Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1381 The hard-working heroine double (3)

When I met Lin Huai, Ling Wuwen went over to say hello to him as usual, "Hello, teacher!"

"Hello Xia Ming, are you feeling better?" Lin Huai's first words were concerned about her body with a smile.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Well, I'm fine now, thank you teacher for your concern."

Lin Huai smiled, looking at the same face as Xiao Xiao, he had never thought of Xia Ming as Xiao Xiao except when he was in a daze when they met for the first time.

They were two different people who had nothing in common except that they looked the same.

In Xia Ming's memory, Lin Huai once tried to dissuade Xia Ming after he knew that Xia Ming was with Mo Longting.

He knew, knew how crazy Mo Longting loved Xiao Xiao.

If you think about it with your toes, Mo Longting wants to be with Xia Ming because he wants to use her as Xiao Xiao's substitute.

Lin Huai once vaguely mentioned that there is someone who looks very similar to Xia Ming.

Xia Ming didn't care about it at the time, because she was completely obsessed with Mo Longting at that time, so Lin Huai's kind warning made her hate him from then on—

Ling Wuyi was going to the classroom, while Lin Huai was going to the office, and the two separated.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the classroom, someone hugged Ling Wu's neck from behind: "Smelly Xia Ming! The phone was turned off last night, and it was turned off this morning. You are trying to scare me to death! If my mother didn't let me go out, I went to your house to find you!"

The one who spoke was a tall and beautiful girl.

Ling Wuwen knew her, she was Xia Ming's deskmate and Xia Ming's best friend.

Although I have only seen a kind of girlfriend in the last world, it does not affect Ling Wuyi's good impression of the word 'girlfriend'.

Xia Ming's best friend is not only beautiful, but also has a nice name.

Zhou Qingsi, as her name suggests, has waist-length hair. Oval face, very classic beauty.

If she doesn't speak or move, she feels like a very gentle and beautiful girl.

But when she moves, you will feel that your world view has collapsed.

Zhou Qingsi's personality is completely female, very tough!

In memory, Zhou Qingsi scolded Xia Ming many times after she was with Mo Longting, telling her not to be so stupid.

Let's be together, but don't give up your studies! Most importantly, don't make family members sad.

But Xia Ming didn't listen, and didn't listen to what anyone said.

Later, Xia Ming was kidnapped and happened to be met by Zhou Qingsi.

How could Zhou Qingsi sit idly by? At that time, she was only eighteen years old, a little girl in the third year of high school.

Although she has learned self-defense, how can she be the opponent of a group of big men with weapons?

Recalling this, Ling Wuyue suddenly closed her eyes.

Seeing Ling Wu's face turn pale instantly, Zhou Qingsi was startled, and quickly asked her: "Xia Ming, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you haven't recovered from heat stroke? How about I take you to the infirmary?"

Ling Wuwen took a few breaths, then opened her eyes and looked at Zhou Qingsi. He raised his hand and patted the arm around his neck: "You're strangling me!"

"Oh oh..." Zhou Qingsi quickly let go of her hand, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Are you really okay?"

"I'm fine, but you, do you still have a stomachache today?" Zhou Qingsi has a habit of being so painful that she can't even get out of bed when her aunt visits, so she asks for one day off every month.

When Ling Wuyi came yesterday, Zhou Qingsi happened to ask for leave and was not at school because she was visiting her aunt.

Knowing that Xia Ming had suffered from heat stroke, she heard about it while chatting in the classmate group at night. At that time, Zhou Qingsi hurriedly called Ling Wu, but the phone turned off!

In fact, it wasn't Ling Wuyi who turned it off on purpose, but the phone was out of battery, and she forgot to charge it, so she didn't bring her phone with her when she came to school today.

Speaking of this, Zhou Qingsi subconsciously rubbed her lower abdomen: "It still hurts~ But it's much better than yesterday!"

"Xia Ming, Zhou Qingsi, don't block the door if you don't enter the classroom!" The students who wanted to enter the classroom reminded them.

Ling Wuyi and Zhou Qingsi smiled at each other, and hurried back to their seats holding hands.

After returning to their seats, Zhou Qingsi and Ling Wuwen took out the books and put them on the table, and then started chatting.

"Ms. Lin carried you to the infirmary in person yesterday? Someone took a picture!" Zhou Qingsi had already taken out her phone while speaking.

Ling Wuyi stretched her neck to look over, the photo was well taken, Ling Wuwen was wearing a light green sportswear, lying in the arms of Lin Huai who was wearing a white shirt with her eyes closed.

"Hey~ It's a pity that I'm not here. If I were, it wouldn't be Teacher Lin's turn to hug you. I'll be fine if I come!"

Ling Wuqian smiled and bumped Zhou Qingsi's shoulder: "What? It's a good thing you're not here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to be hugged by Teacher Lin!"

Zhou Qingsi looked at Ling Wuwen with a strange smile, and poked her red cheek with her hand: "Oh, oh, little nymphomaniac~ If you like Teacher Lin so much, just confess to him!"

Ling Wupin pinched Zhou Qingsi lightly: "I don't confess, what if Teacher Lin tells me that I don't focus on my studies?"

"Then confess your love after graduating from high school... The premise is that Mr. Lin was as innocent then as he is now."

Zhou Qingsi put her arms around Ling Wu's shoulders: "Xiao Mingming~ Why do you girls like Teacher Lin's type?"

"I still think Gong Yanyue is the best! You need to have good looks, and you need to have a figure! Not only is it powerful, but it's also idol! Oh~ so handsome, so cool!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Qingsi has already committed a nympho with her face in her hands.

"But you are an unreachable star! Teacher Lin is within reach!"

The Gong Yanyue that Zhou Qingsi said was a popular and powerful idol star in the world, with countless fans.

According to Zhou Qingsi, she accidentally saw Gong Yanyue while watching TV one time, and that one glance fixed her life forever.

"But I don't like Teacher Lin's skinny appearance. Look at the picture of him hugging you. If you were fatter, you probably wouldn't be able to hug you!"

Ling Wuyi was not satisfied with this point: "Then how do you know that Mr. Lin is not the type who takes off his clothes and puts on his clothes?"

Although she was in a semi-comatose state when she came here yesterday afternoon, she could still feel the feeling when Lin Huai hugged her... Well, Lin Huai must have muscles anyway.

"Oh, that's not right, why do I think you're saying I'm fat?" Ling Wuxi sat up straight and turned her head to look at Zhou Qingsi.

Zhou Qingsi squeezed Ling Wu's arm: "Don't look at you with a melon face, but you are indeed a bit fat~ I guess Teacher Lin regretted it when he picked you up yesterday. Hahahaha..."

Ling Wupi looked at Zhou Qingsi, who had stomach cramps from laughing at her own words, with a wistful face.

At this time, Xia Ming...is indeed a little fat.

But it's not as exaggerated as Zhou Qingsi said!

How could Lin Huai be so weak that he didn't even have the strength to hug her!

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