Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1412 Hard-working heroine substitute (34)

If my daughter can be with Lin Huai, life must be good in the future, right?

They don't expect their daughter to take good care of and be filial to their old couple, but they hope that their daughter can live a good life!

It's rare that Lin Huai attaches so much importance to Ling Wu, Xia's father and Xia's mother feel that he can give their daughter happiness.


After the college entrance examination, Lin Huai held a break-up banquet.

The students in the class had a carnival all night. Many people came with a smile and left crying.

After graduation, neither of them will be in the same university, so separation is inevitable.

We have been classmates for three years, and of course everyone feels reluctant.

Many people have left contact information with each other, hoping to keep in touch with each other——

Half a month after the college entrance examination, Ling Wuyi received the admission notice from Peking University.

At the same time, she also received the good news that Zhou Qingsi was admitted to Beijing University of Arts!

Zhou Qingsi laughed excitedly when she called, but she choked up again after telling the news.

"Hey~ Xiao Mingming~ You don't even know what my brother has been through for more than a year! How many times I feel like I'm going to die~ But for the sake of the male god, I gritted my teeth and persevered! Hey~"

Ling Wuxi quickly comforted her: "But your hard work has been rewarded! You succeeded! How many people have practiced longer than you and haven't passed the exam, you are amazing!"

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Zhou Qingsi raised her chin arrogantly: "Huh~ That's it! Who is the brother! A small art university, can you still pass the exam?"

Ling Wuqian let out a chuckle, and then couldn't stop.

When I called before, I always said how difficult it is to get into the University of Arts, but now that I am admitted, I am so arrogant!

But it's true that she has the capital of being arrogant!

"Sisi, congratulations!" Ling Wuwen said with a smile.

Zhou Qingsi wiped away her tears and smiled all over her face: "Congratulations too~ Not only did you succeed in being admitted to Beijing University, but you also got a handsome boy!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Qingsi thought of her male god again: "Hey~ I don't know if I can embrace a beautiful boy? In order to get into the University of Arts, I haven't watched the TV series and movies made by the male god for a long time!"

"Believe in yourself, you can definitely do it!"

Lin Huai has a good relationship with Gong Yanyue, and they always talk on the phone and video.

She spends a lot of time with Lin Huai, so she has heard Lin Huai talking on the phone with Gong Yanyue, and she has seen videos of the two of them.

One time when Lin Huai was videoing with Gong Yanyue, Gong Yanyue saw her, so he kept asking Lin Huai who she was and wanted to talk to her.

Ling Wuwen didn't refuse either, so she made a video call with Gong Yanyue.

By talking to Gong Yanyue, Ling Wujin knew that Gong Yanyue was very different from the TV.

It's not about looks, it's about character.

Gong Yanyue... is completely the playboy type.

Although he is nice and treats his family and friends well, he is really bothering.

But Gong Yanyue's fickleness is still very principled, he will never get involved with female stars in the entertainment industry, nor will he touch his fans.

Ling Wuyi felt that Gong Yanyue was good at everything, but he was too bothered. Today, when he called Lin Huai, he was still this girlfriend, and tomorrow he would be that girlfriend.

Ling Wuwen wanted to tell Zhou Qingsi very much, and Zhou Qingsi would definitely believe what she said.

She was worried that after she said it, Zhou Qingsi would not have the motivation to move forward.

So she never told Zhou Qingsi all this time.

"Little Mingming, when are you coming to Beijing?" Zhou Qingsi asked Ling Wuyue.

Because Zhou's father and Zhou's mother felt that Zhou Qingsi might stay in Beijing to develop, they simply sold the house in J City and went to Beijing to buy a house.

Zhou Qingsi really wanted to go back to City J to see Ling Wu, but she still had to go to class...

She has high demands on herself, even if she is successfully admitted to the University of Arts, she still has to work hard.

"Well, I may not come out until school starts soon, to accompany my parents."

Lin Huai wanted Xia's father and Xia's mother to go to Beijing together, and he could arrange for him to work in the house there.

But Father Xia and Mother Xia didn't want to trouble Lin Huai.

This is not married yet, and she has started to rely on Lin Huai. What about after that?

What if one day Ling Wuyi and Lin Huai broke up?

So Xia's father and Xia's mother felt that they still had to be honest and peaceful.

Don't think about it if you don't deserve it.

Ling Wuwen felt that Xia's father and Xia's mother were doing the right thing, although she would not break up with Lin Huai.

But they did this, at least in Ling Wuyi's view, they didn't agree to them being together because of Lin Huai's background.

On the university side, Lin Huai, who went back early, had already made arrangements for her.

Lin Huai didn't want her to live on campus, so he also found a house.

After the past, they began to live together...

Ling Wuwen stayed at home until the start of school was approaching, and then flew to Beijing.

When I got off the plane, I saw Zhou Qingsi who came to pick her up with Lin Huai.

Lin Huai had a smile on her face, before she even approached her, Zhou Qingsi ran over to give Ling Wupi a big hug.

"Aww~ little Mingming~ I miss my brother to death!"

Ling Wuwen was used to Zhou Qingsi's behavior, although she hadn't seen her for a year.

Lin Huai knew that Zhou Qingsi was not as good as her name, and her personality and behavior were far from her appearance. But when he heard what Zhou Qingsi said while hugging Ling Wuwen, the corners of his mouth still couldn't help twitching.

"Say, do you miss your brother?" Zhou Qingsi let go of Ling Wuwen and looked at her.

"Think about it!" Ling Wuyue nodded repeatedly and looked at Zhou Qingsi at the same time.

He has grown taller. He used to be around 1.65 meters, but now he is at least 1.72 meters.

And she is 1.65 meters, half a head shorter than Zhou Qingsi.

Because I dance every day, my already good figure is even better.

The current Zhou Qingsi is much prettier than a year ago!

Zhou Qingsi was very satisfied and walked out of the airport with Ling Wu in her arms: "Let's go! Brother will take you to eat delicious food!"

Ling Wuwen followed Zhou Qingsi helplessly, and turned her head to look at Lin Huai.

Lin Huai knew that Ling Wuwen and Zhou Qingsi were close, so he didn't mind, and acted as a driver very caringly.

It was rare for Zhou Qingsi to come out to accompany Ling Wuwen one day.

After dinner in the evening, Lin Huai drove Zhou Qingsi home.

After seeing off Zhou Qingsi, Lin Huai drove back to the residence with Ling Wuying.

"There are two rooms in the place where you live, one for you and one for me. I will send you to report to school tomorrow, and then I will go to the company."

After Lin Huai finished speaking, Ling Wuyi nodded, "Yes, good."

"From now on, I will be responsible for housework and food, and you will be responsible for going to school!" After speaking, Lin Huai added: "Of course, you must also be responsible for accompanying me."

Ling Wuyi raised the corners of her lips, and glared at Lin Huai with a blushing face: "Can't you be with me?"

Lin Huai smiled heartily and nodded again and again: "All right, all right! I'll accompany you~"

Back at the residence, Lin Huai first showed Ling Wuwen around.

The decoration of the residence is very good, one apartment on one floor, and there is also a sky garden and a swimming pool.

Because I asked Ling Wuyi what kind of decoration she likes before, and the decoration was completely according to her preferences.

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