Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1409 Hard-working heroine substitute (31)

Liu Qiangwei, who was hiding in the dark, was distorted after hearing Lin Huai's confession to Ling Wupin.

She looked at Ling Wu's back and wished she could eat her.

It was also because she was so angry that by the time she realized that she should take a video with her mobile phone, the confession was over.

How did it end? It ended with Ling Wu's silence.

Lin Huai doesn't necessarily want to get Ling Wu's answer, but just hopes that she knows his intentions, that's enough!

The atmosphere is good as the two focus on the sunrise.

Gritting her teeth, Liu Qiangwei took out her phone and took a few photos before leaving.

After Liu Qiangwei left, Ling Wuyue turned her head to look at the place where she was hiding just now, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

It's almost time to see the sunrise, and those students should wake up.

Ling Wuwen and Lin Huai stood up, ready to go back.

"Mr. Lin, wait until I graduate."

Ling Wu's sudden words made Lin Huai's eyes light up, and he was overjoyed!

By the time he reacted, Ling Wuwen had already gone far away.

Chasing after her to talk to Ling Wuwen, she was dragged to chat by the students who got up.

The smile on his face remained undiminished, and he pretended to be nonchalant to wake up all the students who hadn't gotten up yet.

After all the students got up, they started preparing breakfast.

After breakfast, we packed up our things and prepared to go down the mountain.

Going down the mountain is actually much more difficult than going up the mountain, because it is too slow, and I didn’t reach the bottom of the mountain at noon, so I simply found a platform halfway up the mountain and stopped to prepare lunch.

Fortunately, they still had a lot of food left yesterday, more than enough to prepare lunch.

By the time they walked down the mountain slowly, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Thinking that they were tired from climbing, Lin Huai asked them to go back to their rooms to rest, and took them to a hot spring to relax at night——

The next day, Lin Huai took them to the amusement park for half a day, and then ended the three-day relaxing vacation!

At the gate of the school at night, all the students got off the bus and went home separately.

Ling Wuwen originally wanted to take the bus home, but was stopped by Lin Huai.

"let's go together."

Ling Wuxi hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi agreed, Lin Huai grinned and told her to wait by the side of the road while he drove.

Ling Wuwen was standing on the side of the road, waiting for Lin Huai.

Liu Qiangwei hadn't left yet, looking at Ling Wuyue with gloomy eyes.

After thinking about it, Liu Qiangwei went to Ling Wuwen's side: "Student Xia Ming, you should remember that you are a student and he is a teacher, right? Knowing that the teacher-student relationship will not only affect you badly, but also may cause Teacher Lin to be punished." Revoke teacher's license."

Ling Wuwen turned her head to look at Liu Qiangwei with a smile on her face: "Mr. Liu is worrying too much."

Liu Qiangwei sneered and said, "I worry too much? Don't you think we are all blind? Teacher Lin and you, anyone with eyes can see what's going on, right?"

"I mean, Teacher Liu is too worried about revoking the teacher's license."

As soon as Ling Wuyi finished speaking, Lin Huai had already driven over.

The car stopped beside her, without looking at Liu Qiangwei's expression, she opened the door and got in the car.

Liu Qiangwei looked at the car leaving in the dust, gritted her teeth, the phone in her hand seemed to be crushed by her——

"What did Teacher Liu tell you just now?" Lin Huai asked Ling Wuyi.

He felt that Liu Qiangwei was a bit paranoid and dark.

It's really strange, how did such a person become a teacher?

Ling Wuwen, who tilted her head to look at the scenery outside the car, turned her head to look at Lin Huai, and said, "Just now, Teacher Liu said that your relationship with us will cause your teacher's license to be revoked."

Lin Huai smiled indifferently: "Although this teacher's license will not be needed soon, I will not be revoked."

"Are you not a teacher because of me?" Ling Wuyi asked Lin Huai.

Lin Huai reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile: "Actually, being a teacher is just an experience. Although I don't want to, I can't leave the company alone."

My father is getting older, and my sister is married. If he doesn't inherit the company, who will inherit it?

Ling Wuyue let out an oh, and she thought so too.

Lin Huai is filial, it is impossible for him to refuse to inherit the company all the time.

"Your dinner may not be prepared at home, let's go out to eat?" Lin Huai suggested.

Ling Wuxi nodded without any objection. Anyway, although she and Lin Huai are not in a formal relationship now, it's almost the same, right?

It's all clear, it's just a meal, there is nothing to refuse.

Lin Huai has been in a good mood ever since he saw Ling Wuxi's phone photo album that day.

The depression of the previous months has long been swept away, and the weather has turned fine!


Lin Huai took Ling Wuwen to a western restaurant, and the two went in together.

As soon as he entered, Lin Huai immediately changed his face when a man and a woman walked towards him: "Xiao Xiao!"

Yes, one of the men and women is Xiao Xiao!

Although I knew that she and Xiao Xiao looked alike, but I didn't expect this resemblance!

Obviously ten years apart, Xiao Xiao has shoulder-length black hair, wears a light blue dress, and smiles.

If she and Ling Wuyi put on the same clothes, someone would definitely admit their mistake!

When someone called her name, Xiao Xiao didn't respond at all. It's like not knowing Lin Huai.

But when she saw Ling Wuwen next to Lin Huai, she couldn't help exclaiming: "Oh my god~"

The man next to Xiao Xiao was also a little surprised, he looked at Ling Wuyue and then at Xiao Xiao: "Hanhan, you both look alike!"

"Yeah, it really looks like it!" Xiao Xiao couldn't help but say.

Lin Huai frowned, he noticed that the man's name was Xiao Xiao' Han Han'.

Isn't it Xiao Xiao?

But how is it possible!

It is a miracle that there are two people who look the same in the world, how can there be three people who look the same!

And the temperament of the 'Hanhan' in front of him is exactly the same as that of Xiao Xiao!

Lin Huai took two steps forward and looked at Xiao Xiao: "Xiao Xiao, don't you remember me?"

"Xiao Xiao? Sir, my name is Xia Han, and that lady's name is Xiao Xiao, right?" Xiao Xiao thought that Lin Huai had confused her with Ling Wuwen, so she smiled heartily.

Ling Wuwen stepped forward and said, "My name is Xia Ming, and your name is Xiao Xiao."

Xiao Xiao frowned: "My name is not Xiao Xiao, I am Xia Han! But what a coincidence, you and I both have the last name Xia, no wonder we look so alike!"

"No, you are Xiao Xiao!" Lin Huai said firmly.

"Xiao Xiao, where have you been all these years? Everyone is looking for you!"

Before Xiao Xiao could speak, the man next to her hugged her directly, and looked at Lin Huai very defensively: "She's not Xiao Xiao, she's my fiancee!"

After speaking, he hugged Xiao Xiao and left.

Lin Huai didn't even have time to pay attention to Ling Wu, and immediately chased him out.

It's just that Xiao Xiao was taken away when he went out, so he had no choice but to come back.

"Isn't she Xiao Xiao?" Ling Wuwen asked Lin Huai.

"She's Xiao Xiao." He was sure!

Lin Huai took Ling Wuwen to find a seat and sat down before preparing to make a phone call.

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