Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1434 Koff's Pretty Widow (21)

Gu Andeng's husband has a good friend who is a teacher in the Imperial College, so he can write a letter of recommendation to his friend.

Gu Andeng is very talented, not to mention being admitted to the top spot, there is definitely hope for the second place!

Such a good student, my husband thinks that his friend will be very willing to accept him.

Ling Wuwen was looking after Gu Anteng himself in this matter, but from Gu Anteng's appearance, he knew that he really wanted to enter the Imperial College.

Village head Gu and the village head's wife also knew what the Imperial College was, and they couldn't believe it: "Your husband really let you enter the Imperial College?"

Gu Andeng nodded: "Well, my husband said that I have good grades, and he has friends in the Imperial College, so there should be no problem."

"It was a great day! I heard that those who enter the Imperial College are more likely to pass the imperial examination!" Village Chief Gu agreed.

The village head's wife also nodded repeatedly, and there was no reason to disagree.

On the other hand, Yang Ling's eyes lit up!

Recently, the wife of the village chief has been looking for someone for her. She wanted to find Gu Andeng to show her presence, but after living in Gu's house for a while, she also noticed it.

Gu Andeng is a person who doesn't understand style!

In his eyes, besides studying, he is Ling Wu!

Sometimes when you talk to him, you can answer with 'um', 'oh' and 'no', but he is unwilling to answer with a whole sentence.

Of course she knows that Gu Andeng is against her.

But since she was a child, she has never been a person who admits defeat!

Yang Ling thought that Gu Andeng must have resisted her because of what Ling Wuyi said to him.

It doesn't matter, she doesn't believe that she can't deal with a man!

If it doesn't work, she'll come and cook the cooked rice first.

Listening to Village Chief Gu and the village chief's wife discussing whether to move their family to Lecheng, Yang Ling's eyes also became firm——

After deciding to move the whole family to Lecheng, Village Chief Gu and his wife began to get busy.

Village head Gu is busy electing a new village head, and the village head's wife is busy counting the money in the family.

Although the family has spent more than a year, but since Gu Andeng no longer sees a doctor or takes medicine, the family's expenses have been reduced a lot.

I already had some savings, plus what I saved over the past year.

The village chief's wife went to inquire about the renting house in Lecheng, and what stage the expenses are.

After inquiring clearly, the village chief's wife felt that there was no problem for them to go there.

They could have left at any time, but there was some trouble with Village Chief Gu. Although the village chief was not a high-ranking official, he had to choose well!

Half a month later, the admission letter of Guozijian came down, but the new village chief candidate, Village Chief Gu, was still hesitating.

Ling Wuwen said: "Otherwise, I will go to Lecheng with my husband first, and then I have to find a house. Before I find a house, I have to stay in an inn. If I go with my husband first, I will only live in an inn, which saves money."

When Village Chief Gu and the village chief's wife heard it, it made sense!

You can't find a house in a day or two, you have to stay in a hotel for a few days, it's all money!

Living in one room is cheaper than asking for three rooms when they go!

So the wife of the village head gave Ling Wu the money to spend money, and the money to rent a house.

"Let's go with my cousin and sister-in-law. After my cousin goes to Lecheng, he has to go to the Imperial College for classes. I will take care of you with my cousin!" Yang Ling said positively.

When the wife of the village head heard it, it made sense!

As soon as she opened her mouth to speak, Ling Wuwen shook her head: "I know Xiaoling, you are sensible, but you have to stay at home with your father-in-law and mother-in-law. Father-in-law and mother-in-law are getting old, so I don't worry about the two of them going on their way. Fortunately, you are here !"

Ling Wuwen has said that, what else can Yang Ling say? ! It's not bad if they didn't just keep her at home and not let her go to Lecheng!

He smiled unnaturally and nodded slightly: "Well... that's true."

Neither the village head nor the village head's wife had any objection to Ling Wu's arrangement, but felt that she was more thoughtful.

Afterwards, Ling Wuyi started to pack her luggage, ready to go to Lecheng with Gu Andeng first——

Gu Andeng's husband recommended two students, both of whom are Lin students this time.

But the other one was a granary student who passed the exam twice, so the Guozijian didn't admit him, only Gu Andeng was admitted.

The distance between Lecheng and them would take about three days on foot, and one day on carriage.

Gu Andeng was worried that Ling Wu would be tired, so he hired a carriage.

When leaving with Ling Wu, Gu Andeng also told the village chief and his wife to remember to hire a carriage instead of walking to save money.

Village head Gu and the village head's wife nodded obediently to their son's explanations, and told Ling Wuyi and Gu Andeng to be careful on the road.

After bidding farewell to Village Chief Gu and the village chief's wife, Ling Wuyi and Gu Andeng got into the carriage and left——

We set off before dawn, and it was already dark when we arrived in Lecheng.

The coachman took Ling Wuwen and Gu Andeng to the entrance of an inn, where they asked for an ordinary room.

Pay one day's rent first, and then go back to the room to rest.

After a bumpy day, Ling Wuwen was fine, but Gu Andeng felt tired.

The two of them washed up, didn't even eat anything, and fell asleep like this.

When they woke up the next morning, they ate breakfast at the inn.

The taste is really not that good, but there is no other way, I can't let Ling Wuyi go to someone's kitchen to make him breakfast!

And... there are no herbs or anything to make medicinal meals here!

Sighing, for the sake of fame and fame, I have to bear with my appetite first.

Seeing Gu Andeng looking at the breakfast and sighing, Ling Wuwen was a little amused, and said, "Don't sigh, I'll look for a house when you go to the Imperial College in a while. When I get to the house, can I cook for you?"

Thinking that Ling Wuyi was going to find a house in this strange big city, Gu Andeng was a little worried, and said, "Otherwise, I will go to the Imperial College in a few days and help you find a house together..."

"No! My husband recommended you to go. You can't delay reporting for so long. It will give people a bad impression."

Knowing that Gu Andeng was worried about her, he explained again: "Although you are not familiar with the place, you forgot that people have a mouth that can be used to ask people? Don't worry, I can still tell the difference between good people and bad people!"

Hearing Ling Wuwen say a lot of reasons, Gu Andeng had no choice but to agree.

He also knew that it would not be good to delay reporting to the Imperial College for too long, after all he was a student studying.

"Okay, but don't go too late, go back to the inn room if you have nothing to do, you know?"

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Well, don't worry, I don't want to hang around outside for too long on such a hot day!"

After the two had breakfast, Ling Wuyi accompanied Gu Andeng to the gate of the Imperial College.

Gu Andeng handed over the admission letter and was invited in.

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