Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1429 Koff's Pretty Widow (16)

Although, more than a year ago, when he couldn't get out of bed, he had to trouble his father to help him, give him a bath... and so on.

But at that time, he had absolutely no ability to take care of himself, even if he didn't rely on his father!

What's more, he didn't have a wife at that time.

Ever since she married her daughter-in-law, Ling Wuyi has been doing those things.

After regaining his health, Gu Andeng still looks like a completely different person.

In the past, his mood fluctuated greatly, being happy for a while, gloomy for a while, and sad for a while.

But after he got better, he became sunny, no different from ordinary teenagers, with emotions and sorrows all displayed on his face.

At this time, Gu Andeng felt that he had grown up and was already an adult.

So last night, he was worried that he would accidentally hug his father as Ling Wu when he fell asleep, so Gu Andeng dared not fall asleep.

It's just that Ling Wuyi has adjusted his body so well that he never encounters insomnia.

The first half of the night was okay, but in the second half of the night, I was really sleepy, so I fell asleep.


Well, it's embarrassing anyway, very embarrassing!

Ling Wuwen stared at Gu Andeng with wide eyes, the word 'embarrassed' was written all over his face, really curious what happened last night that made him so embarrassed?

Village Chief Gu, who also woke up, also had an unnatural expression on his face, the embarrassment was not as obvious as that of Gu Andeng——

The breakfast was prepared by Yang Ling, and she wanted to rush to make it, so Ling Wuyi simply asked her to make it, and then only prepared Gu Andeng's medicinal porridge.

In addition, there is a need to prepare the lunch that Gu Andeng will take to the academy.

"Why does my cousin do it alone? Do you think I'm not doing well enough?" Yang Ling looked at Ling Wuwen with an 'injured' expression.

If it was Ling Wuwen who really did it alone, it would definitely make people think that she disliked Yang Ling.

But in fact, both Gu Andeng and the village chief and his wife knew who she was cooking for alone.

With a slight smile on Ling Wu's face, just as she was about to speak, the wife of the village chief said, "It's not that I dislike you, Xiao Ling. This is your cousin's breakfast and lunch."

Seeing Yang Ling's bewildered face, the village chief's wife explained to her that Gu Andeng's health had been poor before, and he just ate these made by Lingwu catkins.

As a result, when Yang Ling heard this, she looked at Ling Wuwen expectantly, and said to her, "Cousin, please teach me! From now on, I can make it for my cousin!"

What he said, it seemed that there would be no cousin like her in the future.

But Yang Ling looked innocent that day, as if she really just wanted to do something for her cousin.

The real country people can't see Yang Ling's innocent intentions, but Ling Wuyue sneers in her heart.

"Okay, I can also teach you how to recognize these wild vegetables on the mountain, and then..."

"not good!"

Before Ling Wuyi could finish her sentence, Gu Andeng, who came from the main room to the kitchen, directly interrupted her.

Gu Andeng frowned, looking unhappy.

Originally, she didn't sleep well last night because she had to give up the room to Yang Ling, but now Yang Ling has to learn how to cook for him!

"I don't eat anything except what my wife makes!" After speaking, Gu Andeng turned and left.

Hmm... This is the first time Gu Andeng lost his temper in months, and it was very timely.

Yang Ling lowered her head as if she had been hurt, and stood there bewildered.

As a cousin, Ling Wuyi still had to speak.

"Sorry Xiaoling, my husband-in-law is used to my cooking, but he can't even eat my mother-in-law's cooking. So don't mind!"

Ling Wuwen emphasized one word, 'I', I am a husband-in-law, so put away your thoughts of occupying the magpie's nest!

But she said that even Gu Andeng made by the wife of the village head is not used to it, which is true.

Before, the wife of the village chief thought that Ling Wumi worked so hard to serve Gu Andeng every day, and watched her cook the medicinal diet many times, otherwise she would have given the job of making the medicinal diet to her.

The wife of the village head has said so, can Ling Wuwen still refuse? Of course not!

I taught the village chief's wife how to do it, but the taste was not as good as that made by Lingwu.

Gu Andeng's nose is also very strong, just by smelling it, he knows it wasn't made by Ling Wu.

For the sake of his mother's sake, he reluctantly took a bite... the result was so exaggerated that he almost vomited.

At that time, Ling Wuyi really thought it was a bit exaggerated, but after tasting it herself, she almost vomited.

The heat of the medicated diet is not well controlled, resulting in the whole food being bitter.

After that, the wife of the village head tried to do it several times, but it didn't work.

No way, this work still has to be handed over to Ling Wuyi——

Yang Ling is really smart, and she understands the meaning of Ling Wu's words.

This girl, where should I come to the countryside! You should go to those rich families and be a maid, and then fight to climb up step by step.

But Ling Wuyue underestimated Yang Ling's ambition, what she wanted was not just prosperity and wealth.

"Yeah, I made it for your cousin a few times, but he doesn't like it, but your cousin's wife." Said the wife of the village head.

Yang Ling nodded, and said softly, "Then I'll go and apologize to my cousin, it's all my fault and I made him unhappy."

After speaking, Yang Ling trotted out of the kitchen.

She ran very fast, afraid that someone would stop her from behind.

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows, turned around and continued to prepare food for Gu Andeng——

Over there, Yang Ling searched around the yard, and finally saw Gu Andeng reading a book in the room.

He had a cold face because of his 'wake up', and he had a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

Looking at Gu Andeng's handsome face, Yang Ling's eyes flashed a look of certainty.

After adjusting his facial expression, he raised his foot and walked to the door.

He politely knocked on the open door, waiting for Gu Andeng to look up.

Hearing the sound, Gu Andeng really raised his head.

But when he saw that it was Yang Ling who came to knock on the door, his expression became more tense: "Is there something wrong?"

Although unhappy, but out of politeness, Gu Andeng still spoke first.

"Cousin, can I come in?" Yang Ling asked cautiously.

Gu Andeng hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

With just a slight nod, Yang Ling walked into Gu Andeng's room with a smile as if she had received a great gift from heaven.

"Cousin, I made you angry just now, I'm sorry! Can you forgive me?" Yang Ling looked at Gu Andeng with her watery innocent eyes, begging for his forgiveness.

Gu Andeng also felt that his attitude just now was not very right, so he said: "My attitude is also not good, I hope you don't get angry, cousin."

"I'm not angry! How could I be angry with my cousin!" Yang Ling smiled brightly.

Yang Ling's appearance is indeed not bad, and she even looks more energetic because she is younger than Ling Wuyi.

If it were any other man, he would definitely have a good impression of this 'innocent' girl.

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