Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1427 Koff's Pretty Widow (14)

What about widows?

If her son is still as sickly as before, which girl is willing to marry?

"Now my son is healed, and that's all thanks to my daughter-in-law!" After more than a year of medicinal diet conditioning, there are food, soaks, and drinks.

Taking such good care of her made even a mother like her feel ashamed!

Some people said that Ling Wuwen had ulterior motives in doing that, but in the eyes of the village chief's wife, so what if she had ulterior motives?

At least her son is in good health now!

"Don't say my son is born today, even if he becomes the prime minister in the future, he won't want his current wife!"

"So those who have ghosts in their minds, just save it!"

Ever since the village head's wife finished speaking, no one dared to tell her about Ling Wu's catkin, and no one dared to introduce the girl——

Ling Wuyi didn't care about those people's thoughts at all.

But at night, he still jokingly asks Gu Andeng if there is any girl who wants to talk to him.

Gu Andeng hadn't been out of the house for more than ten years, and he was a very simple-minded person.

But at the same time, he is also very dull, ignorant of the world, and not very good at communicating with others.

So when Ling Wuwen asked him this question, he shook his head without thinking, "No."

In fact, it's not that he didn't have it, but he didn't hear it when others talked to him, and he was so focused on his homework.

Even if you talk to others, you are discussing homework problems.

Either he asked someone else, or someone asked him.

Even at home, if the village chief or the village chief's wife wants to call Gu Andeng, he has to call him several times before he responds.

Of course, Ling Wu Nie is an exception.

After answering Ling Wuyi's question, Gu Andeng asked Ling Wuwen with some doubts: "Why do you ask me this?"

Shouldn't it be asking, for example, how is he doing in his homework recently?

Ling Wuqian smiled relaxedly, and said, "Because many people say that you will be an official and master in the future, I am not good enough for you~"

Gu Andeng frowned, clicked his tongue, and turned to look at Lingwu who was lying beside him: "Don't listen to those people's nonsense, you are not worthy of me."

Ling Wuyi opened her mouth, and just about to speak, Gu Andeng moved her body closer to her.

The distance between the two people is getting closer, and it seems that even the breath can be sprayed on each other's face.

"I have always thought that I am not good enough for you." Gu Andeng said softly.

He knew very well that if it wasn't for Ling Wuwen, he might have died long ago.

So what kind of granary students, what kind of imperial examinations, what kind of official masters, all depend on Ling Wu!

Raising his hand and patting Ling Wu's shoulder, Gu Andeng said, "It's getting late, go to bed. Aren't you going to the mountains tomorrow? I'll go with you."

"Well, good." Ling Wuyi raised her lips and nodded with a smile, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, he felt that his favorability increased a little.

It's been a few months before adding a little.

From eighty-five to eighty-six.

She just said... The favorability level was so easy to increase before, but it may not be easy to increase later.

Sighing, adding a little bit is also adding, it's better than reducing the favorability——

The next day, Gu Andeng rested and took a shower, so he got up in the morning and went to the mountain with Ling Wuyue after breakfast.

Apart from studying, Gu Andeng usually likes to go to the mountains with Ling Wu, sometimes it takes half a day.

Following Ling Wuwen, you can see some interesting small animals on the mountain.

Gu Andeng often went to the mountains with Ling Wuwen. At first, the village chief and his wife were a little worried, but they gradually got used to it.

On this day, Ling Wuwen and Gu Andeng still went to the mountain for half a day, and they didn't come back until the afternoon.

Before entering the house, I heard a young girl crying inside.

Looking at Gu Andeng, there is indeed a young girl crying!

But there are no young girls in the house except her, so where are the young girls crying?

Since you don't know, go in and have a look.

The two walked into the yard, and saw a young girl crying very sadly holding the wife of the village chief.

She lay in the arms of the village chief's wife, unable to see her face clearly.

But judging from her clothes and hairstyle, she is an unmarried girl.

There is still a burden hanging on this girl, which has an obvious sign of defection.

So, this girl came to join their family?

Just when Ling Wuyue and Gu Andeng were curious about who this girl was and why she came, Village Chief Gu said, "It's just in time for you to come back. This is your uncle's daughter, your cousin Yang Ling."

Gu Andeng suddenly realized, and then felt a little strange: "Isn't uncle's house far from here? Why..."

He remembered that in order to marry his father, his mother had no contact with the family.

So this cousin, he has never seen before... Oh no, he has never seen any relatives from his mother's family.

But he knew that his mother had visited her natal home a few years ago.

Village head Gu said: "Your uncle passed away, and your step-aunt was a black-hearted one. She treated your cousin badly and said she would marry your cousin to an old widower as a continuation, so your cousin came to join us."

Gu Andeng said lightly, there was only one more person in the family eating, and he didn't have any objections.

The village head's wife has been comforting Yang Ling, telling her to take this place as her home in the future.

Yang Ling, who was in the arms of the village chief's wife, raised her head and saw Gu Andeng.

It also let Gu Andeng and Ling Wuyi see her appearance.

A very pretty little girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

At this time, with teary eyes, she was as helpless and pitiful as a lost elk, and she was very lovable.

Yang Ling's eyes fixed on Gu Andeng, and something flashed behind those helpless eyes.

Others didn't catch it, but Ling Wuwen did.

It seems that this Yang Ling is far less innocent than her appearance...

But life is boring, and multiple flavors are nice.

Originally, Yang Ling wanted to use her pity to make Gu Andeng pity her, but she was wrong.

The mistake is to think that Gu Andeng is a person who cares about beauty and beauty.

He still hasn't fallen in love with Ling Wuwen, whom he has been with for more than a year, let alone his cousin whom he just met for the first time.

After seeing Yang Ling's face, Gu Andeng didn't react at all.

He took Ling Wuwen's hand to the backyard, washed all the freshly dug herbs and dried them.

In fact, Gu Andeng was doing all the work, and Ling Wuwen was watching from the side.

Looking at Gu Andeng who was serious about washing herbs, Ling Wuwen asked him: "That cousin, why didn't you come when we got married?"

Gu Andeng kept moving his hands, and answered Ling Wu's question: "Because they are far away, and our family doesn't have a good relationship with their family."

Ling Wuyi snorted, then squatted beside Gu Andeng, tilted her head to look at him: "That cousin is pretty pretty, huh?"

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