Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1385 The hard-working heroine stand-in (7)

Ling Wuwen and Zhou Qingsi nodded obediently, and replied with some lack of confidence: "Well, I came by myself..."

Lin Huai looked around and saw that there was no car. Could it be that these two little girls came here on foot?

Lin Huai directly opened the car door and got off, looked at Ling Wuyi and Zhou Qingsi: "What are you doing here?"

He said it was to see the scenery, but he didn't believe it.

If you look at the male god... Who are you looking at? Gong Yanyue?

I have to say, Lin Huai got the truth.

But Lin Huai didn't understand again, Gong Yanyue's address was kept secret, how did Ling Wuyue and Zhou Qingsi find this place?

Although Zhou Qingsi was arrogant in front of Ling Wuwen, she couldn't be arrogant in front of others.

So when Lin Huai asked them, she subconsciously moved behind Ling Wuwen, and tugged at the corner of Ling Wuwen's clothes by the way.

Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at Zhou Qingsi, then blinked, and smiled at Lin Huai: "Well... I read on a website that Gong Yanyue lives in Songyu Castle, so..."

"On the site? Which site?" Could it be who leaked it?

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "I don't remember, I saw it by accident, and then I couldn't find it when I looked for it. Sisi and I just came to try our luck and see if Gong Yanyue lived in Songyu Castle. "

Lin Huai seemed to be looking at the two ignorant children, and blamed him slightly: "Even so, you can't come here by yourself. Songyu Castle is in the suburbs, and there is no car. What if something happens in the wilderness?"

With that said, Lin Huai opened the door of the car and motioned to Ling Wuyi and Zhou Qingsi: "Get in the car."

"Eh? Mr. Lin, are you going to send us to Songyu Castle?" Zhou Qingsi looked at Lin Huai expectantly.

Ling Wujin thought so too, after all they were almost at Songyu Castle, so they should be sent to see Gong Yanyue, right?

Unfortunately, Lin Huai shook his head: "No, I'll send you back to Shizhong District."

"No! It's already here, I must see the male god before I leave!" Zhou Qingsi shrank back quickly.

Ling Wuwen acted indifferent, and Lin Huai's actions were reasonable.

Lin Huai looked at Zhou Qingsi and then at Ling Wuwen, and he could tell that it was Zhou Qingsi who wanted to see Gong Yanyue, and Ling Wuwen was here with her.

Sighing, before he could speak, Ling Wuwen stepped forward and tugged at his sleeve: "Ms. Lin~ she will be in her third year of high school soon, and Sisi wants to meet the male god she has liked for five years, so you can do it. Send us to Songyu Castle, okay?"

Lin Huai looked down at Ling Wuwen, feeling a little soft-hearted.

"That's right, Teacher Lin~ You can do it if you want~" Zhou Qingsi was about to cry.

They have been walking for so long, and they have all arrived at this place, and they can't give up halfway if they kill her!

Lin Huai sighed again, and shook his head helplessly: "Get in the car, I'll take you to see him..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhou Qingsi jumped into the car with cheers.

Ling Wuqian smiled and looked up at Lin Huai with crooked eyebrows and eyes: "Thank you Teacher Lin! Teacher Lin, you are really a good person!"

Lin Huai laughed: "So that's why you regard me as a good person?" I've been a class teacher for a year!

"No~ I also regarded Teacher Lin as a good person before, but now I am a good person!"

"Okay, get in the car." Lin Huai patted Ling Wuyi on the head.

Ling Wuyi shrank her neck and hurried into the car.

Lin Huai closed the car door and got into the car himself.

"Let me tell you, if you meet someone today, you have to go back tomorrow, you know?"

Zhou Qingsi quickly responded: "I know, I know, my purpose is to meet the male god!" After seeing the male god, of course I left contentedly!

Ling Wuwen didn't say anything, she didn't intend to come to the capital, so she just met Lin Huai and left...

"By the way, did you get your parents' permission to come to Beijing?" Before Lin Huai started the car, he suddenly remembered that the two little girls didn't sneak out by themselves in order to chase stars, right?

"I know, I'm going to travel, seven days."

Lin Huai: "..."

Quite smart, knowing that traveling is not chasing stars.

If it is about chasing stars, it is estimated that it will not be approved.

Tsk~ Why are they all seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls, that brat?

How about a male god... If they knew that the male god they had in mind was actually that kind of person in private, would they be disillusioned?

Lin Huai smiled, started the car and headed for Songyu Fort.

After a while, Zhou Qingsi whispered in Ling Wu's ear: "Mingming, I feel something is wrong."

Ling Wuyi tilted her head and asked her in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"This Hummer is a limited edition and very expensive. How can Mr. Lin drive such an expensive car? And...does he live in Songyu Castle? Didn't you mean Songyu Castle, which is a wealthy area?"

Just now, she panicked like a child who was caught, but now that she realized it, Zhou Qingsi was a little surprised.

This Hummer is her favorite style, and the photo of this Hummer is used on her computer desktop.

But she likes black hummers, not white.

Ling Wuxiao smiled indifferently, and said, "You didn't hide your identity from Mr. Lin before! Maybe you just wanted to keep a low profile before?"

Zhou Qingsi tilted her head and thought for a while: "That's true! If the female teacher at the school knows that Mr. Lin is not only handsome, but also very rich, it will definitely be even crazier!"

In the school, apart from many female students who regard Lin Huai as a male god, those young female teachers also have no resistance.

Many people already liked Lin Huai, if they knew that he was actually a rich man.

Tut tut...

"Hey, Mingming, you said that my male god also concealed his identity?"

"Well, maybe."

Lin Huai, who was driving in front, was a little dumbfounded when he heard the conversation between the two little girls behind him. He thought he spoke in a low voice, but he actually heard them all.

Isn't it a little bad to talk about it in front of the person involved? Although, he did have something to hide——

After driving for about ten minutes, we finally arrived at Songyu Fort.

Looking at the mansions and villas around her, Zhou Qingsi was a little dumbfounded.

Pushed Ling Wuwen with her elbow, and asked her: "Mingming, do you remember that website said where my male god lives? Do you know which house my male god lives in?" look!

I know I know, but...

"I don't know~" Ling Wuyi looked blank, "Why don't we get out of the car and look for it slowly?"

Zhou Qingsi pouted and nodded, that's all.

Lin Huai, who was driving in front, was a little speechless: "You didn't even know where he lived, so you came here. Do you know how big Songyu Castle is?"

Ling Wuwen blinked and leaned over to Lin Huai who was in the driver's seat: "Mr. Lin, is your home here?"

Lin Huai didn't hide anything, and nodded: "Well, I live here."

Zhou Qingsi who was behind also reacted quickly, leaned over and asked, "Mr. Lin, do you know where my male god lives?"

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