Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1439 Koff's Pretty Widow (26)

Her piece of pork belly is not small!

As if she didn't understand what Ling Wuwen said, Eggy tilted her head, meowed at her twice, then pressed her palm, wanting to beg for dried fruit.

Ling Wuxi grinned, and gave it another one: "Okay, I'll take two and you two, the rest can't be eaten, I'm going to start making lunch!"


Ling Wuji prepared two kinds for lunch, she knew that what animals eat is different from what people eat.

Although Eggy used to be a wild cat and might eat anything, but now she can't give it anything.

During lunch, the balls were still on the ground.

It obviously liked the lunch prepared by Ling Wuwen for it, and it couldn't bear to raise its head before it finished eating.

Ling Wuxi grinned: "I'm already boiling hot water, I'll give you a bath later."

Most cats are very uncooperative in bathing, and I don't know if this seemingly docile but wild ball will go crazy later?

After eating, Ling Wuwen washed the bowl first, and put Edan's bowl separately to avoid confusion.

After that, Ling Wuwen took out the small wooden basin she bought when she was shopping, and when the water was partially boiled, she added cold water.

I tried to bring the water to the yard when it was about the same temperature.

Eggy, who was full, was basking in the sun in the yard at this time, lazily closing her eyes.


Hearing Ling Wuqin calling it, Eggy wagged its tail, then opened its eyes to look at Lingwuqin.

"Eggy, come take a shower." Ling Wu said.

Eggy didn't seem to understand what it meant to take a bath, but she saw Ling Wuwen beckoning to it.

After a pause, he got up and walked towards her.

Stand beside Ling Wuxi, and then look up at her.

Ling Wuwen picked up Eggy and carefully put it into the water.

She was a little afraid that Eggy would suddenly scream or jump up and accidentally catch her, but it didn't!

Eggy looked at the environment he was in in a daze, and its wet fur!

Why does Ling Wuyi know that Eggy is in a state of confusion? Because it looked down at the wooden basin with its round eyes wide open, even the whites of its eyes could be seen.

Trying hard to hold back a smile, seeing Eggy's expression, Ling Wuyue is really cute!

When Eggy was still in a dazed state, Ling Wuxi quickly bathed it with quick hands and feet.

After washing, the whole cat was wrapped in a towel, and Eggy was still looking at Ling Wu in a daze.

Ling Wuxi finally couldn't hold it anymore, and laughed loudly while rubbing the balls.

"Meow meow meow~"

In the yard, Lingwu's cheerful laughter was accompanied by Dandan's soft cry, and the sun seemed to be brighter——

——The letter sent by Ling Wuwen reached Village Chief Gu. After reading it, Village Chief Gu said to the village chief's wife: "My daughter-in-law said that the house has been found, and we can go there now."

"Then I'll go clean up and leave tomorrow?" The village chief's wife couldn't wait any longer.

The new village chief was just selected yesterday, and everything that needs to be explained has also been explained, so we can go.

Mingxi Village has changed the village head, so in the future, the village head Gu can no longer be called the village head, nor can he be called the village head's wife.

From now on, I have to call my father and mother.

"Okay, you go and clean up." Father Gu nodded and said.

Mother Gu responded, ready to clean up.

Yang Ling followed her and said positively, "Auntie! I'll clean it up for you!"

Gu's mother didn't refuse, and nodded in response: "Okay!"

With an extra pair of hands to help, Gu's mother cleaned up much faster.

After everything that needed to be tidied up was finished, Gu's mother held Yang Ling's hand and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoling, when you arrive in Lecheng, Auntie will find you a better place."

Yang Ling blushed and nodded, but she didn't think so in her heart.

Going to Lecheng, who is unfamiliar with the place, how to find her? What are you looking for? Would it be good to have Gu Andeng?

Hmph~ Anyway, her goal has been determined, and it will not change!


Early the next morning, Gu's parents and Gu's mother took Yang Ling to hire a carriage and went straight to Lecheng.

Ling Wuwen sent a letter saying that the carriage was too bumpy, so they were told not to hurry up, walk slowly on the road, and rest for a night on the way.

Gu's father and mother were also obedient and told the coachman to walk slowly.

In the evening, I stayed in a small town some distance away from Lecheng for one night, and continued on my way the next morning.

By the time the carriage entered Lecheng, it was almost dusk.

There was an address in Ling Wuyi's letter, so I asked the coachman to go there according to that address.

When the coachman stopped the carriage and said that they had arrived, Gu's father and mother were a little unsure.

This... such a good house, it looks like it belongs to a rich family. Is it really the house they rented?

"Master, is this the wrong way?" Father Gu asked the driver.

"That's right! You're talking about this place!" The coachman said, pointing to the house.

Just at this time, Ling Wuyi, who was about to pick up Gu Iteng from school, came out of the house with Eggy.

"Daughter-in-law!" Mother Gu shouted in surprise.

Ling Wuyi turned her head to look, also a little surprised.

But the surprise turned out to be shocking, and she hurried up to greet her: "Grandfather and mother-in-law! Why didn't you send a message in advance, I thought you would have to wait a few days!"

Gu's father and mother smiled honestly and said, "I wanted to come sooner, so I didn't send you a letter first."

Ling Wuxi nodded, and put the egg in her hand on the ground; "Then grandparents, go in quickly!"

After speaking, she took the initiative to go to the car to carry the luggage.

Gu's father and mother also hurried to carry the luggage, and then asked Ling Wuyi with some uncertainty: "Daughter-in-law... this house... is really what we want to live in?"

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Yes, this is the house."

"With the money I gave you, can you rent such a nice house?!" Why is the consumption that I asked her so much different?

Ling Wuqin smiled, and said to Gu's mother, "Grandma, I'll tell you about it after I put the things in."

Mother Gu nodded, and believed that this house was indeed where they would live in the future.

There is nothing, although Gu's mother wanted to bring more things, but Ling Wuwen said that she only needs to bring the necessary things, such as clothes, and everything that should be prepared is here.

So after thinking about it, Mother Gu brought out the mattress from home, thinking that she would not need to spend money to buy it.

But seeing that the bed had already been made, Gu's mother knew that she didn't need it.

She didn't criticize Ling Wuwen for spending money indiscriminately, Gu's mother just felt that Ling Wuwen might not be very good at housekeeping.

After putting down all the luggage, Ling Wuyi poured tea for Gu's parents, Gu's mother and Yang Ling.

Yang Ling would not have dared to drink it if she hadn't seen it being poured out of the same kettle.

Looking at Eggy who had been following Ling Wu's feet, Yang Ling frowned.

She hates cats the most! Really annoying!

Here Yang Ling is hating Dandan, while Ling Wuyue is telling Gu's father and mother what's going on in this house.

Hearing Ling Wuwen said that this house was bought, and at the price that he planned to rent the house, Gu's father and mother almost dropped the teacup in their hands.

"Can't you?! At that price, you can't buy such a good house even in our town!" said Mother Gu, who was always sensitive to money.

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