Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1422 Koff's Pretty Widow (9)

Seeing Ling Wuwen, Qian Duoduo was obviously taken aback.

After being reborn, Qian Duoduo only thought about not repeating the same mistakes.

In order not to marry Gu Andeng who was doomed to die, she married a widower with a five-year-old son, and fell out with the family because of this.

Not long after she married Li Hengsheng, she heard that Village Chief Gu had gone to Widow Chen to propose marriage.

She remembered that Widow Chen was dead! It is said that she should have died years ago. At that time, someone passed by her yard and smelled a foul smell.

When I entered the house, I saw that people had died on the kang, and they were all dead.

Why did Widow Chen not die when she lived a new life?

I couldn't figure out this problem, so I didn't think about Qian Duoduo.

However, I heard that Village Chief Gu went to Widow Chen to propose marriage. After Widow Chen agreed, Qian Duoduo was a little hesitant, hesitating whether to speak to Widow Chen.

Said, then Gu Andeng will have a good life in a few days, and he will be 'Kefu' again after marrying.

But after thinking about it, she can't say it!

Even if she said it, would Widow Chen believe it?

Therefore, Qian Duoduo did not go to Ling Wuwen.

On the day of their marriage, Qian Duoduo also went.

She thought the marriage date was advanced because of the different partners.

Ever since Ling Wuyi and Gu Andeng got married, Qian Duoduo couldn't help but wait for the news, the news that the village chief's son would not wake up.

But after waiting for half a month, there was no news.

Qian Duoduo couldn't help thinking, could it be because the date of Gu Andeng's death hasn't arrived yet?

"Chen... Mrs. Gu, where are you going?" Qian Duoduo forced out an unnatural smile.

After all, it was because of her that Ling Wuwen married Gu Andeng.

So Qian Duoduo felt a little guilty.

"Go to the mountain to get some wild vegetables." Ling Wuwen smiled lightly.

Qian Duoduo is a very delicate girl, she is not considered beautiful, but she is fair skinned.

Well, in comparison, Qian Duoduo's skin is fairer than Chen Xuehua's.

Without saying a few words to Qian Duoduo, Ling Wuwen went up the mountain on the grounds that it was late.

Qian Duoduo looked at Ling Wuwen's back and sighed.

She wanted to tell Ling Wuyue just now...

Forget it, she managed to live her life again, let's live her own life well!

Qian Duoduo went home with the tub filled with clean clothes in his arms——

Ling Wuwen went up the mountain and found those wild vegetables that were not bitter and could be used as medicinal food.

In fact, it is not accurate to say wild vegetables, it should be herbs.

It's just that if she talks about herbal medicine, the wife of the village chief probably won't agree with her making it for Gu Andeng.

So speaking of wild vegetables, the wife of the village head is more likely to accept them.

There are a lot of herbs on the mountain, maybe no one knows about them, so no one digs them.

Ling Wuwen walked and dug all the way, and quickly dug up a bamboo basket of herbs.

Thinking of eating these first and then making them again, Ling Wuyi reluctantly left——

Back home, the village chief's wife saw that the herbs that Ling Wu had brought back were a bit novel, and asked her what they were.

Ling Wuwen only said that she didn't know the name, but knowing it was useful.

Ling Wuwen washed the mud from the roots of the herbs, and then packed them in categories.

She told the village chief's wife which ones Gu Andeng ate, which ones they ate, and which ones were used to boil water for Gu Andeng to take a bath.

The village head's wife saw that Ling Wuwen was speaking clearly and logically, so she believed her inexplicably.

She thought, these are all wild vegetables, even if they have no effect, there is nothing wrong with eating them.

Think of it as... just try it out for a change.

That night, Ling Wuwen cooked a large table of herbal meals.

The cooking skills are good, and the taste of these herbs is also good, so the wife of the village chief and village chief Gu are full of praise for the taste of the dinner.

Gu Andeng's dinner, Ling Wu Nie, also prepared meat for him, which was still porridge, but with chopped herbs in it.

Looking at the lush green herbs, Gu Andeng asked Ling Wuwen: "Are these the wild vegetables you got on the mountain?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, took a spoonful and blew it cold, brought it to Gu Andeng's mouth, and looked at him expectantly: "My father-in-law and mother-in-law say it tastes good, how about you try it?"

Gu Andeng couldn't bear Ling Wu's eyes, so he opened his mouth to eat with a smile.

After savoring it carefully, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened: "Well, the taste is really good."

"As long as you like it, I will cook it for you in different ways for every meal in the future, so you won't get tired of it!"

"That's too hard for you." Gu Andeng said.

Ling Wuxi shook her head, and said nonchalantly, "This is what I'm supposed to do, so I don't think it's hard work!"

For this dinner, Gu Andeng drank two bowls of porridge, and ate up all the meat dishes and vegetarian dishes prepared by Ling Wu.

Such a 'big' appetite frightened Village Chief Gu and his wife.

But more, it is joy!

The son's appetite is getting better and better, which shows that his body is also getting better day by day.

The old couple even thought that their son would recover in a short time, and maybe they could have a grandson in the next year!

Grandson or something, but they never dared to think about it.

Even after their son got married, they didn't press for intercourse... After all, they couldn't even get out of bed, let alone expect intercourse.

But if my son recovers a little bit this day, it won't be long before we can have intercourse——

Before going to bed at night, Ling Wuwen gave Gu Andeng a full body massage, which made Gu Andeng's whole body ache.

I didn't want to press it at first, but Ling Wuwen said that it would be good for my health.

Regardless of whether it's really good for your health or not, Gu Andeng couldn't bear to refuse seeing Ling Wuwen put in so much effort.

It was sore at first, but gradually I felt hot all over, and then started to sweat.

After pressing, Ling Wunie took a hot towel and wiped his body again.

That night Gu Andeng slept exceptionally well, even without deliberately suppressing the cough, he would not cough anymore!


Ling Wuyi kept his word, and prepared three meals for him in different ways every day.

He didn't know it was medicinal food, but he knew it tasted very good.

He stopped eating porridge except for breakfast and started eating rice instead.

He used to feel stomach ache after eating two bites of rice, but now let alone two bites, he can eat a bowl!

Sometimes when his appetite is better, he can still eat two bowls!

After eating for half a month, Gu Andeng obviously felt that his body was recovering.

Although it was still difficult to get out of bed, I was able to sit up without being supported.

Chat with Ling Wuwen for a long time, and you won't feel tired.

Now he only needs to take a nap after meals every day, instead of sleeping all day.

Gu Andeng's recovery was witnessed by Village Chief Gu and the village chief's wife who would go to his room to see him every day.

Not to mention that Gu Andeng's health has improved a lot, even their health has improved a lot.

I couldn’t sleep well at night, and my lumbar spine and knees, which hurt so much on rainy days, didn’t hurt much. The wife of the village chief, who couldn’t see things clearly when it got dark, also felt that her eyes seemed to be much clearer.

All this is why, they themselves know.

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