Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1383 The hard-working heroine stand-in (5)

Gong Yanyue and Lin Huai actually knew each other.

The two are not only college classmates, but also have known each other since childhood.

It's just that Gong Yanyue was abroad when he was in middle school, otherwise he should be included in the plot, if he is really as good as Lin Huai.

In addition to the good relationship between Gong Yanyue and Lin Huai, they can also be regarded as relatives.

Well, how should I put it, Lin Huai's sister married Gong Yanyue's brother.

Gong Yanyue is sister Lin Huai's brother-in-law, Lin Huai is Gong Yanyue's brother-in-law.

So Ling Wuyi felt that if he went to see Gong Yanyue, he would definitely meet Lin Huai!

So whether it's for Zhou Qingsi or for Lin Huai, Beijing has to go!


On the day of departure, it was Zhou's father, Zhou's mother, and Xia's father, Xia's mother who personally sent Zhou Qingsi and Ling Wuwen to the airport.

When it was time to board the plane, the two mothers were very worried about asking this and that.

Thinking that she would be close to her male god soon, Zhou Qingsi was in a state of desperation, and only nodded when she heard Zhou's mother's words.

And Ling Wuwen pretended to be listening very attentively, and responded from time to time.

Finally when it was time to board the plane, both Ling Wuwen and Zhou Qingsi couldn't wait to wave goodbye to the two parents.

After getting on the plane, Zhou Qingsi took a deep breath, looking a little nervous.

Ling Wuyi couldn't help laughing at her: "It's not like you can meet your male god as soon as you get off the plane, why do you start to get nervous?"

Zhou Qingsi gave her a sideways look, and said, "When you were in school, you saw your male god every day. I have liked the male god for five years before finally meeting him! That kind of feeling...you don't understand! "

Ling Wuyi couldn't help laughing out loud, and then pretended to be angry and said: "Yes, yes, I don't understand! I don't understand! But I will accompany you to the capital to find the male god!"

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Zhou Qingsi smiled and went to hug her: "I know that you are the best, Xiao Mingming~ Come~ let my brother kiss you!"

"Go, go, keep kissing your male god!" Seeing Zhou Qingsi's mouth approaching, Ling Wuyi hurriedly reached out to touch her face.

Speaking of Gong Yanyue, Zhou Qingsi immediately changed his attitude again.

She sat back on her seat, and said to herself with some confusion and a little shyness: "What should I say when I see the male god?"

"Say... hello male god, I have liked you for five full years, and I want to take a photo with you, can I leave a signature? Oh, no, no! This is too unusual, and many people must talk to male gods like this Yes, I said that, the male god probably forgot about me when he turned around!"

Seeing Zhou Qingsi practicing alone, Ling Wuyi didn't speak.

In fact, in her opinion, no matter how well Zhou Qingsi rehearses now, when she sees the idol she has liked for several years, she must be too nervous to speak——

After four hours of flying, they finally arrived in Beijing!

After getting off the plane, the first thing Ling Wuyi did was to call back with Zhou Qingsi to report that she was safe.

He kept talking with his family until Ling Wuyue and Zhou Qingsi arrived at the hotel where they had already booked their rooms.

After that, Mother Xia asked to video chat with Ling Wuwen to see their environment, and asked Ling Wuwen to take pictures with her mobile phone to see if there was any problem.

Zhou's mother was also watching, and she was also very careful to see if the place where Ling Wuwen and Zhou Qingsi lived was safe.

With the care from her family, Ling Wuyi never thinks they are too long-winded or meddlesome.

After making sure that there is no problem with their hotel room, Mother Xia and Mother Zhou are relieved.

After hanging up the video call, Ling Wuwen went out to eat with Zhou Qingsi.

"Mingming, didn't you say that the male god is filming on Qinghua Road! Let's go and have a look after we have something to eat!"

Regarding Zhou Qingsi's impatience, Ling Wuyi didn't say anything.

Just go, but from what Xia Lun said, they probably won't even see Gong Yanyue's shadow when they go!

Originally, Ling Wuwen wanted to go directly to Gong Yanyue's private residence to block him, even if he didn't get too close, it would be good for Zhou Qingsi to have a clear look at him!

But Ling Wujin felt that she wanted to attack Lin Huai, and if the attack was successful in the future, wouldn't it be a simple matter for Zhou Qingsi to see Gong Yanyue every minute!

If these two people really call, maybe she can make a match!

Looking at the expectant and nervous Zhou Qingsi, it was the first time that Ling Wuyi wanted to help someone so much.

After eating, Ling Wuwen and Zhou Qingsi were ready to go to the Qinghua Road studio.

Although the two families are not poor, they are not rich either.

In order to save some money, Ling Wuwen and Zhou Qingsi chose to take the bus.

Fortunately, they had made a strategy before they came, so they didn't panic at all.

Many of the young girls on the bus were going to Qinghua Road. From the tone of their voices, one could tell that they were all fans of Gong Yanyue.

Ling Wuwen and Zhou Qingsi looked at each other, and they both saw the speculation in each other's eyes.

It is estimated that Qinghua Road...

When we arrived at Qinghua Road, as expected, there were many, many fans guarding outside.

No matter how tough Zhou Qingsi is, she won't be able to squeeze through the surrounding three floors!

"Mingming~ What should I do?" Zhou Qingsi wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at Ling Wutian in a daze.

She should have thought earlier that the male god is so popular. She can know that he is filming here, how can others not know?

So... is it really hopeless for her to get close to the male god?

The weather was very hot, so Ling Wuwen took out the 'like a fish in water' bracelet early on and put it on.

It seems too wasteful to use something that can keep you from getting too hot.

Suddenly a bracelet appeared, and Ling Wuyi's excuse was that she bought it at a street stall, and it looked good.

Zhou Qingsi liked this bracelet very much, and said that she would buy one to wear next time she saw it.

"Okay, don't be discouraged! It's expected to stay for a week, and this is just the first day I can't see you, there are still six days!"

Hearing Ling Wuwen's comforting words, Zhou Qingsi also encouraged herself.

That's right, there are still six days left, don't worry! Always meet the male god!

"I don't care, I'm here, I won't go back until I see the male god!" Zhou Qingsi said, looking at the still 'out of reach' set.

Ling Wuqian smiled and waved her hands: "Don't worry! I'll definitely see you!"

She was going to ask Xia Lun to see where Gong Yanyue is at the moment, and if possible, she would take Zhou Qingsi to take a look from a distance first.

As a result, Zhou Qingsi spoke first: "Then let's go back now, it's too hot."

Ling Wuyi tilted her head to look at Zhou Qingsi, she was wiping away her sweat, and she seemed a little anxious.

"Okay, let's take the bus back to the hotel first."

As soon as Zhou Qingsi and Ling Wuwen left, a nanny car drove into the set.

The fans present all started screaming. If it wasn't for the bodyguards blocking them, they would all have jumped on it.

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