resolute features. Standing in front of Huangfu Chenluo, she was half a head taller than him!

When he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, there was no disturbance in his heart.

Since I was a child, I knew that he would be the emperor when he grew up, so I didn't look forward to it.

In fact, he was not protected much, and he had experienced those dangerous things.

The emperor said that he needs to experience...

Since he was thirteen years old, he has been helping to deal with major national affairs, and he has been handling almost all major national affairs in the past two years.

Those royal brothers who coveted the throne, the father didn't care, let him deal with them all by himself.

If you deal with it yourself, you can deal with it yourself, a piece of cake!

In the end, those imperial brothers who did not want to die were sent outside to garrison, not giving too much power and ensuring that they could serve the country.

Those who want to die... For example, the sixth brother, Huangfu Chenjin, tried to kill him several times.

Then, die—

The cruelty of an emperor, the decisiveness of an emperor, and the kindness of an emperor, he has everything an emperor should have.

So enthronement is just a formality.

To Huangfu Chenluo's exhortation, he still nodded: "I will be the emperor from now on, brother Sanhuang don't call me younger sister anymore."

"Why? You are still my sister Xixi even after becoming the emperor!" Huangfu Chenluo, who was almost forty years old, was still so stubborn.

The expression on Huangfu Chenxi's face almost froze, he really wanted to cry...

"Isn't it?" After becoming the emperor, she won't be his sister Xixi anymore? Then he doesn't want sister Xixi to be the emperor anymore!

The corner of Huangfu Chenxi's mouth twitched, and he said: "After becoming the emperor, I will... still be your sister Xixi. But brother Sanhuang, you can't call me that on your lips, or you will lose your dignity."

"Oh, I can't call you sister, or those people wouldn't be afraid of you, would they?"

Huangfu Chenxi nodded repeatedly, thinking that Huangfu Chenluo had finally gotten the hang of it: "That's right, that's why you have to call me the emperor in the future, so that others will be afraid of me."

Huangfu Chenluo seemed to really understand, and after thinking about it, he said, "Oh, I got it, sister Xixi!"

Huangfu Chenxi: "..."

"Sister Xixi, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm heartbroken..."

"Would you like some candy then?"


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