Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1404 Hard-working heroine substitute (26)

The first video Ling Wuxi sent to Ma Biao was just beginning to tie up Ma Kun. She kicked Ma Kun to the ground, and then grabbed his hair to force him to look up at the camera.

"Mabia, do you want your son? If you want it, prepare ten million yuan and wait for my call."

There was only this sentence in that video, and the entire video was only two minutes long.

After watching the video, Ma Biao hurriedly sent someone to find him, and he must find his son!

Although Ling Wuwen didn't dispose of Ma Kun's body, the place was remote enough.

She was sure that other than her and Ma Kun, it would be difficult for anyone else to find that place.

In addition, she also thought about the possibility of being found by them.

If you find it, you will find it~ It won't affect her plan——

The next day, Ling Wuwen got up to wash up as usual, had breakfast, and then went out to buy vegetables.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lin Huai who had come back by plane overnight.

Lin Huai stood at the door of her house, wearing a camel-colored windbreaker, his face haggard from a sleepless night.

Seeing Ling Wuwen, Lin Huai gave her a smile: "Good morning, Mingming..."

Ling Wuyi looked surprised before she nodded: "Mr. Lin, good morning."

She didn't ask why he came back suddenly, but just closed the door and left.

Lin Huai had just come up, so Ling Wuyi pressed the elevator, and the elevator door opened.

Just as she was about to lift her foot into the elevator, Lin Huai grabbed her wrist first.

"You should give me a chance to explain!" Lin Huai said.

Ling Wuyi looked at him with her head tilted, and forced a smile: "You are the teacher and my head teacher."

Hearing what Ling Wuyi said, Lin Huai let go of his hand in a daze.

Yes, he is her teacher and her class teacher.

He shouldn't... shouldn't have feelings for her other than teachers and students. At least not now!

Ling Wuyi only silently sensed that the favorability point from ninety points had increased to ninety-two points, and stepped into the elevator with no expression on her face.

In fact, it is perfectly possible for her to reveal her heart to Lin Huai at this time, but she does not intend to do so.

In order to increase her favorability, she needs to be patient——

After going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, Lin Huai was still standing in front of her house.

The suitcase was still outside. It was obvious that she had been away for more than an hour, and Lin Huai had never entered the house! Some couldn't bear it, but he still pretended not to see him and took the key to open the door.

Just when she was about to enter the house, Lin Huai said to her: "I don't like you because you look like Xiao Xiao! You are you, Xiao Xiao is Xiao Xiao, and I never confuse you with Xiao Xiao. "

Ling Wuxi paused in her footsteps, and turned to look at him: "Then why do you interrupt me first when others mistake me for Xiao Xiao? You never let me know Xiao Xiao's existence, why?"

"Because...because I don't want to make you unhappy..."

Lin Huai remembered that when he first saw Xia Ming in J Middle School, he also asked Xia Min in a small chat, asking if she had any sisters at home.

Xia Ming said no.

He asked Xia Ming again, how would he feel if he knew that there was someone who looked almost exactly like her in this world?

Xia Ming said that unless it is twins, bumping faces is more annoying than bumping shirts.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Huai never mentioned it to Ling Wuyi, and he hesitated when she asked.

When others saw her and mistook her for Xiao Xiao, he subconsciously tried to stop her.

Unexpectedly, it was his actions that made Ling Wuyi think she was a substitute...

Ling Wuyi forced a smile to Lin Huai: "Thank you, teacher, for your thoughtfulness. The teacher has just come back, so let's have a good rest!"

After speaking, she closed the door.

Lin Huai frowned tightly, feeling very anxious.

He stood at the door of Ling Wu's house for a long time, sighed, and then left.

What should be explained, he also explained.

Let's talk about the future after graduation, shall we?

Originally, Ling Wuwen wanted to waste Lin Huai for a while, but she didn't expect that Lin Huai and her were not on the same channel at all——

School started in a blink of an eye, and Ling Wuwen called Ma Biao a few times while Xia's father and Xia's mother were not at home, and asked them to put the ransom money somewhere.

At the beginning, Ma Biao dared to arrange someone to hide in the dark, trying to catch her. But Ling Wuyi has Xia Lun's God's perspective!

So after being exposed and threatened by Ling Wuxi twice, Ma Biao didn't dare to do that.

Several times in succession, Ling Wuyue had demanded tens of millions of ransom from Ma Biao.

She didn't take the money either, but left it there.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you hold it, it's all dirty money, and donate it to those in need.

But she was too lazy to go out, even if she would never be found out.

She sent a video to Ma Biao almost every other day, making him think that Ma Kun was still alive.

Ma Biao, who couldn't find Ma Kun, thought that it must be Mo Longting who kidnapped his son, and he went to the door to say good things to Mo Longting, hoping that he would let Ma Kun go.

Mo Longting neither admitted nor denied the kidnapping of his son, but just wanted to humiliate him.

Ma Biao, who didn't get any benefits, left from Mo Longting, but he also believed that Mo Longting was the one who kidnapped his son!

Several home visits, but to no avail.

When Ling Wuyi sent the last video, Ma Biao went crazy.

Because Ma Kun in the video was tortured to death by Ling Wu!

After paying the ransom, it's hard to say anything, but... he even killed his son!

That night, Ma Biao gathered hundreds of his men with knives, guns and sticks, and went directly to Mo Longting to fight, and asked Mo Longting to hand over his son's body.

Where is Mo Longting's corpse? I've never seen it before!

Ma Biao brought so many people to fight and kill, and Mo Longting was not a vegetarian, so of course he brought his copycats to fight.

According to Xia Lun, both Ma Biao and Mo Longting were seriously injured in this scuffle, and many other subordinates were also killed or injured.

How could such a big commotion not alert the police?

But when the police arrived, Ma Biao was shot in the temple by Mo Longting.

In order to subdue these people, the police also opened fire.

Mo Longting's kneecap was shattered and he was taken to the hospital by the police.

He was also badly injured by Ma Biao, and was shot by the police again, almost dying.

But even if he is still alive now, he is almost half dead.

His knee was shattered, so he was crippled.

One of the kidneys was cut off to save his life.

There is no way to live a good life without saving his life. He gathered a crowd to riot with guns and caused so many casualties.

The J city police had long been eyeing Mo Longting because of the drug trafficking case, but they just kept catching him with clues and evidence.

Now such a malicious crime, even if there is no death penalty, severe punishment will not escape.

Coupled with the fact that he went to Half-Life, the original gang didn't need a useless person for a long time, and another boss was elected.

So this time, not only Ma Biao was dead, but Mo Longting was also finished.

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